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... cingFREE-TRADE HALL. ieS M. Jullien, as we remarked in a previous notice, appears a to have the peculiar faculty of addressing himself to the to , tastes and sympathies of the people. He takes care that at him least a part of his programme, and that not a slight part, min shall be of a nature to be understood and felt by his audience; coul his melodies are of a national character, or bring ...


... t . . . . . . ..4 , About 40 loal committees, out of the 200 committees requiring space for exhibition, have not completed their .allotments. The following circular was issued to them on Saturday:- Office for the Execative Committee, Exhibition Building, Hyde Park, January 4,1851. Sir,-l am instructed by the executive comminttee to inform you, thatit iisimperative that they should pro eedto ...


... TIIEATRICALS AND MUSIC. Tule Llipsic osvs o u give glowing account oMr. Haimilton brliraha's ?? as at vocalist in that city, at thle rluterpe c: ncortg. On Monday iiiglit last, Ceriolanius, wasI Produced at ?? Theatre ; Mr. Anderson a h rnia As flgurein the piece ; Mirs;. Weston, a ladynwt h nlsh t s'io as the Voluminiat of the evening h cfrac ) vissed off saltisffattorily as ai whole ; u r ...

Literary Reviews

... . Riterarp ebictuo. New ald Popular History of England. By Robert 'A lrerguson,;LL.D. London: John Cassell. X d5 History, especially a histbry of the past of a great b - eountry, addressed to its dwellers and actors in the pre- 0 r sent, ought to be something more than a detail of the 5 r great deeds of its great men. History is that sum of , '~the experiences of the past by which the present ...


... The Bankiny Alncan c, Directory, Yearbook, and 0hic Diary, for 1851. its This Almanac contains a large quantity of valu- ,it, able information, not alone in connection with oi banks and banking, but on subjects of general phe iuterest there are many useful references. idol -- just A Practical Guide to the LaID of Bils of Exchange as i and Promissory AXotes, for the Use of Bankerslcne ...


... lBY MILS. SOUTHEgY. Tread softly-boev the hend- In reveurent silence bowv- Ni. passing bell dothi toll, Ye t ?? immeortal soul 1.s passinig now. $tran-, er I owever great, yitil lowvly revernnce bow Il'ellors ine iu that poor slied- Ol'!c r. tlat paltry bed, ?? thall thou. That poecinent damp :nail cold No stuliutg courtiors tread Ot4) silhit Weoliltti stands Ii lfiog a th nieagr! Imuals A ...


... 1 s - ?? Thefollowingdocument, containing the general prin- ciples which will govern the arrangements of goods in the building of the Exhibition, and to several of which we have upon previous occasions alluded, has just been issued by the Executive Committee:- 1. The productions of the United Kingdom and the British colonies will be grouped westward of the central transelit. Theproductions of ...


... D- *--T D -Y-D I THE DIGNITY' AND B LISS OF L.ABOUR. A CAROL FOR 1851. Dig, mnan, dig! werk weddeth worth, h Whose dower is plenty, peace, and mirth; P Dig, man, dig! tilis (od hath bade, f Dig then, dig,! Cod speed tbF spade. f Dig! thy brow bears labour's gem, 1Precious more than di(idoen;c The curse to blessing God converts, Thy glistessiiig brow this truth assorts. c Dig! nor watchq tile ...


... I We have this week, as usual at our great horse fair, to record the successful perpetration of the e old trick. As well might Two look for Christmas .Iwithoat mince pies, or the newv year, without tea parties and balls, as for a Great Saturday fair in Preston to pass over without somebody or other being done, and the victims are often enough .t those whose general good sense, whose ...

Literary Extracts

... -Literarp 3xtracto. , JOAN Or ARm's MisGIVINGS.-Within the church Johanna's i 3 agitation is distressingly increased. 'To her fevered imagi- i 1, nation there is angry thunder in the organ's pealing tones-3 f the arched roof threatens toloverwhelm her-she must escape g and seek heaven's wide expanse. Her sisteis, proud of their o relationship-to this observedof iall obseivers,join her when! ...

Literary Extracts

... Uiterarp Extract%. ?? g~t ro- TOUGonTS ON Tna CHriesTmaAS Tare.-But hark! The yeti, sI my. waitts are playing, and they break, my childish sleep. Whatt Titme 171, images do I associate with the Christmas music as l see them devili ext set forth on the Christmas tree ? Known before all the others, di 'gas keeping far apart from all the others, they gather round my cle 'er arlittle bed. An angel ...


... ,FL - !. 1 SHALL R132, THOU-1H NOW I'M FALLEN- SUBMISSION. BY L. M. THORNTON, A 'iriiolt OF THE IA'PPY CHANGE. I shall rise, thoughi now 'IN fallen Froni the willows take my lyre; And this trouble yet shall leave me Purified, like gold fromu tire. While my ev'ry bair is number'd, Toll me, Itn I not secure . Sorrow, n1ro or less, all know, B1t the 1u&yeSt soon is o'er. Bless thee ! blexs thee! ...