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... YTSBITIWNY OF LLHE 'RKS Or' I ?? INDUSTR Y OF IALJL Nll,=TIONS,'18611 Lraoi I' 9DITr R! C-WO beliove that n srraagent en ista ta no U mnnade to corn)y irma ?? I various obliga tiont, -mbieh Nvill bed~ fi d ?? ?? Commitai Of thin dl-tltrtot focal Itrn Si blnvi henar apponirtod (or abrenst a Yolry deparmntilt of raw rmate'innta, CH produce, 01micai .'rrrg'ftih fne aismimal hionoon, maci~nery a. ...

Public Amusements

... J;?Jublir ailluormclito. ADELPHIL One of those Adelphi melo-dramas, whose intri- cacy of plot is not to be unravelled except by pro- ficieuts in the mysterious arts of Adelphi construc- tion, was produced at this theatreliast night. It is founded upon the drama of Paillasse, which for the last three months has been played with suc- cess in Paris, and in its Eiiglislh dress is called Bel- ...

Public Amusements

... :iAlbltit alillorintitt0. ?? THEATRE. LI OPi After, three years' -absence Mr. Walter tany' la:S III returned to the London stage. Ilie made Isii the renhirl on Saturday evsning last, ?? Theal- he ti-s in the character otf Wildrakc in the Love C'Iwse, Iwhich hie had never before sustained in London. Ti. Te novelty of a new part woe not necessarv ns at .VC stimulus t~o the many adiniretesof Mr. ...


... - - t Iwosrp,~ WhIO MADE TH{E POOR? Who made the poor ? N'ot Ile whose throne is heaven, God: by whom earth was given, I Il that therein is, seed, herb, and tree ;gli fowl that lolave the air, and fish that swim the d beast that range the field to man for food; @tn b ot God the great and good, Whose bounty's scattered o'er Tl c earth like grain on garner'd floor- llc did not mrake the poor ! ...


... UrDicluf). V ,o e ,f the Prince A4lbert in searcch of Sir | J ,o 'ranklin. By IV. P. SNow. Long- o 0 Manl nild Co. Ir is much to bo feared that our gallant g Counstrvsyen, who have so long been lost in the 0 dreary regions of thick ribbed ice are de ?? the reach of friendly 1he)p or rescue ; a and;, thouglh -we should be the last to offer dis- t coulsp--menlt to any enterprise whatever, ...


... 6aciry. WWHO MADE THE POOR ? Who made the poor? Not He whose throne is heaven, God: by whom earth was given, And ^Il that therein is, seed, herb, and tree Aild fowl that cleave the air, and fish that swim the sea And beait that range the field to man for food; Not God the great and good, Whose bounty's scattered o'er The earth like grain on garner'd floor- lie did not make the poor! But God ...


... A17., HEMIINGWAV'ZS CO'UNCIEMT. 1 I1 _. I .. . .1 Ir T11 gie' ?? 1concert, Vif l tooks j7tt II a t at the0 Macilic halu, cii TIhudarioy £c;6lto g lt, NNoos co am ve ry afle a TijP~y t Elte 'i:eudeit by so exlreeioly namrcoraso trudicirco o:r. ?? screyroo tail50 roee hteotyooo pecicot 'Tioreoii'riraio1aa ratherai ?? oao, ranleinoid Borne V'ii'Y0 I comootsill'IIr, aw utO,'115 thie sole>,g omci ...


... T H E A T R E-R O Y A L. TiEt HAG OP EoYPT,- Once upon a time -the good old times when gnomes and ghouls, demons and dryads, fairies and witches, held their undisputed and universal sway -when every stream and mountain and mine in this nether world had its good and evil genius, whose powers were al. most always exerted on us poor feeble mortals-once upon a time, we repeat, a beautiful ...


... -Iietrop. yOTHIEII CIIURCIT AND THE CHERRY THEE. Soe tl ose cherries! how they cover Youder sunny garlen wall ' 11.a1 they not this network over, Thieving birds would eat them all. So, to guard our Church and pensions, Ancient sages wove a net, Through1 whose holes of small dimensions, unll certain birds can get. Ehall we, then, this network widen ? Shaill we stretch those sacred holes ...


... MeMelvo. England as it is-Political, Social and Indus- a trial, in the middle of' the nineteenth centulry. By WILLIAM JOHNSON, Esq., Barrister at j Law. 2 vols. Murray. b A title such as the above ought to indicate a I work of a very comprehensive character, and o one, too, exceedingly difficult of performance. o To draw the picture of England as it is, would a involve contrasts of the most ...


... illoctrk). Llf 4T0IIrR CIlIURCHI AND THE CHERRY ceo those cherries ! how they cover yiondr sunny garden wall! IIaid they not this network over, Thieving birds would eat them all. 5?, to guard our Church and pensions, Ancient Pages wove a net, ihrougih whose }oles of small dimensions, ,)aly certaiti birds can get. Siidl we, then, this network widen ? S,-Idl wc stretch those sacred holes ? ...


... PJoetr. I ?? AWAY THE APPLE. -hit is all this talk about? -hy such clatter, poise, and rout ? t in reason means that shout, And din and prattle? I ord is A noisy thing sorrows it will bring, £s fi om ye the tainted thing- Cast Throw away the apple, Would y-e win a nation's blessing? Wvod yo make life worth possessing ? T1°e, unto the goal be pressing, In bonds of amity; lindly umo0ing on each ...