Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... year Ire was agrrin ciroser ireirser for Mid-Lrtiriars, at tire gene- ral eleetien corracquerrt ers tire aecessiors of tire Whigs to office -unider Lord Grersville. When that bliriotry fell, ii Miarcir, 1807, ?? nsew Prersaicrg the Duice of Portlaird, bestowed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mr. BROADLEY, M.P. for the East Riding of Yorkshire, died on the 8th inst., in his fifty-eighth year. He was a Protectionist Whig. It may be recollected that in 1845 he was the author of a remonstrance to Lord John Russell, on the occasion of the noble ...