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Advertisements & Notices

... ATRI RO Y AL,, DUBLIN. -n '~tjrS EVNINSG (Wednesday), the 15thi January, fliW esill commence with Horn antic Drama of ibe TerfclimHE LADY OF THE LAKE. Fit~jsrneM, Dlr. Mortimer; Roderic Dhu, Mr. Celcrft Dian Mn )ij Norman. Tl concludde will the Christmas Pantomime, call IlAP*LEQUIN FULMINOSO, ORP THE GANDERS OF GLEN FEAP. DrosI Boxe9% 4s.; Second Circle, 2s. 6d.; Pit, Is. Gd. giddle Gallerv, 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE RIGHT RON. THE LORD MAYOR OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN. T7JE, the undersigned, request that your Lordship Twill be pleased t convene a Meeting of the Ci- tisens of Dublin, and of such of ?? Gentty of Ireland as may think proper to attend, for the purpose of petitioning against the contemplated abolition of ?? Viceroyalty, and ofplacing upon record their protest against the system of centrali- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M U S I C A L B -ES. HE SUBSCRIBERS BE 0O DIRECT AT- T ENTION to their stoce f GENEVA MUSI- CAL BOXES, which, for power and brilliancy of tone, vill be found superior to any foamer importation. The music has been most carefully arranged, the boxes manufactured expressly for themselves, and the prices less than those generally charged for ordinary instru- ments. 132 LEE & SON, 57, High-Street. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Salo bu 'Ructirn. SALE TO-2_MO1ROW. / SUGAR BY AUCTION. S INCLAIR & BOYD WILL OFFER FOR SALE, by AlJCTION, on TUES])AY (To-Morrow), the 2Sth inst., at TWELVE o'clock, C0 lIlhds. 6 Tierces, andi Barbadoes and Demerara SUGARS. 30 Barrels Donegall-quay, 22nd January, 1851. 217 SALE TO MORROW. Auction of Furnitule, Piano-Forte, &c. To be SOLD by AUCT101, on TUESDAY, (To Morrow,) 2St1 .Joatcry inst ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price Is,, or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 1S Postage Stamps. IIEALTH AND HAPPINESS, TIlE MEANS BY WHICH THEY MAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pEIATRE ROYAtL, °DU B Lf;. On THIlS EVENING (Saturday), Jan. 18, the per- ~noances will commence 'with the Comedy of JOHN BULL; OR, AN reNGLISHMAN'S FtIRESliDE. e peregrine, Mr. Calcraft; Job Thornberry, it. Granvb- Marr Thomberry, Mrs. Mortimer. Li After 'hich the New Pantomime of HARLEQUIN FULMINOSO, :7 Ot THlE GANDERS OF GLEN FEATINA, The Doors will open at Half-past Six, and tPerfor- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANTI-CENTRALIZATION-THE GREAT MEETING. t AfHE Members of the Permanent Commitee are TL informed that the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor has i appointed Eleven ?? on Monday Next (THIS DAY),. to. f receive at the Mansion-House the requisition addressed to, t his Lordship, and requesting him to convene a Public: j Meeting on this subject. The Members of the Committee, and such of the Reqisin- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ECONOMICAL CLOTHING. WHILE my extensive Warerooms abound vvith W the finest Superfine West of England Cloths, and the newest designs of Vestings and Trouserings, I am fully sen- sible that there is a large class to whom strict economy is indispensable; in fact who require to make a respectable ap- pearance at the smallest possible expense. To such I par- ticularly direct attention to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROUT'S RIDING TROUSERS. REGISTERED December 19, 1849, 6 and 7 Victoria, Chap. 65. / THE novelty of the Design consists in futti; or hbaping the material of which the Tr,^erafte composed in such a manner that the seams ovn(4e back of the legs instead of the inside, as heretor erehy enabling the Cutter to add as much Cloth as be, esxres at the junction of the seams, and preventing them moving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hIIEAT1' I 10 YAL, 1) U BLIN. T Fourth Appearance of Mrs. MOWATT. seventh Appearance of Mr. G. V. BROO^E On TIlIS EVENING (Thursday), January Both, 1851,I ces will commence with the tbe perfr LADY OF LYONS. . :j Claude Melnotte, Mr. G. V. Brooke; Colonel Dgas Grarsby; Pauline Descehappelles, Mrs Mowatt f After ..hich the Malles. Elisler will perform on tITight- rope, and make a Terrific ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LECTURE BY THE REV. J. MACNAUGHTANN, ON BiII. .F 0F iIIE WORKING CLAS SES/SSOCIATION. mIlE REV. J. MACNAUGI-I AN WILL DELIVER T A Lecture on behalf of the above institution, in ROSEMARY-STREET CHURCH,on THUIJRSDAY, 9th Jan., on the following subject:- WILL MEN RECOGNISE EACH OTMER IN A FUTURE WORLD? Tickets: Body of the house, Is., Gallery Gd. to be had of Mr. Roddy, Donegall-Strect, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T-j7~TE RO YAl, DUBLIN. On THIS EVENING (Saturday), the 11th January, the rformaaces will commenee with the Comedy of Per ~JEALOUS WIFE. Oakly, Mr. Caleraft; Runset, Mr. Granby; Mrs. Oaley, grs. J. F. Sax ille; Lady Freelove, Mrs. Cooke. After which the Christmas Pantomime, called HARLEQUIN FULMINOSO, OR THE0 GANDERS OF GLEN FEARNA. Dress Boxes, 4s.; Second Circle, 2s. 6d.; Pit, 1 6d.; liddle ...