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Advertisements & Notices

... AUTIrCULATION AND MLOCVrTION. V R11 A. MELVILLE BELL, Professor of Eloeution and Vocal i Physiology, Edinburgh, begs to intinmate to Orators, Tell- Irs, 'Tutors, Governesses, and the Public, that lie Will pay his RST PROFESSIO-NAL VISIT to ABERDEEN, for a Fortnight, ux thc 3d of January ; when lie will give short coUrscs of Pli- o ustruetionis in Articulation, Elocution, 01111 the Art of Hle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *GflEAW 33ANKRaUpT BArLEIII 26, 27, 28, 29, TOP OF CASTLE STREET. *~HEIIS Bankrupt Stock was purchased for eash by PATRICK COLLIE, from the Trustces on the estate of Mr JA3IEs Gor- DON, and he is now sUhing the same on the promises at an enormous Reduction from the original cost, it boing P. C.'s de- termination to give the public a large sharo of the benefit of this transaction; and, as the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rope-Work, With Dwelling-House, FOlR SALB. ftere will be exposed for Sale, within the Writing-Room of XA2HS EDMOND, Advocate, 21, Adelphi Court, Aberdeen, 4EM FRIDAY the 3d day of January, 1851, at 2 o'clock, P.M., Fj'VoEComnodious PREMISES at MILNEBANH, long occupied -A by Mr John Wynnes, Ropemaker. The Walk is 240 feet in length, well built and covered. The whole Promises arc com- plete, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STHIA DEENI1 cPAND) pITSPLAY OF IRE~iiKS GREA-'T BONFIRE1. &e.I MIhIJ'F~))ENADEf DURING THE LAX~Y Alllt~?~ilfre]IsTe rill I'isir. Sixcpti'cc. *Licldtdlg R-1j in te E jtiimt, Ono Shilling. DI, 1H. G. D)ARsLING n'i der 1 onrEI-`NEVEINGNTEXT. - LECT'~E C T R}0 - ECTI 0OLBIOLOGY, ill tis'*e A o ~Epl-xi UT OF THE ETMN\BU-RGII X ofl'I-s- MIN'.S ASSOCIATIO-N. :24, '3~Is-- ot1all, is:. Gallery. C;d. - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TWO POUNDS lREWART)D. Lost, Yesterday Afternoon, lbetwixt Jobit Street and Thistle Street, Hutcbesbutowcn, .SUlM of MONIY in Blank Notes, of the Union Bank, tilohe A numbers of which ar, kl1nowI. Whoever Nvill bring thle same to Captlin tWilSon, A ssistanit.S:;peritit!nolnt of Polic . Gorbals Police Office, will receive tite above riovard. LOST, N t7.1 Forinoon of Monday last, Iictwrixt St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIEI GLASGOW EXAMINER QF TOMO-llTOl W\I, JANUARY 4, 1861, Will contain a Skete of jj1EV. JoI[N 31HAE,, FREE C,,I:l.lo (11UI1C11, ( IItIINOt11. 'lthiS ,SItc71 is the 2'04(t in the, bcrIICS. Tvery Subyeriber and Purchaser of the Glacryoo 1,.entncr will be presentedl with a PORTRAIT OF' Tlll. REV. DR. RUNCIMAN, GlAsuowv. *hePortraits are ttkltl fromli Life, exciusively furthe hExanhiuer, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LET, PRfloriillEMISE.S, w'itli STEA M-E N (AI NE TI o~l n YARI) IROOM, at Globe Foundry, Washingtonl Stree~t: A Ncw Three-Story mmuc BIUMMIING-, measuring about 53 by 31! ft-ct vithinl Wallk; and A ponri-Seiry- STONE BUILI)ING, of saine, size. Tit Iteihldigs are substantial, the ceilings lofty, thle apart- r meats w~ell higlhtel, ad iiil alt iliniiribly suited for iiny Mannific-- tory, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -iSAB3BIATH EVENING LECTURE. ll-lE S1ECOND ol' a CC)U'RSL of MONTHJLY SA1B- T BA'TIHEVEN ING, LlECTUllES willbel)elivcrea by the REV. JIOIIEI'T. CLOVE, in Iree St. Stephen's Church, Ncw City l'oadl, on SA,13A\'i1[ EVENING Next, the 5tit i instant, at Hfalf-paSt Six o'clock. Slnbject-Dirersitic of Gi,fis with correspondhig RcsplonsilitiC.- t ?? __ I CITY HALL. l A . AME M A N N A T II I L L O N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C flJiOHAND AND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. N-TBT Y 3 l\TIN G of the SOCIETY will he held in l ½- p te SU GurGoE IV. BBEWE, on1 WEDNESDAY, L i . LIi.a:Two o'lok 15tRlgfroar llsctssta-:-Tbe best mode of Preparing 'I xpphiK the difierent T=nures produced on the Farm. ( III - A(Ttiii will be addressed by 1Mr Finaie. SSwanston; wTn Tile iintrew Berwickshire; Mr Bailfur, Milton, Fir Main, ml nitehzil, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * fiB1SEER AFSUANCS3 COMPAN. Betabliehed 1S25-Capital, £1,000,000. Life Department. Public are invited to examine the advantages secured L by conecotion with the Participation Schome of this imipany, which was began in 1840. Tho etninout succes uitch has attended it is apparent from the results of the Fire 7avestigation, which took place in 1847, the Vested Bonuse then declared, varying from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GBEA'2. BA^NKREU7U a -AL31115 26, 27, 28, 29, TOP OF CASTLE STREET. HBIS Bankrnpt Stock was purchased for cash by PATRICK TL COLLIE, from the Trustees on the estate of Mr JAMES CORt DON, and he is now selling the same on the promises at an enroco es 1ledccctie'n from the criginal cost, it being P. C.'s do. termination to give the public a large sharo of the benefit of this transaction; and, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY, * Fblic mdeeting. TIHE ANNUAL PUBLTO MEETING of the SUBSCRIBERS I and FRIENDS of SHERIFF WA'rSON'S FEmALE IN- DUSTRIAL SCHOOL, will be hold in the CouirT HoUsE, on WEDNESDAY, tho 5th January, at One o'clock, All friendly to the Education of tho Youn, aro rospectfully invited to attend. Aberdeen, 31st Dec., lS50. To Gentlemen of the Law, and the Public, JOHN GEORGE, SIIERIFF' ...