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Reynolds's Newspaper


... THE EXHIBITION OF 18SL On Monday, thie business of the Executive Committee-was' formally transferred frcm Palace-yard to the building in. J':yde'parl& Circumstances have delayed the completion of the Crystal-Palace, bttt the-buildiog will pass into the pos- session of the commissioners at the time- originally specified in the contract. Not the'least doubt exists in the minds of the authorities ...


... 'THE FASHIIONS. TRANSL.ATED) 'FAOM THIE 7E5C .I - I ,nsl~a FN~ s RsENCHL : A aldress deserving tpecial notece, is. of pinli silk tarlathue, e I ball j= I a tirely covered wjitb'dep-flounces, edged with 'a'nro taled gaue rbbo1, he odyo sze uttcovsedwith a massb oinarrow', Robes of ~ite tulle -are nmade with three skirts, trimmed rouild: ,with broad pinked gauze ribbon, thethiurd skirt riseed ...


... TIM DRANA, ZUSIc, ic. DRanRy LANE.-lr. Anderson has entered on his second3 season at Drary Lane with a spirit, enterprise, and discrimi- - 'nation which should- command the most- conplete success. His company is in all respects an efficient one, and besides engaging several of the most popular actors and actresses,- whose names - have, been maintained before the public, he: has introducedagiin ...


... OTERARY MISCELLANEA. nflXJI; WonnThey are very fair, with expres. ; mjjee~gtonances, and large and lovely eyes; but their ?? disfigured by the custom which prevaila s l Fi~aou 8em of covering the lower eyelid with gold leaf, whvich gives thenm a glhastly appearance. V Tonwesi S~enEs.-Tho use of the sabre is founded partly ,ouwhe. iqualty-oftb agn4tseland'psrtly-on0their what maybeternl n ...


... FkASER'S MAGAZMN.- 7Patk, West Strand. - The January number of this periodical contains many interesting and some dull papers; amongst the former may be classed moat able criticisms upon Mr. Thackeray's 1endlessis ?? iand Mr. Bell's --Ladder of Gold. Under the latter category, may assuredly be placed tedious dissertations on African Corn. nserce,' and 1Railway Directors'and their Lines. ...


... THE DRARA, NMUSIC, &c. O MctPI.- This popular house, under its present judicious management, is reaping more thai an ordinary share of pub- lic favour. The performances of the past week have been of. a varied character. On Monday Mr. Brooke appeared in his favourite part of Othello,' 'and performed it with hisewonted ability. On -Tuesday he enacted Sir Giles Overreach ; 'and we believe - the ...


... W BrACKWoOOD'IS 31AGAzE'. Black~wood, Edinburgh.- The principal feature in the January number of Blackwood, or at all events the most interesting, are the translations, into English, from a German collection of tales by art Hungarian author. Some of these stories are dreadful to read from the horrors they depict as perpetrated ?? oa¢the)Iag- yars and the retaliativhorrorsrthey provoked. The ...


... LITERARY MISCELLA4 ' BucAasewr.-Bucharest is a very dissipated Place - 7,female is of loose habits, from the highest to the lowesta.tbher 0 character is as bad as that of the Venetians5 It is eir -evident, even to a stranger, that they are not partiuett uiibdest, as the walls of the rooms which I saw iere pcauly ,with naked virgins (as large as life) bathing; Diana and h o- nymphs, ?? which ...


... GLL~mSIE NGs iN TnlE DAnK:. F. S. XERIOYWEATEER.- Simpkisi, Marshall-With little of originality in Mr. Merry- *eather's work, we nevertheless fidmucthtiamsn and instructive. He wisely disclisalpeec otedg nity of history, btha ab c~t~ififf~lm ?ie¶isr tionss on many sutects coneotue~ filai'er janl likely to ]prove a fourco, 6tf ub ntriem tiohse readers wbo delight 'in studyig4w;annrAbltsnn' ...


... TI . ~ZXHIBI OF TiER :XHIZBI~ON Or 185L. Sf7ul;1i-.-Ne-xt to the roof thegreatestprogress has bnmade with the flooring, the galleries, and the arrange- mest0 of the exhibiting space. The flooring of the basement bOO been pushed forward with great rapidity, the planks be- ing left with a small interval between them, by which means °dst dropping through the whole space will be easily hept clean. ...


... THEDRAXA, IUSIG, &c. * PRINCESSES. - This popular and admirably- managed theatre is enjoying an uninterrupted run of complete success. The a Templar still -proves attractive; and the laughable pantomime of Alonzo, and the Fair Imogene promises to run far into the winter seas6n. - . LYCEUM,-The extravaganza of K Iing Charmingt: con- mences to abate in its attraction; and we much doubt if ...


... LITERARY XISCELLA&EA Tell POET BURINs-I would have taken the not known what he was, for a very sagacious ?? Ihad I of the old Scotch school, a. e. none of your Cotd tY tarxfer ?? den aguicid dgery,. but thed itzdeegu whb held his ovtwn plough. There was a Ste ce pressign of sense andsihrerwness in all bis I- streogeo %ey alonue. Ihtnk indcicated the xpoetcio charter the .perament At ,was hige ...