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... It characterizes the government as the “‘ base, brutal, and bloody Whigs,” and states that when Lord Arundel was in Paris before lthe Session opened every effort was made by the Whigs to prevent Lis return to England, They offered him a German embassy ...


... Income-tax with its iniquitous imposition upon industry. Sir Charles Wood’s financial scheme will therefore be adopted, and the Whig Ministry will doubtless remain in office during tbe remainder of this Parliament, ...

must be und

... with 'a ing thems ; ;orking irrational ed to be ive Lord new Resion. A ' at Man~me was sequently ce Trade y of the L!O-llleld Whig or . exactly Jompson, Lambeth. rianufacssen that e of the 3 l;aving v eoolly boroughs . Ballot, lition of ave, of principal ...


... MEETING AT LORD J9HN RUSSELL'S. (From the Sun.) : { A large number of the supporters of the Whig Ministry assembled on Tuesday afternoon, by previous appointment, at the official residence of Lord John Russell in Downing-street. It was estimated that ...


... Five Fisnermen Drownep.—On Friday a number of small boats belonging to the port of Nairn, left the harbour to proceed to the whig fishing. On their returu one of the boats, while attempting to follow the channel of the river without shortening snil, was ...


... CRISIS. ~ Inalate edition of Saturday last we announced the sudden intimation given on Friday night, of the resignation of the Whig Cabinet. Since ‘that night and up to the moment of our writing the country has been in a state of excitement, and the political ...


... the cause of law reform, and possibly in part to supply the loss which had recently been sussustained by the rupture of the Whig Cabinet with Lord Brougham, thatthe equity counsel wassaddenlyappointed on the 19th of January, 1856, to succced Lord Cottenham ...

Covvespandience. FREE TRADE. - Lryren, No. 27, To the Editor of the ** Bedford Times. “ It is a menanre,

... meeting of the Parl amentary Reform Association, the same (I presume) as this—*¢ The Whigs were not of the same party with them, and they never pretended they were, The Whigs held the policy that three or four families had the right to govern this emumz. ...


... a refusal. The principle of these Irishwen msy be well understood by this pro- ling. Theypledge themselves to vote against Whig Gorernment on all oecasions, a 0 mat- lot how benebicial the measures ; and to continue their opposition until the present ...


... with some earicus eirenmstagecs, In the first instance, there were three candidatc: iy, the field, Mr. Calvert, the libernl whig; Mr. Scr. jeant Byles, the conservative protectionisi; and Mr. John Houghton, the radical farmer, & membes of the very go-a-head ...


... added. Two objections were ma.e by the agent of the conservative party and allowed. There were no objections made by either the whig or radical party. CoMMITMENTS TO THE Gaor. - Emma Davis, for 21 days, and Mary Ann Jones, for 7 days, tramps, by H. Brandreth ...

Thescreaming was frantic—one gentleman inred hair and spectacles, who looked like an ecclesiastic, rushed ..

... letter to Lord John Russell, surpassing, perhaps, in fury and virulence, anythivg of the kind. He denounces the conduct of the Whig Government, and threatens Lord John with all kinds of displeasure in the event of his refusal v withdraw altogether his “ odious” ...