Advertisements & Notices

... !OrelaneouO. TO N T! :ND OTHERS. %tITING PAPERS of all descriptions XV may be purhbased at the Rui Packet Offlee, or, hiteffargate~ as Cheaply as at any Establishinent jOUlxcNT BOOKS MADE TO ORDER. - EN'f'S IMPROVED WVATCHIES and CLOCKS. E. J. DENT, Watch and lociker by distinct appointment to the Queen, cloc Highness Prince Albert, and his Imperial bi'°} tire emperor of Russia, most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D WIN DAVIS, MARKET-PLACE, [lull, has bought from the Assign'ees of J. SWAIN, E Insolvent, Savile-Street, the Stock of Rich DRAPERY (£2:700) to be SOLD OFF, at his Premises (late ULLATHORNE and DAVIS). NOW OFFERING, a MANUFACTURER'S STOCK of BLACK SILKS, amounting to £7,000, at EDWIN DAVIS'S (late ULLATHORNE and DAVIS). At E. DAVIS'S, late ULLATHoRNE and DAVIS, is now OFFERING £4,300 worth of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. ~TRITING PAPERS of' all description, IN AA may be purchased at the Beul Packet Office,gut 22I ~hitefriargaste, as Cheaply as at any Establishment rgutt ACCOUNT BOOKS MADE TO ORDER. Tura -- for t DARI R' S L I FE P I LL S sighi ARE ACKiNOWLEDGED TO BlE THlE secoi BEST MEDILCINE IN THE WORLD. able 30,000 BOXES SOLD WEEKLY, light snuf The fine balsamic anid invigotrating ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lificMt'^ideoitou0. - LAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC p ~~~PILLS. thr following Tcstitioaial is another proof of the great efiayof this medicinflO eiiicsCY o~ Nevv Bond-Street, London, October 12th, 1551, ,.it, ccquaintill YOU with theitreattbenctit whichlI have ex. f je C~ I.)ty akinS BLAI iS' GOUT & RHil IU ATIC PILlS, .TiclcI-. f~riingaduty to thatpotiton of toe public I ambut II ',rfa cn be r Il ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t ---TO a PERSONS WANTED.I t- 1I /W ~t7ANTED~, in a W.)UN1SIlON MERCHANT~ W! AQLN'r' QFF'1CE, an APPR ENTICE of respectable a theor ? ?? ).1ox t, 38, irit-office, Liverpool. tlhcir di ;Er7q-ANTED, anl ...

Advertisements & Notices


Advertisements & Notices

... JLIER MAJESTY'S VISIT TO LIJVER~POOL, ~~y OiGteTIdUIISD.AY, the 9th Ottober,i1881. is OFFICIAL PROGRAMME.AD es The Mayor, in- hes State Carriage, will meet the Queen at the boundary of the borough, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To SHIPPERS AND CONSUMERS OF COAL. M~ESSRS. A. F. and D. MACKAY and CO. f I ibeg to infornm Shippers and tito Public generally. that thov have constantly on hand, at their DEPOT, SLATE-STREET, GlREAT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - OCERT-HALL, LORDb NELSON-STREET. ATUDAYEVENIRIN4 0ON CJgivp ~kt~ E~iIYANb!d1 Thl'iO J~O1IATjxo8 ~V WliNI ?? ?? In.tnOatl tnsATruktv- o - ,IUDSON will give a series of EXPERIMtENTS in Rj~ iiERISM and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to 1t e r t id R-FDEMERARA. To ~Ail To-morrow (Wednesday) morning's tide, (=ater permitting), The fir~tcas llrquo LORD ELGIN, Ti 35l tons, Ti Its ALXte CL1tL1LANiD, Hfudstr. 0l For frolghst (has irlg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tADVERTISEIMENT.] CONSUMEIIS of GAS are Invited to inspect the varied Assortment of1 CHANDELIERS, PENDANTS, AND OTHER GAS FITTINGS, el Displayed in the Show-room of Ci WILLIAM PENN SAITIFS BRASS FOUND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE RIGHT RON. THE LORD MAYOR OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN. T7JE, the undersigned, request that your Lordship Twill be pleased t convene a Meeting of the Ci- tisens of Dublin, and of such of ?? Gentty of Ireland as may think proper to attend, for the purpose of petitioning against the contemplated abolition of ?? Viceroyalty, and ofplacing upon record their protest against the system of centrali- ...