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Daily News (London)



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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... Brick- inn lane, Spitalfields Arbon, Jae., Jun., Seymour-mews Buxton, Thomas F., sen., Rsq., Arnell, John Christopher, 98, Brick-lane, Splitlfields 4B Edgware-road Buxton, Thomas F., Jun., Req., Arnold, Augusitus';Welter, Golden- Brick-lane, Splhalficlda ...

Advertisements & Notices

... arnival'a inu Thomas M. Sudlow, Liverpool Thomas Turner, 9, Cemetrv plaee, Woodhouse, near Leeds John Thornton, 22, Queen s-row, Pimlios Thomes and James Voile, Rugby John Walker, Mill-8treet, Liverpool Jogeph Warren, 17, Ely.plaee, Holborn Thomas Whittield ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fevershuan, Edward Chuc, eq M.A. Thomas Daidson £eq. - The Right Hon. and Rev. Lord Thomas Farnicomb, REsq., Alder. ?? saunarer, man. The Hon. Richard Danman. Charles Few, REsq. Sir Norton J. Koiatohbull, Bart. Gathorse Hardy, REsq. Dr Sir Michael R. Shaw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y temter25, ay I for 2 precisely, unless so ac e elbl ?? t'lD . medhe h, Wprivate contreact for the wholt in nt Iheoiacut Hardy, = aabl, L nd highly-important FiuuEHOLD BcoM IIN eageD5 C001 E. eligible, and particularly recommended as an .- , l ecilola ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at the temporary offices, 17, Kinlg's Arm3~yard, Moorgatc-street, of the8olicitor, and of THOMAS ALhSOP, Esq., No. I, Boyal Exchangebuildings, London; and of THOMAS H. WISDOM, Esq., sharebroker, Dublin. A NGLESEA COAL COMPANY. The Com- 11_ mittee of Management ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Chureb.- N.B. An extensive assortment of toyn, conjuring tricks, ganiss, &o., at his ?? 1721, P.THOMAS, Mine Agent, 40, Old Broad- * ?? 9 yeara.-T. P. THOMAS bege to inform capitalists and the publie that beta at alt times in a position to BUY or NELL, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... William Fre&hdldt, REq. Thomas Weeding, REq. ?? ?? High F. 0. Wet. REsq. ?? uorrej Richard Wayiand, RE8., V.P. 4 AlexanderGredliftGeorge Whieldon, Req. a Ralph Williaoc Grey, Req., M. P. William Henry Whitbredl REq., 8 Thomae Griffith, REq. V.P. E tWm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Capitai, One Million. George Bousfield, Esq. Charles Hindley, Esq., M.P. Thos. Challis, Esq. atid Ald. Thomas P iper, Esq. Jacob George Cope, Esq. Thomas B. Simpson, Esq. John Dixon, E-q. Hon. C. P. Villiers, h.P. Joseph Fletcher, Esq. John Wilks, Eoq. Richard ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iby Jobn MtDonald [, YsF M'Donald, ofm g. June, 1844, for one 1 ,th 1and term of 31 yearetc~ REi venamt.. . Held by Thomas John w ease for Uves renewable I Mareh, 177A. One r~hilliz renewal 'fie is payable on the faiofes-life. There o a lare substanta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... refercees, are re. -e Iquested to communicate with the Seoretary.-By order of the Board, 0 Offices, 40, Pall-mall, London. THOMAS H. BAYLIS. a ?? TRAFALGAR LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIA- a IT TION.-Offices: 40 Pall-mall, London. a This Assoolation has been e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL MAIL STEAM J PACKETS, which leave England on the 2nd and 17th of eact month, now praceed direct from Southamptoa to.St. Thomas, adtitherceto Chagres, via Santa Martha and Cartbagena. Mails, passengers, and parcels for Vera Cruz and Tainpico will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Series ?? Works by I a Sir John Herechell S.r Walter SeWt o Sir James Msacinteah Thomas Moore RobertSoathey Bishop Thirlwall 1, Sir David Brewster The Rev. G. R. Gleig0 n Thomas Keiglotley J. C. L. De Slomondi h John Forster John Phillips, F.EE., 0.5. is ...