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... EXIUBITION O 1 - The marvel of British industry, the building for the Exhibi- tion In Hyde-park, rapidly progresses towards completion, and would by this time have been completed had it not been for the grea addtion whih ithaswithin the last few weeks, been 3 great additions which it has gulii as originally decided I found necessary to make to the building as orinealy de l upon. Additional ...


... We have lately admired some beautiful toilettes, which ap- pear quite worthy our citing. One of these was a magnificent stamped material of sky blue, with embroidered bouquets in white silk and silver; the bottom of the front breadth was em- broidered (in the form of an apron) with large flowers, fastened with light hanging foliage and large bows; the skirt was raised over a white satin under ...


... P O ET RY. [FOR ThlE EXETER rLYInR rOST.] EURIPIDES HECUBA.-CuousO 444 Gale, gate, gale of the sea I Who waftest the ships with swift trembling motion, Bounding o'er foam crested waves of the ocean, Whither unhappy bearest thou me? Or a purchased slave, Shall I find me a home on the Doric shore To the Phthian land o'er the waves shall I soar? Whose plains doth Apidanus lave. The bright father ...


... EXETER SCIENTIFIC AN LITiWLY _ INSTITUTION The annual meeting of the members of this society was hold on Tuesday the 2stinst., at ?? Circus; Mr. Fryer si the Chair. The IOD. Secretery, Mr. Blake, read the Report of the Coun- mittee, fion which the following are extracts- The Lectures during tbe past year have bean of a charaoter- and valueas ea means of information and entertainment, which ...


... POET RY. [FOR THE EXETER FLYING POST.) TO THE OLD YEAR. Sinking, sinking in tbe lap Of that whicb bas beea; wan Old Year; How many loves, and griefs which sap The heart's best joys, hast thou bronght near Our homes, our hearths, since hopeful thou wert born, A thing unstain'd by sin, a cloudless worn I Waning, waning is thy light; The links of 'futore dimly corne Within our gaze, ehain'd to ...


... rUDIlU, JULDOV.^AI'Lfh3 mallZ iJLV- -. A PERPETUAL BOROUGH-RATE. On Monday last, a public meeting of the inhabitants was held at the Guildhall, in this city, the Right Worsnipful the Mayor in the chair. The attendance was exceedingly thin; owing, probably, to the inhabitants generally not being aware that, in order to carry this scheme into effect, it will be necessary, at some future day, to ...


... . Ltterature+ Ten Years in India; or tie Life of a Young Oficer. Byg Captain Albert Hervey, 40th Regiinent of Madras Infantry. a Vlet.- W. Shoberl, 20, Great Marlborough-street. These agreeable and informing volumes afford a good view of military life in India, in what may be called its peaceful as- pect. The Ten Years embracea period oommencing in IH33, from the time when the author sot ...


... REPEALING TIlE REFOnM BILL.-Mr. Johnston (author of a new work intitsled England as it is, &c.) also possesses the old Tory prejudices and carries thera to rec a length that he seems to think that Sir Robert eel might have been able, favd he but stuck to his old colours. to have modified if not to have repealed the Reform bill. With persons who entertain such notions argument is useless. They ...


... SCENE-CENTRAL STATIO1N, SATURDAY MORNING. (Gay's Sage and Pheesante, alteredj I Th' Inspector rose at early day, l And down the staircase took his way; His duty call'd him from repose, As 'twas he'd had an extra doze. From yard to gate he casts his eye, To see if aughthe can espy; And as he passed he terror threw: The halt-smok'd pipe was hid from view, The unwashed hurried with affright ...


... @octrp. TO THE PAST YEAR.-By D. B. DUGGAN. Ons! why should I attempt to ring The knell of Time in sorrowing tone? Or sadly tune my lyre to sing A requiem to the year that 's gone? It has not been to me so bright That I should mourn its timely end, Or sit me down in grief to write Farewell to a departing friend. And if 't would tarry now with me, I should In sooth be apt to say, 1 Pass on I I ...


... ftterature. The Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review. No. CVIL and No. XC1I.-Groombridge & Sone, 5, Paternoster-row, London, The current number of the Westminster includes an average number of articles, the writers evincing, as usual, great acquaintance with their subjects, conjoined to admirable lite- rary skill in the treatment of them. The first paper, on Spanish literature, is mainly ...


... NEW YEAR'S EVE. Pray how did you spend the last night of the year ? With a young happy circle, midst jovial cbeer; The glad song was sung, and the wine-cup went round, And I scare heard at midnight the bellos warning sound, So gay the last might of the year. Pray how did you spend the last night of the year? A gentle voice answer'd, in sorrow and fear: I watched by the couch of affliction and ...