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... TiEiy ''1iE NIBIT3ITON, I T111f. LONI)CK fRvi' 1!(101:3 TO Wll(OM' a ' ?? AI~~i C.] iD. 13!:.f 35.: ..':Cqwbcuna ren:~ ?? ?? ,- alr-A I 0i: t Lot' 0e'ci;n. of Or, ' 3 l,tesilve 11(3134 IVAIII t,.r- ~ ~ ~ ic.: T J ?? M, . 24 ,. 41.' 13 '4 'm ?? 4' 4C 43'(cT334 A ?? iN un.~~ .4 ?? ?? I C it '3''CS4' ?? 1 'Ii 4~ ?? . -P Stcv il~~23): ~4 ,jip.1 ?? fl'M, IcC I -relz sI~ C u.t4'f' '£41. QX4it ...


... Previous to the completion of the works at this fer splendid structure, and the handing of it over to co the Royal Commissioners-a= event which will now one in a short time take, place-it was thought desir- Spe able by some of the members of the Royal Society pre of Arts that they shouild have asu opportunity of' F viewing the works in their present state, and con- la templtiting the combined ...


... FINE AR TY. TIHE FOUR PRINCESSES, BY WINTERHALTER. is Wiitorhalter is chiefly known to the English public as the pakinter of royal personages. The meeting betweeu his late id Majesty louis 'Philippe and our gracious Sovereign Queen Victoria and her royal consort ; the portrait of that high- r ntinded lady, whose noble spirit rose with her misfortunes, Ls iand wlho, h.;d it pleased Providence ...


... REFRESHMENTS FOR THE EXHIBITION. In ors .quptce of misapprehensions which have arisen, and alterations which art required t) bl made in the areas for the sale of refreshmctos, the Executive Committee have determined upon calling 'or fresh tendere. The fol- lowing are the proposed condations: 1. Her Majesty's Commissioners consider that it may con- duce to the convenience of visitors to permit ...


... L YRICS vi' IL'TE HILARit - 1 nlo Ccf the pieces of Mr. Wiztls , ill tilis volumc hav-i ?? al:-iiuly CIV .i world in the shape f con1tribhilit. tnvs,' riodicals, and they have gained fur tilet t favourable place in the estiniati pt cf a (, a the poctly which sekc's its inspistici -A humble anid donmestic scenes of life. M1 j all ardent disciple, and a successful into-i Wordsworth-a fact ?? ...


... LITERATUBE. The Wei m*inster and Foreign Qtuarferlgy Revie. No. CVII. and No. XCII., fer January, 1861. Grooumbridge. The creek article of this numtber is a paper entitled The Battle of the Churches, apparently by the same hand as the article on The Church of Eng- land in the March number, from which we extracted largely at the time. It is very long (60 pages) and very able. Reviewing the ...


... TIHE GREAT EXHIBITION. in Lo: We are anxious to call ~the, attention of those 'thirde ?? intending exhibitors who may be under the al apprehenisions that the exposure oftergost nd the light and the moisture of the atmosphere during I W11 the period which wvill elapse from the 28th of unabli Fburthe last day iiamed for receiving goods atspare February, ~ ~ ~ ~~athome the building, and the ...


... LITERATUBE. Foreign temiinisecnccs. By HENnY RICHARD LORD HOLLAND; Edited by his Son, H. EDWARD LOUD I HOLLAND. Longemtan. 1850. o This is a volume that every one will snatch up aad dive into. The noble author was one of the best informrd-men in Europe-; -had-travelled; -hadt-known- and been able-to form a ,personal judgment of every celebrated radn. And hefe ase those judgments re- cordA -fHi ...


... TABLB TALK.* Mr. Leigh Hunt's book of table-talk will per- plex all critical readers. The author has not only provided nothing for them to diud fault with, but has positively left nothing to say on any one of the multiplicity of topics which he introduces. He has not even allowed room for a disquisition on table-talk itself; having disposed of the whole matter in half-a-dozen happily turned ...


... puIE D UCHESS.* d, fistidiosis I.) the correctness of costume Ni Walter 6vott. accustomned us, by the JaV >1 ad mutiplied adventures of the 3t:r rapid peni, by the accuracy of ?? c(1J dr ieKimt~~ power of G-rattan-iu- their Iol ~Iisalry and burgher life, of court plots --ntigcit is rare to meet with a Qf l ollosvvs in thle track of those great mas- 'i vet is uadninable. Such a waork lies o it ...


... IGEOGRA PIHY and IfSITOR Y of EUROPE.* There is no branch of education more valuable, yet in England more neglected, than that which treats of the present and past history and geography of Europe. In many of our public schools these studies, as far at least as regards modern times, have, up to a very recent period, been utterly ignored, and, even now, though adopted, they are | but negligently ...


... --AtGilFEAT EXHIBITION.] VISITS OF WORKING MEN. The ?? letter has beesa addressed to tle Ie comfzit ;e by the local cemuittee for Rugby: 'sl co11 regard to the arrangements made, or to bs made, h' 11vAnco of parties by the railways to the Great fior de carOI cm requeetcd, by the local committee fcr ggbthbro lay betore tile executive committee the followil g ge5ti5rSL chat resolutiors have ...