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... this occasion, seven Whigs, (of whom four were Free-traders, and tfln-e Protectionists), and one Conservative (Protectionist), aundidutes were in the field. The four who bad the greatest number of votes were one Protectionist Whig (Petherbridge), and three ...


... with no rsvoarablo mpone frtto We ■eJth, but ia the leaftnf -W% iouru4U of that Action. Some of the Whig papers nodilda. lion of Henry Cloy, as the Whig candidate for the ft |£^^yelwm»;eteismehip.aa^^Hareieanooßi. lore rweired advices and letters from ...


... tffhhich Is attached.” The facts are, that when Lord Arundel was in Paris before the session opened every effort was made by the whigs to prevent his return to England. They offered him a German Embassy, and pressed such an appointment upon him with a great ...


... leading men who will brought forward at the Whig State Convention, in Lancaster, in connection with the Presidency. This is a question of great importance the present time for the whole country, especially the W'hig party ; and the office holders are awaiting ...


... cheering the anticentralisation sentiments of the, Whig daiembwes of tfctir oirier, who in return applauded to the echo their speeches their turn came. The Whig member of parliameut 'and the Conservative—the Whig barrister and the Conservative-clergymen of all ...


... and to consider other important business connected with the new university. The Pope and the Queen’s Colleges.—The Belfast Whig has the following remarks in reference to the rumour to the effect that the Pope bad ratified the decrees ot the synod of Thurles ...


... died, 1847; Lord George Bentloek, •tateemais IJJJ. sented is certainly the.r own fault We can aid in the foraation local Tory, Whig, and Radical Committees, Sl , illon Pon™ and nerbane. of them; cannot (at least, IMS j Mn. Blanche, dramathl, dled.lMO ...