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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser




Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

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... l'ctins in the Back, Slravel, Rhetsnvelism, Gout, Los. .r bago, Indigestioa, Debility, Stricture, Gleet, ec. tr Ilt. BARtKER'S PURIFIC PILLS JD (of which there are useless imsitatiot's under other titles), bave in many instances effected a cure when all other means had failed, ated are now established, by the ;n consent of every patient %ho has yet tried them, as also [d by the FcACrUY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED WITH if OUT A TRUSS! t , AD the following TESTIMONIALS, -1elcted from many hundreds in the possession of I DII. BAR1;¢R.- b I an, hlpy to inform you that my rupture is quite cured.'-liev. tl. Berbice, Slay l7th, ISdl. 'My rupture has never appeared since. I consider it a miracle to be cured, after suffering twenty years.'-J. Ede, y Esq., June 2nd, 1851. ' I have much ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3PU BARRY'S HIEALTH RESOINV FOOD THlE REVALENTA ARBCA. ('1.A1TION.-The most disgusting and in- %Jjurio~uscomPoun~dsbeing sold byunscrupulous specu Satos uon he ceduityof the l'oblie, under close imites- Islor uof the canesulif 151 RYS REVALENTA ARA- lion yof, ore nwihpelee of b) .teing similar to that de- liciosas Hnd invaluablO remedy for Indigestion. Constipa-i ieon, Nervous, Bilious, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEUTIFUL HidEAl, -WHISKERS, frt V z L 1 BRQWj, &c., nuaybe, with certainty ,obtained U et ~ ~ tO fRSLIE ¶JUPELLE'S P~j- P)MA02. every morning, instead of any oil or or~otber.preparation. Afortniglst'sU0e wilimot St staces ^haow il5 surprising properties in producing and Lot curling'Whiskers, Hair, &c., at any age, from whatever tati causedeficientt, as also checking greyness, &c. ly~ Sent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w~~; ill IN SI1X LANGUAGES,- FORTIETH EDITION, lessl Containinig the Remedy for the Prevention of Disease - post Illustra led by One 11undred Anatomical and Exptaun- Den I tory Coloured Engravings, on Steel. Fen] On Physical Disqualifications. Generative Zocapaeity, able deal' cand .icpedioients to Mars-ope. Of A New and improved Edition, enlarged to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r, and r, who LAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC a )f bet- B PILLS.-Thefollowingtestimonlal is another proof of 'I tho of the great efficacy of this Medicine:- . * y, and 127, NeWv Bond street, London. October 12th, 1565. al hen he Sia,.aiacquainting you with the great benefit which . I fr lause ) have experieascet bytaking BLAIR'S GBOUT ANU RH1&U. nc MATIC PILL5, I feel that I amn but perforgaing a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMMENSE SUCCESSOF TIHE NEW MODE OF TREATMENT. 9,211 CURES LAST YEAR!!! I As adopted by Lalleeonaod, 1?icord, Deslandti, and Iothers, of the ilopital des Veneriens a Paris, a.:d iaOq0 , tiforaily practised i, this'country by WALTER DE ROOS, M.D., . 5, ELY PLACE, HOLBOR N HILLI LONDON, C AtBU110B OF T HE MEDICAL ADVISER, .11 improved edition, written in a popular style, devoid e of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENLARGEMENT Of THE NATIONAL INSTRUCTOR. No. ViI. of the New Series OF THE NATIONAL INSTRUCTOR I Is now ready. SIXTEEN LARGE ROYAL OCTAVO PAGES, Price One Penny. IT 1S TIHE ADVOCATE OF POLITICAL, SOCIAL, AND INDUST RIAL PROGRESS IT COSTAINS V A WEEKILY LAit0ER CiILEV D. q The Autobiography of Feargus O'Connor, Esq., SIp., e Original Articles on Social antd political Questions. Tales: Reviews: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BE AUTIFUIL HAIR, WHISKERS, Ist EYEBROWS1 &a., maly be, with certainty, obialnedi r by using a very small portions of ROSALIE COJIELLE'S . PARISIAN POMADE. every morning, instead of any oil or other preparation. A fortnight's use will, in most in. d stonces, show ?? surprising properties in producing and cailing Witiskers, 1eir, &c., ait any age, fros whatever cause deficient as also ebcolking ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .-NLAkE[A.MfT OF THE NATIONAL INSTIWOTOR. ' No. VII of the New Serieso OF THE NATIONAL INSTRUCTOR, is now ready. T SIXTEEN LARGE ROYAL OCTAV'O -PAGES, ?? WIli Price One Fenny. ts IT 13 THE~ ADVOCATE 0OF B whi POLITICAl, SOCIAL, AND. INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS ' IT CONTAIN'$ quo WE1 EK~ILY LAII01LII 19VC011D. T led1 The Autobiography of Feargus O'Connor, Esil., M.P;, the. Wit Original Articles on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED P s. WITHOUT A TRUSS! . Dr. ALFRED HaRaEr begs. to inform the readers of the '0aTu5BN STrA that a Volume of Upwards of One Thou- sand Tcstimonials.will shortly be published. BEAD TII FOLLOwING:- 'In 'the fi-e cases I wrote to you about, thb remedy Las 3 perfectly succeeded; send me another for a case of Scro ?? Armstrong; Navy Surgeon. We hare witnessed the cure of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a .. er FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH, 0 Price is, lId. per box. Y ;e THIS excellent 'Family PILL iS a cn i T ?? of long-tried efficacy for correcting all a disorders of the Stomech and Bowels, the commos symp w toms of wbich are Cootiveness Flatulency, Spasms, Les (E Ie of Appetite, Sick Head-ache, Giddiness, Sense of Fulness e ln aftermeals, DicinessoftheEyes, Drowsinessand Pains to in ithe ...