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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... E ORft BREMEN, the fine fast- F sailing Schooner E M M A FRIEDERMICE, Captain LOISLEIN. To :Sla at the end of this MIonth. For Freight and Particulars, apply to W. II. BREMER *& CO., 6, Wellington street, 12ROI 1lU1L for NEW YORK, w ir ith GOODS and PASSENGERS, the well-known and favourite Brig ¢lARLCQUIN, 450 'Tons burthen, MATrIEw BROe,0 Coumnllnder, will be despatched the lattereud of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Anmazinxg Success of the New Mode of 7reatmnctt. i 1R. BAlhKER'S Compound Indiau Ex- t J tract, for Secret Debility, And Imxpedimenxts to Mar- F riage, is exclusively directed to the cure of nervous and bi e sexual debility, irregularity, weakness, co1nsulmptive habits, I e uil debilities arisig from mental irritiibility, local or A constitutional Weahtievs generative diseases, .c, It is a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ier FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH, 0 t * Price Is. lid, per box. m lie THIS excellent Family PILL is a cL ti- Medicine of longtried efficacy for correcting all ar disorders of the Stoncuch anid Bowels, the common syamp wl tomis of which are Costiveness, Flatulency, Spasms, Los (S he of Appetite, Sick Head-ache, Giddiness, Sense of Fulness Pt Oin aftewmeale, Diaciciess of the Eyes, Drowsiness an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? aal- -1 ll ?? -i'ty su 'ea.ncrhoEalu, ing oo'clock. whbeti lits Weiorip 1 ii. 1'tirit'. , 2i. Id. etiob ol Veo neirmocical cido itrich lt itacotrubimni An earl> Lq~ I.'b't dc l' 1 &ia iA' a t ro r he ,0 il at II atf. ,) litlp Sunda us tliter s'ont), ?? halre LvUR~iAL and~t INT'AQ3S ?? ?? DILL,- lam Jxelt'ilxi 0' to ?? ax etipti give itctof Farehixto wlAidol: iia'; c 'At ?? In~ le I- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'To 101011011ANTS,.1 MANUFIAI ;TUI~r CBSSTATI10NaR;S- SllAREBit10KGlt5, SC11OOLINASTlES 'an the Public in general. EXTENSIVE, SALK, or ACCOUTNT 11k LETTI'Tll APER, ENT ELO'ES, ('51'X .4I) SCIIof iIOR l0 51,1) 9. of ENVEOPESC(PNAl ilotte'r 01)0l5, 'pring Files- MNiscell~fnellos L I EII ATM? P. - tu other1 Etfecls. Date Cases, Rulers, takstitnde WE ~ h~ Vr. J1hN llltW1l'liR ?? nwnta ?? SELL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IT lbrp of 012tDooI1 i-M I. the I On Thu rs S ?? tq a S rn/ at fe at tirowne. T HuniltradC.eOfc,,Ol il~let~epool~ In 450 BALES, AUSTRALIAN.i I'(llt' 1,1IILL] I, t DEAI e Apply to BROWNS, liISTER, &i CO., Brokers oftCE On Thursday end Fr'idot', tu e 0, ed a 7h February, at the ( Bet lf rokers' Sale Ilb is1,,( North Jobin-Street. BA bottr 1,000 Blese AUSTIIAL~I\N. OPORTO, LISBON, AT0 INNA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G; UTRELIEVED IN ONE HOUR) G frequently IR Half an Hour, by ATrR9S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. B jOhrretor, who takes them himself, finds all pain Thetn i te n minutes after the first dose. They are equallY gooa for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Tic ?? and all Rheumatic pains in the head and face, alewa'' ffecting a core in a few days. They contain no or Otler dangerous medicine. They require ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a .. er FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH, 0 Price is, lId. per box. Y ;e THIS excellent 'Family PILL iS a cn i T ?? of long-tried efficacy for correcting all a disorders of the Stomech and Bowels, the commos symp w toms of wbich are Cootiveness Flatulency, Spasms, Les (E Ie of Appetite, Sick Head-ache, Giddiness, Sense of Fulness e ln aftermeals, DicinessoftheEyes, Drowsinessand Pains to in ithe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F ROM HULL for NEW YORK, ?? GOODS and PASSENGERS, the well.known and favourite Brig tIALEQU1N, 450 Tons burthen, MArTTHw BaowvS, Commander, will be despatched the latterend f Fcbruary; to be succeeded by a fineA I Coppered Ship, to Sail in Match. Other fine Vessels in succession. For rericilt and Passage apply to yELL & LAMBERT, 6 Quay-street, Hull. F OR N E W Y O R K, ' a wvith Goods and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rublislt-~l tisl day, by G. Baerger, I1,1ywvell-.trect, Strand, NL Londo)n (sixteen pages 8vo.), Frice Id., No. 3 o TlE 0OP E R AT I VE, T. A WEEKLY JOURNAL, F'OR TilE PEOPLE. -gcu sconducted by some ?? thle most. activc~ laemer ot the amal~gamated Society Of ills iron traes an sdevoted to the promulgation ot these grout pt-mci. plss of indutrial co-Operaetion, Political enfrusebisement, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DDRESS TO WORKING MEN, V'E ADVANTAGES OF' MECHANICS' INSTITUTIONS. sEV1ENTH THOUSAIND. ?? of Mr. E. Baines, pubhlised on the ;as, at tile request of the Committee of the ig ine UNION OF MECHANICS' INSTITUTES, ,,f other Societies and individuals, been ja asmall ?? tractfor distribution. bay he had at the MERCURY OFFICE, at 2s. per IHIndred. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; TiTRECUED*Aetraordinary PU-ce L don 1t, ;gEiEy fo 1tan vclltes of SigeadDtbedn .thle history Of peas Into~ Iee caeaperfect ?? gnarallteed. This strer 01 ssl v, and Painless in sppllicatollii causing no tion rst$.i11i~rt~siae-e Sent free, with full instructions, on Ilyd ?? p05t office order, cash, or r'oltiige stamps, by Maji ,>f 6ii ,.5 Anriptoui-street. Graty's-hinnroad. Lon- the .i'sOrdof ...