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... I WX;DSORt, TUESDAY.-Lord and LadyJoht Rus- ,I and the Speaker and Mrs. Shaw Lefevre, are expected to errive at the Castle to-day, on a visit to the Queen and the lriflce. nli~e royal dinner party at the Castle thi evening will include ter ioyal Highness the Duchess of Kient, his Royal Highness Duchess of Sutherland and Lady C Lcve~n Cowver, Lord and Lady Johnl fRusell, Lady Fanny ,rd Baroness ...

Selected Poetry

... $else C'b 106etrg. THE VOICE OF NATURE. 'TWAS in a lone sequestered dell, And on a summer!s eve;. The sun's last glances-ling'ring fell, As loath the spot to leave: For never sun more, blithely rose To light a scene more'fair. Day never had so sweet a close,. Or night a charmn so rare. Andi I have climbed the rocky steep That cuts the vale in twain, And gaze adown the lonely sweep That seeks ...

Fashion and Varieties

... - iabiotn aub larietie%. VICE REGAL COURT. ON Friday, their Excellencies the Lord Lieutenant and the Countess of Clarendon, attended by the privates secretaries and officersoof the viceregal household; left .the Viceregal Lodge, and took up their residence, for the winter season, at the Castle. Lord'John Russell gave a Cabinet dinner on Wed- nesday evening, at hisresidmnce in Chesham-place. ...


... ?? ~f .ESI'NJIOF. OF ,,INGS AND SCULPTURE Ii ItN ccmmecngn a- critical and detaiiodinotire of thei printipal works of art now on view a. this exhibition, we desrreto besunderstood that we do hot take ii; thi sabjectsainthe oider of their merit, or in the orqer of ftheir arrai'ngteett -in thie catalogue, but simply as chance or tonvenienie aray ha e direifted out attes- tecato each in the ...


... BELFAST EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS AND ! . SCULPTURE. FOsv Friday the exhibition was, for the first time, opened to the public in the evening, at very much reduced prices the object being to gratify the curiosity, and improve the taste of those classes whose la- borious occupations, during the day-time, prevent the possibility of enjoying the intellectual luxury afforded by the contemplation of ...

Fashion and Varieties

... . jobion find varieties. THE COURT. WINDsoR, T111UnSnAY.-Her Majesty rode out on horseback this morning, accompanied by his Royal Highness Prince Alfred. The royal dinner party at the Castle, this evening, will include her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, the Baron and Baroness de Brunnow, Lady Fanny Howard, Baroness de Speth, the Earl and Countess of Minto and Lady C. Elliott, the Marquis ...

Selected Poetry

... . Stlectib ?Jpictrp. - A RHYME FOR WORKERS. LoviaB! when thy chosen fair one, With averted eye,. Looks upon thee, coldly frowning, Deigns thee no reply; Leave her not in hasty passion, If you love her true;. Take this motto for your watchword- Ile who'd win must woo. Scholar! o'er the volurde bending By the glimmering lamp, Let not fortune, unbefriending, All thine ardour damp; If the object ...


... Mr. Brooke appeared last evening as Sir Giles Overreach in Massinger's fine old play of A Ness Way to pay Old Debts. The character of Sir Giles is a perilous experiment for any actor not gifted with tbe highest ?? in his art. It requires a high order of intellect to appreciate its beauties, and an intimate knowledge of the workings of strong and all- absorbing passion on our nature+- to embody ...


... THEATRE ROYAL-MRS. MOWATT,',TH AM8,.- CAN DRAMATIST. On last evening this accomplished and pleasing actree ap peared in the character of Mariana, in Sheridan Knowi P drama of The Hife. This is a part which for many egs reasons we consider better calculated for the display of Mrs. Mowatt's peculiar genius, and for the development i 9' powers-in pero8nating character, than thattf Pa iti ber ...


... I ro T h - -l - ?? Zm ?? .1 - . Ad . 'ine annual meeting of the council end members of this society was held yesterday at the council rooms Grafton-street, at two o'clock, ior the purpose of receiving the repurt of the council for the past year; for the election of the council for the year 1851 ; for the adoption of an amended schedule of rules, and for. the dispatch of other business ...


... ,ol'UNDO-MONSIEUR JULLIEN'S CONCERTS. The £rst of those brilliant and delightful musical soirecs vas held last evening in the spacious Round-room of the Ro- turnda. If ever there existed a musician who, besides de- voting himself to the study of his art, seems to have culti- vated, with success, the deeper science of savoirvivre, that ,usician is Jallien. He has succeeded in popularizing ...

Original Poetry

... Original Vortrp. THE FORES.T HYMN, [wRITTEN FOIR Till: NEWS-LIrTB;LH.] WITHIN a forest's gathering gloom- Where dead leaves sought their silent tomb, And the low wind, with fitful breath, Wailed through the avenues of death- A traveller stood; a gathering cloud, Like that which hung its heavy shroud Upon the dying day and vear, ,Swept o'er his brow in drops of fear: His treacherous guide had ...