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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser




Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Advertisements & Notices

... IN SIX LANGUAGES.-FORTIETH1 EDITION, Containing the Remedy for the Prevention of Disease - Illustrated by One Hundred Anatomical and Explaua. tory Coloured Engravings on Steel. I On Physica Disqualiftcations, Generative Incapacsty, and finpediaaents to Mearriage. A New and improved Edition, enlarged to 116 pages, price 2sB, d; by pcet, direct from the Establishment, 3E. 6d., in postage staymps ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIRE SILEXT FREND3 an IN S~IX ILANGUAGI1i'. M FOUSTIETH1 EDITION, CONTAINING THE REMEDY FOR THE ytd, PREVENTION OF DISEASE. gut Illustrated by One Hundred Anatomical and Explanatory duw Coloured Engravings on Steel. On P'hysical Disqualifi. de cations, Generative Incapacity. and impediments to Marriage., A new and improved edition, enlarged to 196 L. pages, pri.Ce 2s. Gd. ; by post, direct ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EAUTIFUL HAIR, WHISKERS, . B EYEBROWS, &sc., may be, with certainty, Ch ained by using a very small portion of ROSALIE OOU1ELLE'S PARISIAN POMADE, every morning, instead of any oil ror other preparation. A fortnight's use will, in most inD stances, show its surprising properties in producing and co~ling Whiskers, 11sir, ec., at any age,lront whatever cause Ceficient, as also cbecking greyness, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GlUEAT AND AiRIPOKTANT BENEFITS TO ALIL CLASSE& THE UNITED PATRIOTS' NATIONAL BENEFIT SOC0ETY, AND BRITISH EMPIRE FREEHOLD LAND ANb BUILDING SOCIETY. United in action. Enrolled and Empowered by Act e Patlnnt to extend over the Unitod Eingdot. AENcTs RECQUIRED TO FORM LOCALITERS IN ALL PARTB Os GREAT BRITAlN5 Eaukers.-The Commercial Bank of London (Branch) 6, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GUEl AJUND 131PORlANT BENEI6ITS TO ALL CLASSES, E1ITED PATRIOTS' NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY, AND T I BRITISH EMPIRE FREEHOlDU LAND AND UUILDING SOCIETY. United ilacllot. Enrolled and Empowered b3 Act of Parliament to extend over the United Rlegdom. AOXNS REQUIRD TO FOas. LOCIXITIEe IN ALL PARTS OF GREA AlRTAIN. Bsars.-The Commercial Bank of Lontlon (Branch) 6, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to, tat SECRET SORROW! CERTAIN HELP! te- Immense, Success of the New Rode of Trealteit wbich ms- has never failed. ats -R. ALFRED BARKER, 48, Liverpool Wa J..j Strsetliing's Cross, London. 00 From many year' .experience at the various hospitals in LPt London and on the Continesit, is enabled to treat with hp the utmnost certainty of core, every variety of disease .he arising from solitary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BU BARRY'S HE1ALTM R.ESTORINQ FOOD THE RECALKTA-AMlICA . AUTION. The most disgsiting and in- V jarlous 063 di10na beingj sold by unscrupulous epeeu. lnienmupeoi ?? ofthe Public, emder coscimitza r upon tboheof c d.1 BT-ARRS I6EYALINTA ARA- tICA FOOf ors tii a pretence ofbeing similar to that de. MZel ool an onraluibl remedy for indigestion, Consip- Meign and involus, and Liver Complaints, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Tailors anad Others. By approbation of her majesty Queen Victoria, and BILRH. Prince Albert. NOW aEADY. HE LOINDON anid PARIS AUTUMIN T WndINITER FASHIONS for 161and 1852,pu Ilibed by Messrs. READ & Co., 121, Hlart-street, Btlonombury. ~SC square, London, and B~roadway, New York, Ametica als %IO by GEORGE Bkatoms, llolyviell-etreet, Strand, London.' The an View, reprosented Iin the PRaise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ier FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH, 0 t * Price Is. lid, per box. m lie THIS excellent Family PILL is a cL ti- Medicine of longtried efficacy for correcting all ar disorders of the Stoncuch anid Bowels, the common syamp wl tomis of which are Costiveness, Flatulency, Spasms, Los (S he of Appetite, Sick Head-ache, Giddiness, Sense of Fulness Pt Oin aftewmeale, Diaciciess of the Eyes, Drowsiness an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BFYEBRJIOWS, , y be,my ewith crantotine l'AltiAl'N I'tsyIADii. every morning, iiistead of anly oil or ether Is-epzirafltr,:e.%A ftrrtnighl's usc v.Ill, in most in. RetoIlci a shol its isurlising li&ropert tes its producing anid t cu line P hViohlers, lhair. Alt., lit aity age, Iron, sehat~eve rooml dellcelt 1as ~i so clirclking greyness, Ame. For chli. dlceii it kism tqcllpiis ait, ftrillieg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No 1.ove f'ills rnor sory other DreqsS. 5i;',et CURltEsl ItY IJ BARRY'S R EVA LENTA A 1{XBICA FOOD, RD a ~i~leasac otid elt.etua rlleniledy (svithout ow dicinc, 'flst~tj,~n'v e. CcpttlsC, St, it saves fifty times its cost In other eocalil .f cItre). frmnloibl ilizo,xti- 8f unqacue-ionalble respectalbi. flity haavtrt.,ted that it nupe;idndicine ofevery de- rsciptiut , th. emt tual and 1,ui ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FrRAMPTON'S PILL OP HEALTH. s The following testimonial is another proof of the great efficacy of this medicine - Winchnmore-bill, Middlesex. April 16th, 1851. I Sir,-ln Consideration of the great benefit I have de. y rived from ?? Frampton's Pill of Health, I feel it a r. duty that Iowe to you and the public to ,end 3ou the fol. t- lowing statement. For upwards of nine years I have ex- ...