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... THlE LIVERPOOL COUNTS COURT JUDGE. craii Liverpool lies bheni kept in a state of excitement hove during tire week, through the conduct of its County court then judge, Mr. Renrolicy, a gentleman who unfortunately ap- may pears to ba bereft ef lils senses. Tire Lifei>:oof Journla/ with ale a placard containing the lice iu large letters, 4 Mr. scourt tRrrcslrcfs, opinion of thle people of ...


... RENIARKABLE: tASEI.I Since the trial of Madamte IrslUoge1Uin !arante for poisoning her husband, no morc ?? coos has. ever been tried than tliat which noe 0l6er\v;enfolds itself before the High Criminal Court oftHintuls, at Moos. The accused are the Count and Coeutess of Bocnme; of a family which is stated to he one of the oldest in Belgiomn. The crinte laid to their charge is that of having. ...


... Onl Wodnesday a Court Martial wes held on board the Victory, flag ship, to try Mr. John Godrich Cambell, Assistant-Surgeon of the Iefeaf , just returned from the West Indies, ol a charge of being drunk on the night of a the 10th September last, onl board that ship whilst she was lyisg in the harbsur of Antigua. The Court con- sisted of Rear-Admiral Prescott, (President) Captains I Chads, of ...


... TiHE PRIMLEY MURDRiEM.-ANOTfHER CIhARGE OF BURGLARY. On Tuesday k'lamucl Hlarwood, one of the persons i charged witb the murder of the Rev. G. flollest, and who wnee acquittol on Tuesday, the lG t iustant, at Kingston, was brought Mrfore ic magistrat a at I-Iors. hare, Snssex, charged with Janms HIamiltono, one of the Uckfield burglare, by Mr. lilolleocom to, tec active Euperintoedleut of the ...


... PORTSMOUTH POLICE, MONDAY.-The Mayor, W. Thompson, and T. E. Owen, Esors. DISonDrBIoIES.-Hannah Bush, and Mary Ann Ryan were charged by P.C. Woolcocks with riotous and indecent behaviour in Crown-street, Portsmouth, on Sunday evening, The Bench said they were determined if possible to put down such disgrace- ful scenes, and adjudged them to be imprisoned and kept to hard labour for 14 days. ...


... LIBIITY OF BANKEERS AS TO PAYMENT OF DOUBLE CeossED CHEsEQs.-Belamy and another v. Mfajo-7itass.-The Attorney- General, Mr. Knowles, and Mr. Unthank appeared for the plaintiffs; Sir F. Thesiger, Serjeant Channel!, and Sir J. Bailey for the ?? was an action against the well-known banking firm of Coutts and Co., and was beard on Thursday the 26th ult. The declaration stated that the plaintiffs ...


... dl KIl!DLINGTON. ?? Friday se'nnight the remiains ?? Filcher were interred is i our churchyard; his melancholy death occurred in the follow- 3, log manner :-H~e was at work on the Osftoni and Rugby Rail- er way, when he fell down, and one of the wheels of a truck, cou- rt tamning ballast, passed over his arm, which was so much frac- tured that he was immediately remhoved to the Oxford ...


... ,BULLINODON DIVISION.-5Satscrdzy, Noemzber 15, at the , C~oeusty Hialt, Oxford6. Present, J. W. Henley, esq. H.P., Lord Norreys, ri.P, C. Peers, Esq., Rev. Dr. Harington, J. H. Ashhurst, Esq., Dr. Marsham, Rev. A. H. Matthews, and J. J. Henley, Esq. DISTURBANyCE AT HOBSEPATR.-Fonrlads>DnamedJohnHarrs, ,Bartholomewv Cooper, Thee. Cooper, and Elish~a Shepherd, were charged with singing indecent ...


... PIORTSEOTH BOROUGH SESFSSIONS. These Sessiona wvere liel yesterday, at the Sessiolls- N 0 room, Ponny-stree-, before Thomas Phiadn, Esq-, Be- n cordor. There woere 2 ?? for trial The fol- a ,r lolwilng gentlenmen erel sworn on tlre Gread Jury:- Mr. W. J. Has', oretman, Messrs. W. P. Helby, T. x' Batchelor, V. Hueray, J. Selby, J. HookovaW. Hodges, y W. J. Haytr, J. -oresoy, Hicks, N. AntAi, ...


... The General Quarter Sessions for this county com- menced on Monday, ill the Grand Jury Chamber of the County Hall, Winchester, before Lord Henry Cholmon- deley, Chairman, and the following Magistrates:- H. C. Compton, Esq., M.P., Melville Portal, Esq., i r., Sir John Pollen, Bart,, Sir Edward Butler, Bart., Johe Deverell, Esq., F. J. E. Jervoise, Esq., Rev. T. F. Woodlham, H. J. Muleock, Esq., ...


... The Midsummer Sessions for the Western Division of the County took place on Thureday last, at the Town Hall, Horsham, before R. Prime, Esq. (Chairman), and F. S. Pigott, REsq. (Deputy Chairman of the Sessions). There wore also present the Duke of Richmond, Major Saldbam, Captain Shirley. the Hon. J. J. Carnegie, G. Bsrttelot, Esq., E. S. Bigg, Esq., P. Burrell, Esq., W. K. Gratwicko, Esq., T. ...


... flUL3Cf@ l L 3/7j; aV ls lltiy OLAUttiNL. A wish having been expressed by many of the principal agni- culturists in this neighbourhood to test the reaning machine which has been invented by Mr. Husses, of the United States, Mr. Gillam, of the Bear Hotel, Woodstock, put himself in com- munication with Messrs. Dray and Co., agricultural implement makers, Swan-lane, London, who have bought the ...