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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper



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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... THEIGREAT WE11h2ON, PROGIESS- oF .TXD WILDING. This great *oik, wfhezein tie cioi' st indstrial pro- ducts of the world will shortly be most beeomingly en- shrined, has novr been so far ?? towards comple- 4 tion tehat-itrmay almost be regarded as finished. It was, according to the terms of the original contract, to have been handed ever on Tuesday to the commission- ers, the last day of the ...


... LITERATUBRE RELIusous DECEPTIONS OF THE CHIURCEI OF ROMEs EXPOSED, By T. ft. HIAMPSON. Mitchell, Red Lion. ?? little work beaaigg the title given above, describes, by the aid of reliable authorities, the deceptions and frauds that have been practised by the Romish priest- hood during a period of One thousand years, for the pur- pose of secutely founding and increasing their temporal power ...


... I TBRATCBE-- TnaS BRIDAL ANDO TijS ORDE r,utHslyO Trip in the East, in 1850 BeailkpNey Bulngot ?? authot of Th Viridalan remarkable m in hs wy, and havsrgpescehisl ofaife equaly as hremarkable as h to signaiathe efanyt' risadpiaionthfhs whaddved likbyeoineo circaeumstanceddr~ O~ut trpofsi the mm Paeme4of vepend-, that were sure to besolutionwaa c tp~b G eowintries~th ough throuareosnie, to ...


... LITERATURE; .TnE FLAX QuersTIoN, as affecting Ireland and the Colonies. Mortnesr, Strand.-So much has been lately said, hoth ie newspaperS and In treatises, on the advar. tages that are- likely to accrue to Great Britain and her colonies from the new and inproved mode of preparing flax. that the subject assumes a great speculative interest. With regard tD Ireland, it was stated, some time ...

[ill] ETC

... *M XA81 iETC. - Te ~neW drasE of 4Ripiegor the o or, the Prde of Bisth, produced here'an ..ght, is ;m adaptation of. M.M1 Demsety and nrssierom five act ?? Of Paillese, whicbsince d perso mnce at tbe .Gaiet6 in last November, has ?? sen atiop in the French metropolis. rama, wbich ~on onday night occupied four hours dPresentation, is ?? ,ntticate in plot, and so enve* Ir~tn n tery as to ...


... ll-?- ?? T314-UPPL T ?? PA M-: P-1 KI-QX- j L On Tuesday, P11rince Albert, accompanied by Celonej1 trey and LieuaL-cdl`8 .e`u, visted te bbilding of the I1hibition The 4aFWl~ds~oiri after eleven o'clock, and, having ?? tbie progress of the wqylxi, hxrssdimself high'I grifi reseed hadof been 4 eds >'ili h Ie very ytkpid ,ess which bad ce a royal highness, among other majters, evinced ...


... ?? UMtT.. TLM-hiv ?? Te'iss Azia'U*OYAGNLJMR Axi LA mes Vt.ow 01 onginaieey.etto TeOtLo h~~w JvW0.1xtO 1euti totd U 0.~Wdiwi ltlp'td, ~ 'eenowtisl!lit VoodeikOImas. -tidv~oj.nheWMV, Lj~ebedty e XQEaatoxo ?? ~ ~ehilCn~d0 'et ar icye ~sjn COOO. M. Mom~: faptit inf(uutslf~ ~dco-. ROtYle ALL SD M SiIITW. 'bUl11: ~o 0UI-MO3IROW,I.uoent, U4Wd eyTDW~ e5 T m G ibelmett; eotu.M hop' ?? t ilo; 1) ...


... THEATR7VALR, -tV. HAYMARKET. - Much Ado About Nothing, enoeif the most daligthtfil 'SShakppere's comedieswas. acted here on Thareday'eveniug, Mr. Macready appear- ig, for the last time, iri the character of oBenedisot, a chaercter which hee bag not actea since klie retirement from'the manageotenti of Drsir3' Lane Theatre. Bene- diot isa'4 the Witt the fiunoiist, the. gentleman an, d the ...


... a=GREA -, 1ClanBSS 'OF BUILDIN. I Th following graphic ?? the building for the- th E eibitionp isfrom the 6Times ef Wednesday: e t building progreisestis the most. aatisfaetory tDe6 gotternally it may now be regarded as ?? leted A portion of the east and north. sides are - Iiaed, and the trasnsept has not yet been entirely e in; but the amount ot work ?? be ac- aze lshd is comparatively ...


... PUBLIC AMUSSMETS, T1H1ATRE ROYAL, DRURY LANF. LaESSE AbrD MATAraER, ME. JAMtES AiND~ERONt FM1 htOIthOW (Montray), her Majesty'O teriants will perform Sleek- ,1,5,p'.re'aTrazedy, of CO PtIOLANUS. C.,rlelasire, Mr. J. Anderson; Vouseia Mm ee. tons (her neoat appeaeauce sit this tairreteel Alter which, the erw ret'ide Pantomime, entltsed HARLEQT' ANDI H(1,MeTY DttetiYt or, Roblehin de lohblint, ...


... THE MALThSE POLIKA. By G. Nonreal. Williams, Cheapside.-This celebrated and highly populer compo- sition is fiam the same ma ter hand as the Tantalising Polka, which has earned for itself a deserved popularity during this festive seasos. We rejoice to have an oppor- tunity of joining our reaed of praise. THE NEw BarJDE A BATTEasREA.-During the last few days from twentyto thirty men have been ...


... UTEIATURE5s .. ?? THE WHIALEMAx's ADvENTiJUEs IN TH.E SOUiRBRN OcxAw, as gathered by the Rev. IH T. Cheever, on the Homeward Cruise of the (lormmOfifne Preble, Edited by the Rev. W. Seoresby, DD., F.RiS& B'ogue, Fleet ?? adventures of an American clergyman, who adopted a voyage in a whaler as a means of recruiting exhausted strength, present an abundane. of material both fr amusement iand ...