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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... I~J ~ut L.--lhepublic are ?? informed that S As fo th~lis %c asin)ol~ lf'edi,?say, the Seventh OrfMay. jind lY o 5llowving daye. The proceede to be appropriated andtcd n on f tile debt on the above chapel. The ;lle d10td51 IIday at eleven o'clock, a.m. And on tEA ?? be held in thre same place, tat ?? ~D~eceOne Shillinig each. ~ ~wll be ?? offer to the inspection of pur-c tie ~ of ?? for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... posittvely ?? ou .0A tw - EfttCattomIt. rj 0 PARENTS AND GUARDIANS.- , MIATI RNAL CARE AND EDUCATION,-The Wife of a beneficed Clergyman, residing in at good house and healthy locality, in Yorkshire, being about to engage a young lady to assist her in the care and education of her own two children. of six and eight years of age, would be willing to RECEIVE 5tisM 0,15 'gI O SIX 1.ITTriLE GiRLS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... brol ?? ~~frot: A~t two e'eoc'1, on I, q, oO. X.hel'1 Ieor ?? Oaiel it.ll N'o-i liJ ll I.OtrOcl. .I-on, f UL. 401 IBaloOj~ INDItt tIrSIDE and A-~Vo A'BAMUWool Brlokers, Liverpool tl W ?? -wit' On ?? jo'l'0fh110051 ~WOOL, e i1:4,,.1LES SMIYRINA, 'I LiKEY, l&e.. r 101 JC~LIlmr, Eyl Al, oale-strecf. 1F7j, It e'-~ij DeIllt Jr.11 a1 ~t thue Ii okr'sS OICi'lt(IL, j Cot 2;i, T1emlple ,tre'et, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENLARGEMENT OF THE NATIONAL INSTRUCTOR. No. Vill. of the New seriesq OF THE NATIONAL 1NSTRUCTO01 Is now ready. 0 sixTEEN LARGE ROYA1J OCTAVO PAGES, C Price One Penny. I *IT t5 THlE ADVYOCATE OF POLITICAL, SOCIAL. AND INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS IT CONTAINS A WVEIVULY LAIMMAUI EIEC0COII. s The Autobiography of Feeargus 0O'Connor, Esq., T&P. Original Articles on Social and Political Questions. io ti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Tailors and Others, By B npproba tio o of her majesty Queen Victoria, and UIiLH. Prince Albert. N SOW READY. TI' nII LONDON and PARIS AMUMN J. atid WINTER, FASHIONS for 1851 and 1852, pub pu llshed by Messrs. READ & Co., 12, l2rt-stree~t, looemsbury- sqliare, London, and Broaidway, New York, America; also by igxoae BEsosa, HoloysvellBetreet, Strand, London. The V'iew, represented in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TAILORS AND OTHERS. ER EXHIIBIT1ON, 1851. By Approbationu ojf Iel Mlajesty Queen Victoria, and H.R II. prin ic Alberf. THE LONDON and PARIS SPRING 1 aid SUMhMER FASIIONS for 1851, by Messrs. BENJAMIN READ & CO., 12, 1lart-street. Blosmebury square, Lonoon n nd by GEORGE BERGER, Holywell. street. strand , will be ready early in March. The V View of the Grand Building in Hyde-park for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DT C THlE TRUSTEIbS OF THE GENERAL T j~~~NFIlZtMAIZY Al' LFLDIS. Mfv L0508, LADIteS, AND i5~ittN Hlaying ozw had thle hotnour of tilting the office of surgeon c t o your lestitution for more thanl tweltty years. I beg respect. ot fully to RtN'SItN the appotintmtfent iltot your ttanes ;and I v, gladly avail myself of titO opotuniitiity to tollbflte exp~ressoin LI of the ?? Sense I feel, eind ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YADKIEL'S ALMANAC for 1852. Twenty- l Z second year. Thirtioth Thousand! Falsof France, ire. erml lend, Italy, Rome. More wortderfitl revelationg through the strel ,jagtc, Crystal. The Pope and his Destiny. Letter to Lords J. attd ,lt1ll Bss. and Wrotteeley. Numerous woodcuts. Strik- and WCbieroglyLlic .Fulfilled ?? A. IbIsand Co.. London. l'rics lii., poet-free of th ifid. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *Mgo0 bi? Ruction.La PeremPtorilY, tO Close an Account. R To Chemists and Druggists, Medical Label Printers, Bly Drysalters. &c.A -,AKRO elifciwsdal, ihe~l~iianti Thoirday, f/e 1717s I'd fApril iiltanf, at eleven o'clock precislely each dany, at his T pooO 5r, Churcih-street, Liverpool, by order of the trustees o' oi tite late firm of Micel n letn -VEMILLIONS of MEDICAL and GENE- ' f.RA t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V AE, a handsome CAMBRIDGE (or i(,vatjdsLCHAiR, nearly new. Price LeO. Apply to iol Auctioneer.- Mltddleabro'-on-Tees.. -:Nr SALE,, an ORGAN, in Mahogany Case, ?? te new. of, e celent tone, containing four steps. 0~ d. for agentlemxauna mansion, or a small chapel, or 0.Atom.le Apply to Mr. Wm. GeARSavooD, ProepeCt Cottage, 5~VERA HNDRED TONS of IRISH ELANSTRW fr SALE. To be heard of at Messrs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... prST-RIDING UNITA.IANT RAC T 0TvIIITY-SiXTIIl ANNVfAt IlgL NO will1 be held ait Ito ol Wednesdaw. Jtune.1oleMC11.v . (I onhalees utig Ses ~ico Will b'e ?? %. b tile 11e'. a~l N, 'plt ?? a csermon will bo preached by thes ?? of RL~vl5U9tOIA oe Clestertieid. I' ?? fteNse~i1 11X 150 A lNU AL EETING will be IuncUe liate. afo hearing thle report Of the past year' edig5ued I~letig officere for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P)ublicN0urro. OTI'CE TO INVENTORS.11 PA1KN AND DBRiGNS OrFICis 4. Trafalgar-dnare L~ondon. INVENTORS fornishied,g grtiwith ?? instructiols as o to the mode of proceeding. and the expenses of protecting o their iiventitins by Letters patent, inl the United Klingdom, or pr Foreign coLuntries, orbY registrallti i under the Designs Acts. in SPecifications8 prepared. AniS drawvfingg made,' with ...