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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... - ?da ?? ~ da '½ ?? I; posess'l' , AlsO/s SIL , sh Lsor,t lire cc- htsi't b~lse itilld Ove M Vicu Ul-e Autoe; vhille ltt'i, ' ll'N struck out. - ?? dtil apveaig to Ili im-t~ bs ottterediwith the of 5151 Cou~trt oil ?? ?? totty 111' te. ?? w s CIIAricO r 5'.A 15Is.Illuo t I 0 istS al t eip ll~ aq d~'ttt oeltOAL lis tiss L'IP thIW ?? ItE tit 5500 01 811'eriflg the sf ?? , (tI 'ho Ii':t of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A N D \ V ~ .S R D I N W S L Y A N idjces. wtearing apparel st i e l s w nd , J~ tie tet Is. eac h tile v alu e of w i h il b , 0 0 O d S. 5 5 t s ~ i k t d C U C ,LITTLE LONDON, iT. ?? RMONtS Will be preached in this VI~~lti'eSeenteenths, in aid of the Build- WCUfTI'lIllfll0jligby the Rev. F. H1. RtClIINGS, Xtherstone, Warwickablre; in the arter- *il 0 FIoJ, D.D0., Vicar of Leeds, and In .5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... All Letters, PosC-paid, addressed to Adicrtise'rs, throenh, tke Printers, ane uinvriab,/ lerwencded to ?? par/ll Averteliitec/; if, therefore, an Apilpislelt does ?? ?? ansiver tsil i a reaessble tenet', he Muast Codeaee~e either thut the Aclverliser is tles:aty siited, er that ?? e ?? ether eatese, it la.s tet bee,, 1t4neehl w eee.sar tI rtetrn alt alstelr to the Apelit-atina. App~dis w ds ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'OREIGN CONFERENCE AND EVAN- FGELIZA.TION CtlIM TTEE, for IOrl* COMMIlT rEP Alder. Rev. Dr. R1. ilollold, R1ev. E. Alexander, J. Walits; Esq. joe eis A., rsq. Alexander, Lieut..Col. R. uI J0na''ird lion. Arthulr Anderson. Lieut-.Col. It. A. LatrobO, Biay. Peter Arthur, Rev. William. LayArd. Capt. H. I,. Barlow, Calit. A. A., R.N. 'Leifclhildl, Rev. Dr, Beamieh. Rev. ii. I.I. Long, William. egq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... co it rADVERTISEAIENTS.] di, CsRa 'FOR TnE ToOyae-AckiE.-We refer any of OUr ad readeTS WhlOare suffering from the tooth-ache, to the adVer- U.tisement in this day's Mercury respecting hWcetiufg'S Trooth- ?? Elxir. Any sulferinag from this tiresomer complaint 55 wilt not decsirve the least pity if they neglect LO lprocure 50g or sasey and permanaentt a cure. 57112 I. AN OBSTINATE SIOIN DISEASE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , ~ ?? MTfU8IC HALL, LEEDS. . 6*I EUR JU LLI EN'S VOCAL AND T' R oHCBSTRA CONCERT, 44 O ,sjiLjDA1, Fintriteesl/ of M1arci. O I eo f ?? of marny distinguished .req et ?? able to obtain admtseioll, M. Julliec 1,j so ut toI abnnounce that he has succeeded in or L~~SCOND CONCERT, eplace upon the evening of Friday, the Four. Ion Which OCCaB103U ;Pofd iladij. JETTY TREFFZ, M; VIVIE 1 and the F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO WORKING MEN, I1IC ADVANTAGES OF MECHANICS' T INSTIT UTIONS. I VesTy-FOURTH THOUSAND. I AddresS of Mfr. E. Baines, published oZ the I , has, at thc ?? of tho Committee of ?? . R~glrE UNION OF MECIIANICS' INSTITUTES, as Of othe) Societies ancd individuals, been sviall 8-page tr-actfor distribution. . e Ald at the MERCURY OFFICE, P at 2s. p ir Hundred. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR.. CULVERWELL, ni ON THE PLEASURES OF HEALTH. 'I 'si A series of popular works, Is., each, by post 1s. 6d. 0 each. bs ENJOYMENi OF LIFE. H 'Health, recreation. and rational use oftime.' ec CONTENTS.-Early rising ; Spring a d Summer mornings, hi Excursions about the Enrirons of Loxdon-the Perks, hi Lanes, Hills, Forests, Fields, High-roads, and other plea. eant places, Country Trips and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEAUTIFUL HAIR, WHISKERS, PARISIAN POMADE, every morning, instead of anly oil ae or other preparation. A f'ortnight's use ',ill, ins most in. stances, show its sin-prisioig prepcrties in pi-oducing and a, curling Whiskers, Hair, &e., St it5y age, Irons witatever cause deficient as also'chiecking greyness, she. For cli. dren it is indispeissable, ?? the basis of a lieutiCH ~*head of hair, read ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ToC 'lrenilore rendi other's. Bly apylroboaiori of her. Mojesty Queen Victoria, and 1l.iR.H. Prince Aibert, N0w READY. HpfE LONDON and PARIS AUTUMN ?? TL ant VX 114TEII FASUIOSNS for 1851 and 1852, pub. ank teiredpb Messrs. ItEAD.& ?? 12, llart-strcet. Bloonisbury- I qere ono, n Irorqrlvav, Sorw York, Ane, ion; also ' orocIECR foyeli t~ t, Strand, London. 'The Ii iew, c reented inl tle PoRITc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .30 yOU WANT BEAUTIUI, AND d, LUXURIANT HAIR, WHISKERS, &? Trt M ANY preparations for the Hair have been co .3.introduced to the public, bitt noele have gained such a worldwide celebrity and Immense sal' as Miss DEaN's fs CRINILEN& 5It is. guaranteed' to produce whiskers, tif eliOustacitlos, eye-brows, keii, irnthreee or four weeks, with In the-utmost certainty I,and wvili' be, found ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a *RUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED WITHOUT A TRUSS! *l Dr. ALFvRnD BiARKER begs to inform the renders of the 5e NOSTILEBN STARS that at Volume of Upw ards of One Thou- sand Testimonials will shortly be published. RlEAD Titt FOLLOWINGO 'In the five cases I wrote to you about, the remedy bas perfectly succeeded ;scud ine another for a case of Soro. Ir tal ?? Armstrong, Navy Surgeon. CS We ?? ...