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Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette



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Portsmouth Times and Naval Gazette


... THE WHIG FAMILY COMPACT. The Whigs hare been still going, going, going all the month, but they are not yet gone. The hammer has not fallen—they hare not quite succeeded in completely selling themselves. slight change has come over them. Lord John, that ...

The Whig Ministry and Papal Aggression.—At the best, the conduct and the present plight of the Ministry, and ..

... The Whig Ministry and Papal Aggression.—At the best, the conduct and the present plight of the Ministry, and those who joined in their crusade, parallel to that of Don Quixote in his famous assault on the dust-enveloped flock of sheep. They set lance ...

(From the Sunday Times.)

... Perhaps, indeed, should say that it becomes matter of indifference with them whether they possess that confidence or not. The Whigs are now arrived at this pilch of sublime carelessness. They think the empire could not hold together without them, and presuming ...

Cuttings Jfrom (Olt) Uapn*

... Cuttings Jfrom (Olt) Uapn* The Conduct tub Whigs in Office in 1800.—At a dinner given last week in Cork, Mr. Hunt, the demagogue, explained his secession from his early friends, the Whigs, by the following sketch of their conduct when in office At the ...


... avoid any cause of offence, and be prepared should offence be given. We not approve of the lick-spittle proceedings of the Whigs, which, in our judgment, is calculated awaken contempt, and thus encourage the animosity of the French rather than to conciliate ...

(From the Morning Adrertiser.)

... the resignation of Ministers, to which we alluded our impression of that day, being circulation the previous evening. So the Whig Cabinet has last fairly stranded. It was visible to all that it was among the breakers ever since the introduction of the Premier’s ...

POKTBEA, Saturday Evening, Makcu s

... assembled naval, military, and Civil. Tub Whigs bare long laboured under notion that the British Constitution was born of Whig parents, and that Whigs, therefore, should be its hereditary administrators. Whig writers, such the Macaulays, Catherine and ...


... as an important disclosure an inestimable boon, intended for the educated classes, by a Whig Administration. As if anybody now cared a straw to know* what the Whigs were doing, or intended to do, or imagined that their ! projects or their delusions, their ...

(From the Sim.)

... national matter, in comparison with which all other consideratkms sink into insignificance; it must not be treated after the usual Whig uumergetic and nullifying fashion. As the days Milton, the question is“To save free Gospel from the paw Of ravening aoives ...


... private assurances, which were sincere, that the penal clauses of the Emancipation Act would never be put in force. In 1851 the Whig Government gives notice, through Sir G. Grey, that the * Government had determined to legislate on the Papal question, as the ...


... defence of the Papal supremacy : but we do not think the Whigs will prosecute tbe bishops. Even sham bishops are dangerous in this respect, and James 11. lost his throne by meddling with them. The Whigs will not prosecute, neither will the Tories ; it one ...


... divine; He served—but served King George the Third, A Bigot; but, away the taunt, He was least a Protestant. XII. That Whig of Whigs, our own Nassau, high Dutch once was heard to say, He wished, lair Erin that he saw, Stouc-drowned ten thousand miles away ...