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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... U 1tLIAN LINE of PACKET SHIP.- p,. ittic111tually thle 20th Janttary.-For SYDNEY the sledid fastsailing clipper barquac ELIZABETH _\i A I, ?? ttts, P. KII~tt~A, conmmander; lying in Isoilit lck. asexcellent Accolltuatodatiloi for passengers, le IAdrilbc veosel icr Shipipers requiring quick dlespatob.- ~rr rse o c~el;I pasae apply to Ifenry tand ICalvert Toald- ,;rtoDevitt alid -Moore, 9 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E L K I N G T O N and C O., E PATENTEES OF THE ELECTRO PLATE, Maiansfacturing Silversmith, Bronzists, &c., beg respectfully to call attentiosi to their Establishments, 22, Regellt jtreet, London- 45, Moargate-street, I o And Manufactory, Newliall-street, Birsssinghiam i at either of which places they hiave always an extensive stock of their own productions The Patentees feel the necessity of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.-Lessee ti alnld ainager, Mr. J ANDERSON. -fTEIS EVENING will I` tr I jertforimd siialiicar5 play ?? HENRY IV~., part I. 1'110 RinK, Mr Cooper; 1'rince of Wales, Mr. J. Anlerson.; Hotspur, Mr. Vall- b' lelihoft Sir John Faletafi, Mr. Barratt; Lady Percy, Miess 3 ; iril, ?? the nlew grandl comlic Pantomimije, elltiflcl , 11AtRLEQUIN. A4ND HUhSPTY DJUMPTY, or, Robbini ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T OIJISIANA STATE BONDS. -The HALF- L YEARLY DIVIDENI) ont the liON DS if this StATE, ?? in Iiwour of tho CITIZENS' BANli of NEW ORLEANS, falling doe oil the Ist Febrarsy next, till be IAID onl anld after that dity, between the hours of Eltven eiil Two, al the iluice of the uneder- sigined, o here forras for Istts miay be oubt:iinul :n. iulit. 20, Austhi-friar,, Jan. 6, 18i,. F. DE LIZAiDI and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEAM to INDIA and CHINA via EGYPT.- Reua MONTHLY MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for pasnessan light goods to CEYLON,.ARS CALCUTP5A, and inat S i Nav=ats Company book passengers and re- ~ ~o~ nd pacel forhe hove ports by their steamers, start- ?? aiiipt11t oI the 20th of every month, Mid froma Suez on orsheetthe 1 th te month. BOOCAY..pasengrsfor Bormba-y can proceed by this Corn- pan'S teaersof he 9th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to te CAPE of GOOD hIOPE, MA- I 5 01sI RItA LEONE, with her Majesty's ticils.-' .,I thle Lilth of Janua1fryv, at noon1, with tmails andl N-10 Ho~ell by one1 (If thle Comipany's ~sols fromn -Ilthi, toid front Plymnouth onl the, 15th of tevery site' li~tue taut ships have excellent acciulontindtions -Fo passagle pptly at the G'eneral SC,w Stea! 1,11 'IN th We, I.Royal Eitgehlcig.London ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?iIE GENELAL STEAM NAVIGATION cliMI.t'?X? eivgoiflecnt STLAM.SIIIt'S leave the St. Ea* 'SI un whet Whirf, for- the 1 IllEvell 'filO'.d10 and Friday ercoing. ? and Saturday, at 'len morning. ?? 'fhursday, at Nine morning. ?ZmN ?? lo 0.ilid Saturday 1 Jan. ?5, at Six ate. ? ? ttardav, ,i?iii. itS, and 50th, at Eight liloritilig. II Iruni Lvodve.bri.lgC Wharf, for- ? O?N ??we.lee1day and Suuda? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... } tSTEIiN RAIL WAY.-ELECTRIC 131 be ?cn3 by ELICCTRBJ TELEGRAPH, 51 -s '33318 'no *3 ?? tr3 si 11? E aiitl ItAslINGS, and all 33 t333i133.3Y S U. 8. HERBERT, Secretary. il' 5 '1.33.333 Jan. SI, 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PANISH THREE PER CENTS.-PAYMENT of the DIVIDEND oile this STOCK, which beconses dole oil t se is in t n , il o s s e c at t e Sp hislo F in an cial C o ns- missions of Londols aod Paris-viz., ait the fomr,7e Tkn liooue-kard, every Tisursdav and Saturday after the Ist Of January esexi, hetweess the boors of Eleven and Two. As the Coupons 11l0st be left tllree days previously for exanainatioli, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iMDIA nudI CHINA viit\ EC, I0,T. ~lu'NHIL'i MAIL MTEM CONVIY ?? * . ?? )edi to CHYLON, MADRAS, CAL fA N.P and HONG KONG. - ThePen1` e. * ?? iiini Comnpany book- Imsei3.$er, an Ii- ciftile 'AIbel I nerts II their st,:i Ir:tatI ili, 2h 011h of every month, and from d - fli t o.the imoulth.t iiener- tor E(ciiiay call proceed hi- tin'. C, ?? tit,'ill om f the nloilth tol Malta, ti'eio to Am',t-I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL PRINCESS'S T1HEATRE.-Tqhe pwublic ..Icis rcepectfully informed that Mr. BARTLEY v.ill perform only Sl'X NIGHTS MORtE, anld that, conisequenltly, thle FinlL ?? of's play et HlENRY IV. vill take place on 31onday, Jan, 37; Monday, Feb. 3; IFriday, Feb. 7; Moun- clay, Feb. 10; Friday, Feb. 1-t; anid (for the Jloot time) cii Monday, Feb. 17. THE3ATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.-Lessee and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p0 I(T LYTTELTON, 0ANTEDBURY (sg'i, IN' Xwl~, tool i other porti. inl New zealand, i1io a thle 25t ?? ext, Rate', of 1) hiile cabiii between teckoi), ?? o scund EW~ ?? For freight, IniI;'age, Or further iii. F lilhv and Lii., 151, Fenielurdihetrevt ,J Ir' h or to Frederick Youm-~ 1iana''4el ?? i-, 74, Loroldll 0~DLN t C SSTER, BIRKENILEAD, 'tid j~ ~'it~iO ?? LOiNDON and OIlI XISiR . ...