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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... yo T '-alloris and Others. By approbation of her Majesty queen Victoria, and H.&H. Prince Atbert. ?? oZADY. rjiHE LONDON and PARIS AUTUMN ._ and WVINTER FASHIONS for 1851 and 1812, pub ished by Messrs. BREAD & ?? Hart-street. Bloomsbary- square, London, and Broadway, N ew York, America; also by G roaca B itoEs, lolyvwell street, Straid, London. The View, represented in the RsiNT for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by using a v-ery small portion of iIOSALIB GOLUIELLE'S PARISIAN POMADE, every morning, isntead Of ally Oil or other preparation. A for-tnight's ?? 5sill, in most in- stances, ehow its surprising propel-ties in Producing and curlingIWhiskcers, Hair, &C., at any age, from whatever cause deficient as silso checiking greyness, Je. IFor chil- dren it is indispensable, forming thle basis of a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3)U BARRY'S HEALTH RESTORING FOOD ha TUBE REVALEXTA ARAIBICA. M OAUTION.-The most disgusting and in- - C jurious compounds being soldiby u~nscrpulOUSespech.- latore upon the credulity of the Public, uncler close imita. th, tlion of the name of DU BARRY'S ILEVALENTA ARIA- ha 3BICA FOOD, or wtih%' protesics of being similar to tlmtdet- ey e licterA3 and invalua~ble remedy for Indigestion, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEAUTIFUL HAIR, WHISKERS, B EYEBROWS, &c., may be, with certainty, obtained by using a very small portion of ROSALIE COUPELLE'S PARISIAN POMADE, overy morning, instead of any oil or other preparation. A fortnight's use will, in most in- stances, show its surprising properties in producing and curling Whiskers, Hair, &c., at any age, from whatever cause deficient ; as also checking greyness, &c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and who LAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC or7 bet- .L PILLS,. -fhe followving testimonial is another proof of wvho of the great efficacy of thisIfedicine:- and 127, New Bond Street, London. October 12th, 1850. .1b IhIe SIa-Ini tacquainting you with the great benefit which I fre have experienced by talting BLAIRIVS GOUT AND iRHEU- no. MATIC PILLS, I feel that I amn but-performting a ditty to of [on, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hen CURES FOR THE UNCURED3! fro HOLLOAY'SOINTMENT. we II An Extraordinsary~ Cere of Strofuelc, or Kissg's wi Evil. r Extract of aletter from Mr. J . HL Alliday, 209 High-atreet, lee Cheltenham, dated January 226d, 1850. P0.rl~ Sm,-My eldest son, when about three years of age, Fe was afflicted with a glandular swelling in the neck, which ab. rafter at ahort time broke out intd 'an utlcer. 'An ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~A~~ON'SPILL OF HEA~LTH. nece Ed F' Thi followling testimonial is another proof of the I~V great efficacy of this medicine :- Si lyVinehimore-hitl, Middlesex, April Mitx, 18511. voteo 15 I 'Sir,-In cottsderatioii ot the great bent-lit I have de- ?? Se rived from taking Fratopton'8 Fill of Healith, I feel its aa' lei duty that I owe to you and the public to end youn the fol- 'l lowing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEALTH WHERE 'TIS SOUGHT! car o11OW- A Y' S, Ceord of a .Disordered Liiver aosd Stmc, tr whets in a blosi hopeleirstate. Egrlvact ofj Ld te from v Matthew Harve1y, of Chapel lou, BallAirdrfer, Scotland, dated 5he 15th of Januar~y, 18no. mial Sia,-Your valuable pills hare been the means, with nev God's blessing, of restoring me to a state of perfect health, P Iand at a time when I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ids .1 he -Allziisg Suseess of ths New Mode of Treatnment. at. R. BARKER'S Compound Indian Ex. t to tract, ?? Debility, and Impediments to Mar- r tea rigs is exoisively direcetd to the cure of nervous andr s sexual debility, irregularity, wealtness, consumptive habits, 3 Y'S and debilities arising from mental irritability, local or I off constitutional w'eakness, generative diseases, &c. It is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GiIEAI' AND JiMPtK9TANT BE1NEk 'i'S ?? A'LL CLASSES. MHE IJXITED PATRIOTS' NATIO'NAL BENEFIT SOCIETY, AND t B3RIT1311 EM'llE FREEHOLD LAND AND BUILDING SOCIETY. Uinitedius iction. Frolled widd Empowered by Act of Ila rliament to extend over the United Kingdom. AGbNTS REQUIRED TO FORIMO LOCALlTIEc IN ALL PARTS OF OSEAT BRITAIN. Bonuers-The Commercial Rank of London (Branch) a, Henrietta Street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEALTH WHERE 'TIS SOUGHT ! TIOLLO WAY'S PILLS. LJ Cure of a Disordered Liver and Stomach, qshen in a most hopeless stage. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Matthew Harvey, of Chapel Hall, Airdrie, Scotland, dated the 15th of January, 185D. Sm,-Youc valuable Villa have been the means, with God's blessing, of restoring me to a state of perfect health, and at a time when I thought I was on the brink ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE SILENT FRIEND, Y1 PiX ZLANGUA&GEYS. ?? EDITION, CONTAINING THE REMEDY FOR THE PREVENTION OF DISEASE. Illustrated by One Hundred Anatomical and Explanatory Coloured Engravings on Steel. On Physical Digqualifi- cations, Generative Incapacity, and impediments to Marriage. A new asid improved edition, enlarged to t16 pages, price Ys. Cd. ; by post, direct from the Estublish. ment, 3s. Gd. in ...