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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON WILL BE PUBLISHED, THE 'PEXHIBITION ]EXPRED, s Bir of ?? Double Paper, PRICE F'O BENCE, Containing every possible informstion relative to the GREA EXHIBITION OF 1851, Its Objects, Exhibitors' Prospects, intended Contests, Arrangementp, Appesroe, Progress pastand future. The enormous nuimber of persons interested in the forthcoming Great Exhibition of the World's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3ub~iat~fonM, In the press, and will be published in the course of thepresatg mno, Jon 1851, THE VATICAN andsr. JAMES'S. or, E&g. .L land, Independent of itomen: showing from legal and UWst cal evidence as adduced in the cases of Cawdrey ard Lalor that the Brti'sh Crown, Church, Constitution, and People, have froj- ancient time, been independent of Rome. and that the recent papg aggression is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (IOUPONS.-Spauish Three per Cent. and Datch I t) Two-and.s.Hialfper Cant. Coupons falling duo on the Slot DO. eenber ansI let January, are NOW PAID on presentation at ?? Exchange Bullion and Foreign Biankilng Ofice, 10, Lombard-street, Corner of rar-offlee-court, ADAM 8PIELMIAN and CO. Foreign money in cola and bank notes exehaneed. Also French Bailway and ?? other Coupons payable abroad, pald ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . HONG KONG and CANTON (to isil °V 1..wothFebrua last ebipping day 8th Februr), JP '~jair ?? mueiA NAUT, AI, 628 tons IV gort y NCT commander (who is well acquainted with the g2¢' AIjulg in the West India Docks. Eas most superior sc. ilfa t ai'forpassgers. For freight or passage apply toW. O. Ksun-court Cornhill. to INDIA and CHINA, vii EQYPT. r monthly mail steam conveyance for passengers and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,.Oport* ti VIT an FP YONl.--The: Nineteenth Centl Dukr . tury is now equally dividsd. The latdyo h Irt ltj utos yashas been rung out, and the first day ef the succeeding fifty has beenal rung i.Tedprueoon eranthadntof anot~, V~lh are ever regrewthfeigofnestad c mw t; .Bvle8new half cnuyI okduo se pcsi h l~yo h Ostendl world. vW Orlean The statesmani the historian, the philosopher, and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR HOBART TOWN Direct (a regular trader, 1q baa a great part of her cargo engaged, and will be despatehed JL ,jthe ll-nown fast ailing first class barque HECTOR, i & o '4tatons, MARTIN BROOKS, commander; Ing in the ?? h. Thtis rhip h38 most excellent accommodations for rtor ters of freight or passage apply to DEVITT and ei iit 9illicer-Ftrcet. o)R BARlBADOS l~irect (last shipping day, 17 Jin 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUPON;S.-Spanialh Three per Cent anud Dutch Twro-and-aNHalf ptr Cent. Coupons felling due on the 3Slet Deo cemaber and lot January, are NOW PAID on presentation at the Exchange Bullion and Foreign Banking Office, 10, Lombard-street, corner of Pest-Oftie.Cootrt. ADAM SPIEL1IANN and CO.' Foreign money in coin and bank notes exchanged. Also French Railway and all other Coupons payable abroad, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . -MPO TANT to the AFFLIOTED.-MAR- _L. SHALL'S UNIVERSAL CERATE, for CILMBLAINS, &c. (establlshed for more than a century). is eminently distinguished for I speedily curing every kind of wound or sore, scald, burn, or bruise, a eruptions of every sort, and ulcers of every denomination, espeoiaily I ulcerated legs, wieth have been healed in so rapid a manner that a e new method of rure has been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON WILL BE PUBLISHED, VPHE EXHIBITION EXPR~ESS) T Size of a Daily Morning Double Paper, PRlInE FOURENCE, Containing evcry popsible information relative to the It REAT EXHIBITION OF 1551, Its Objects, Exbibitors' Prospects, intended Contents, Arrangements, Ajiprsarac, Progress, pust and future. The enormous number of persons interested in the forthcoming Great Exhibition ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEAN,I to INDIA and CHINA, via EGYPT. p coalar monthly mail steam ?? for passengers and g good to CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCUTTA, PENANG, SINGA. ghlt, ad iaoHNG-.ONG.-The Peninsular and Oriental Steam wgaE, ana pany beck passengers and receive goods and parcels eisabove portsa by their steamers, starting from Southampton Guth, 20th of every month, and from Suez on or about the Itith of ttethoe , I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE NEW IRON COUCH BED, 27r.-The fl most usetul Sparo Red ever introduced; either end can be aised to any elevation, lorming a luxurious couch or bed fo. Inva- rect lida, a settee for tbe drawing-room, or a child's crib. It folds up in the as iceredibly small space, can be carricd byafemale, and put up in Jam twoe mh~utea. Ihotel proprietors, offlcers, spartsilicfl travellers, and ensigrants ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EGULAR LINE of PACKET SHIP, to sail r P p unllv the 12th January, last shipping day the 22nd PFor ?? ADELAIDE Direct, the British-built ship BIN, -it e. A I. 45e tonsr cuppered and eopper-fa'tened, y ?? iI ?? JONK, commander; lying at theJetty, London C i9 Thi r, 0r3jlb hle l et-sailing ship has excellent accommoda- - .. r to nie Oa freight or passage, apply to MA. tl lOrLL 0a11 Eit-lli) , 34. ...