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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ier FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH, 0 t * Price Is. lid, per box. m lie THIS excellent Family PILL is a cL ti- Medicine of longtried efficacy for correcting all ar disorders of the Stoncuch anid Bowels, the common syamp wl tomis of which are Costiveness, Flatulency, Spasms, Los (S he of Appetite, Sick Head-ache, Giddiness, Sense of Fulness Pt Oin aftewmeale, Diaciciess of the Eyes, Drowsiness an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a .. er FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH, 0 Price is, lId. per box. Y ;e THIS excellent 'Family PILL iS a cn i T ?? of long-tried efficacy for correcting all a disorders of the Stomech and Bowels, the commos symp w toms of wbich are Cootiveness Flatulency, Spasms, Les (E Ie of Appetite, Sick Head-ache, Giddiness, Sense of Fulness e ln aftermeals, DicinessoftheEyes, Drowsinessand Pains to in ithe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... liE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE.- ] T..The Firtst NsirNlTr of the! C~EITLEMAN',*1IAGA.I 'zixE iix. lii,] is esbelisjlI,,,I with at Pocrtrait of thel late TtotasO Armyot, Est., Tavrerewc (I the Society of Atctiqua-I ri~, nccepanedwit mev~iit' witten by two of lhtis ?? :}imte ?? U, _rond plate represents bightrit ornaficted IJ, ala Swvrd recently dieco.erednear It Mlls~oncc. Thiisruitoer- nSO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a ?? ne cai ,er FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH. On Price Is, lid, per box.Lo he THIS excellent Family PILL is a L ji. .Medicine of long-tried efficacy for correcting all an disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, the common sy'mp w torns of which tire Costiveness, Flatulency, Spasms, Loss (Si he of Appetite, Sick Hlead-ache, Giddiness, Sense of Fulness Pr Dan after meals, Di~zanesa of the Eyes, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE GENTLEITAN'S IMAGAZINE.- TiThe First Nunmber of ihe GENxrLEMAN'S MIAGA j ZISE fur 1851 is enbellished with P. Portrait of tihe late Thomas Amyot. Esej., Treasurer of the Society of Antique- riee, accompanied with memoirs written by two Of his mtost intimate friends, A second plate represents a ~ y highlly ornamented Roman Sword recently discovered near Mlaynce. This number also contains TUE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rp i l ,EINTL.EMA\N';' i.\GAZIJ\] .1 I lievt Nt at ta I'l 0., aI .Ivid \ I C is ellibellklml III, lat Thol tota a a ovit, Esa I., 'Trasureai utfa thet Fuatti of Atatiqu a rat. ?? aifll Iltti'ittaaa' tat tv it La ?? tat hais fla i aat!a atv frienids.Ascoelp ttltaatve' litt ll * ?? Itutaltatitu vr act list ?? ?? itan' Thlis tiumberala'to ai ti', S ~C INa..t'aatas ot LLI fint', clt ptea 1. by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOW PUlIRISIIING III Four Weekly Nsnubr's, of Twenty-four Pages each, Price Twvoponce the Number, OANTERBURY versres ROME, TWO LECTURES, By ERNEST JONES, ND I, on Saturday, the 9th inst. 'CO~ ;tA 't is rcrai'y the teaching of Christ - Bow has hie been obeyed 3l-loky did the church perish -The dye tai.nts: ;atntltion, avarice, usury, insallity. blaesplenoy. Tull rAIAL CocaRCIH OF Eac GAND. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Anmazinxg Success of the New Mode of 7reatmnctt. i 1R. BAlhKER'S Compound Indiau Ex- t J tract, for Secret Debility, And Imxpedimenxts to Mar- F riage, is exclusively directed to the cure of nervous and bi e sexual debility, irregularity, weakness, co1nsulmptive habits, I e uil debilities arisig from mental irritiibility, local or A constitutional Weahtievs generative diseases, .c, It is a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOW P'UBLISHIING In Four Weekly Numb~ers, of Twenty-four rages each, Price Twolpelice the Numuber, CAINTERBUIRY re?-sus ROMEl TIOLECTURES, B YL INE TJ ON ES, ,Nol on Saturday the i~thiinst. CoNTsro,'T Whaj't is really the teaching of Chirist?_- Ileow tis lie bain, elseveel 5-105w TIM the ehsirch perish Tie PArI.A CHUttRCH OF ?? ?? Cifiti-h wasbtined, ands whetri was oris . ?? fiery Pit- 'ITe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOW PUB3LISIIING In Four Weekly Numbcers, of Tav enty-four Pages each, Price Tavepeneec the Numlber, ?? vesus ROME, C~~~TWO LECTURES, BY EltNEST JONES, No 1. Onl Saturday, the 18th last. CoNTar.vTV.WhaI~ t as really cthe teaching, of Christ!- Ilowile - hre lacen ?? alid tile church perish -Tlae, tire taitilts: titattiut, avrcUsury, insaintty. blaspinieN Is Tul tAroA. ?? oI, EyNGLiN,-Pfrifislt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... live tiln ittle Amnaszinsg Success of the New'Mode of Treatmnent. Va R. BARKER'S Compound Indian Ex- tili lia- t ract, for Secret Debility, and Inapedimezlts to Mwar- Feo riage, is exclusively directed to the cure of nervous and het the sexual debility, irregularity, weakness, consumptive habits, Ta Mhe andi debilities arising from mentil irritabilitv, local or Au constitutional weakness, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ive ?? Amazinrg Success of the New Afode of Trecatment. nd a- D ER'S Compound Indiau Ex- . hve, ?? Debility, alld lmpedimellts to M~ar. nags, is'exclusively directed to tle cure of ?? sad he sexual debility, irregularity, weaktess, csnsumnptive babits, he mind debilities arising from mental irrit;,bility, local ol co stititioiatl wealness, generative diseases, &c. It is a ad most powerful ald ...