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... TABLB TALK.* Mr. Leigh Hunt's book of table-talk will per- plex all critical readers. The author has not only provided nothing for them to diud fault with, but has positively left nothing to say on any one of the multiplicity of topics which he introduces. He has not even allowed room for a disquisition on table-talk itself; having disposed of the whole matter in half-a-dozen happily turned ...


... , - -- 4 f , - ? - w? .1 DxAzNE' ILLvSTRATED ALMANAC`KI For the Year of Our.Lord,.1861. London,' George and John Deane, Opening to the Monument, London Bridge, - .This is I the seventb annual 0f0feng of the highly respectable firm whose well-:known names,'are qbove. attached, and the fact off its, having Ron la Ileasea',o favour in public ?? is, W8 fbl4; sufficient groun for the proprietors ...

Published: Sunday 19 January 1851
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 476 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... (IrROMX OUR OWN CORRESPONDEN1TS) BaiSTOL. -W . Cooife's Circus.-Delighted and lcrowded houses still coiitinue at this trell-conducd and talented establishment. A grand day and evsninf performance' took place on Friday, the 10th, under the lpattouage of the Dayor, when taeadmired spectacle of' Mezeppa and the Pantondme of Punch and Joda were,' as usual, satisfactorily represented. Feats of ...

Published: Sunday 12 January 1851
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2705 | Page: Page 11, 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THE DRAMA, MUSIC, &e. SuRREY.- Belphegor has been produced at this theatre in a manner highly creditable to the enterprising lessees. Di.. vested of the unconnected and outrageous buffooneries which Mr. Webster thought fit to graft on his adaption of the French original at the Adelphi, we here have the piece placed upon the stage in a manner assimilating to the orthodox Parisian text and ...


... ?? AND I3ll DILAWA AT g anchester. (W&OM OuP OWN CORRESPONDENT.) THE THiEATRE ROYAL.-The pretty and domestic drama of Broken Toys still reigns in the dramatic hemi sphere, and the actors are well mellowed in their re- spective parts. An uphill character, one Mr. .Colddrawn (the name will explain the part), was well played by Mr. Peter Rae, one of the most painstaking actors on the stage, and ...

Published: Sunday 26 January 1851
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1451 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... FINE AR TY. TIHE FOUR PRINCESSES, BY WINTERHALTER. is Wiitorhalter is chiefly known to the English public as the pakinter of royal personages. The meeting betweeu his late id Majesty louis 'Philippe and our gracious Sovereign Queen Victoria and her royal consort ; the portrait of that high- r ntinded lady, whose noble spirit rose with her misfortunes, Ls iand wlho, h.;d it pleased Providence ...


... THE EXHIBITION OF 18SL On Monday, thie business of the Executive Committee-was' formally transferred frcm Palace-yard to the building in. J':yde'parl& Circumstances have delayed the completion of the Crystal-Palace, bttt the-buildiog will pass into the pos- session of the commissioners at the time- originally specified in the contract. Not the'least doubt exists in the minds of the authorities ...


... 'THE FASHIIONS. TRANSL.ATED) 'FAOM THIE 7E5C .I - I ,nsl~a FN~ s RsENCHL : A aldress deserving tpecial notece, is. of pinli silk tarlathue, e I ball j= I a tirely covered wjitb'dep-flounces, edged with 'a'nro taled gaue rbbo1, he odyo sze uttcovsedwith a massb oinarrow', Robes of ~ite tulle -are nmade with three skirts, trimmed rouild: ,with broad pinked gauze ribbon, thethiurd skirt riseed ...


... THE RE VIEWS. The Quarterly Review.-The Quarterly Review e opens with an article on Mr. Gordon Cumming~s , work on Southern Africa. Many have no doubt 1 e felt with ourselves a thrill of incredulity on reading some of the marvellous stories of this remarkable e book ; but we are assured by the reviewer, who dis- h plays a masterly knowledge of the subject, that not e only are all the ...


... THIE B VIE' fS. -4- ta The Wlestmeinster aed Boreign Quarterly Rev'iew Co commences to run its course for the second half of the Eve century with great spirit and vigour. It opens with th an article on the literature of Spain, founded on the valuable history of Mr. Ticknor and Mr. Lewes' an book on the Spanish drama. The reviewer, scarcely th touching on the other branches of his subject, II ...


... LITERATURE; .TnE FLAX QuersTIoN, as affecting Ireland and the Colonies. Mortnesr, Strand.-So much has been lately said, hoth ie newspaperS and In treatises, on the advar. tages that are- likely to accrue to Great Britain and her colonies from the new and inproved mode of preparing flax. that the subject assumes a great speculative interest. With regard tD Ireland, it was stated, some time ...


... THE DRARA, NMUSIC, &c. O MctPI.- This popular house, under its present judicious management, is reaping more thai an ordinary share of pub- lic favour. The performances of the past week have been of. a varied character. On Monday Mr. Brooke appeared in his favourite part of Othello,' 'and performed it with hisewonted ability. On -Tuesday he enacted Sir Giles Overreach ; 'and we believe - the ...