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... Thiursday, Oct. 2. (Magistrates on the Bench:-Ar.Es. MirTsui, and J. - L. M'CaNce, R.M., Esqrs.) Robert Oasement was charged, by John Scott, with a common assault, at Quoile, on the 15th September last. Captain Scott stated that, on the morning of the 150h September, he had gone to water his cow, where all the neighbours water their cattle, and where he usually watered his-that, on going, he ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT.-WE1wr:SI)'-. [Before the MAYOR. ENTERING WiTU INTENT TO STEAL. JoAlm iHoran, a character wvell-lnowit to the police, was brought lip on a charge of having entered the house of Air. M'Quiston, of Strandtownl, on the pre- vious night, wvith intent to steal. AIr. AI'Qniston said that hearing a noise, about three o'clock this morning, he came down stairs and found the ...


... FURTRIIR PARTICULARS. IN our last publication we gave an account (necessarily imperfect) of a dreadful murder in Armagh, the full particulars of which we now copy from the Newry Telegraph of yesterday:- On Monday evening last, the inhabitants of the pro verbially peaceable and quiet city of Armagh were shocked by the rumour that a murder had been per- petrated in the immediate neighbourhood of ...


... .Labe. MASTEIR LITTON'S OFFICE. The trusteeq of the Earl of Portr cejin7qtont's estate v. the Great Southern abnd W1esterni Iailwuy. IN this case an application was made on behalf of the Railway Company to stay further proceedings, under an order made by the Lord Chancellor in the month of August, establishing the liability of the company to Pay interest upon the purchase money of certain ...


... AN arbitration, arising- out of the stormy and excitin- discussions respecting thoe Magee College, which took place at the last meeting of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, held in Belfast, is in progess in Arbitration 10oom, No, 2, Four Courts, Dublin. To judge from the number of clergymen it attendance from the North it would app'ear to be to them a most interesting ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT.-WEDNESDAY. [Before JOIN CURELL, Esq.] EMBEZZLEMENT OR MONEY. A young man, named Thomas Adamrs, who had been collecting clerk to Mr. Patrick Lindsay, coal-factor, Cromac Street, was charged with embezzling the sum of £24, the property of his employer. Adams had been sent with the money to lodge in the bank, but did not do so, and, on the circumstance being discovered, he ...


... I ROLLS COOURT-LONwON, W-1nRmDAY. I I MOTION VOF ItNJUCTION. Logan v. Lord Courtowan. The Master of the Rolls gave judgment in this case was heard on the motion for an inj unction in Nov He said it was not necessary now t'on i. eiubl stances under which the act authorising the couatrtclh. the railway was obtained. It was sufficient at p consider the grounds on which the injunction was son ...


... CRIMINAL INFORMATION A(GAINST THE PRO- I , IP~ETORS OF PUNCH. DAIL COUSRT-LONDON, THURSDAY. (Sittings in Banco, before Mr. Justice Wightman.) The Queen v. Bradbury and Evans. Mr. Baddeley was instructed to apply for a rule calling upon Messrs. Bradbury and Evans, who were the printers and Dpublishers of a well-known weekly newspaper, called Pu nch, to show cause why a criminal information ...


... I ASSIZE. INTELLIGENCE. ROSCOMMON. (FROM OUR OWN COcESPONDENTr.) Roscommon, 16th July. After taking the presentments on yesterday, the case of the Queen against John Healy, charged with the murder of Martin Duffy, was called on. The case was postponed for the last two assizes, and the accused was out on bail. It was the intention of the crown again to postpone the trial, but Healy having been ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. UJOAD OFFICE. (Before Mr. Magee.) CAUTION TO COM31ERCIAL HOUSES AT THE OTHER SIDE. -John Crawford, the principal particulars of whose case appeared in the PHE3E1AN of Saturday, was brought up on remand to-day. Mr. Atkin, secretary, and Mr. Cronhelm, solicitor to the Traders' Protection Society, attended, as on the previous in- vestigation, for the prosecution. Mr. ...


... , THPE PkESECUTING POLICY. W (From Fhe Morning Chronicle.) We do noiprofeshpsenetrale the mysteries of the cabineti deliberations, UBgt it is no secret that the Irish question has a been, and is, the. source of serious discussion. Lord John D Russell has placed l mself in that position which is so com- mon to rash men, aii~tso fatal to statesineu-a position in which to advance is impossible, ...


... QUEEN'S BENCH NISI PRIUS-YEsTERDAY. (Before the Lord Chief Justice and a special jury). INFRINGEMENT OF A PATENT. Carmichael v.Coombe and another. This case was resumed at the sitting of the court. The Chief Justice charged the jury, who found a verdict for the plaintiff, 6d. damages and 6d. costs. Counsel for the plaintiff-Mr. Brewster, Q.C., Mr. Fitz- gibbon, Q.C., Mr. Hayes, and Mr. Maley; ...