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... OPEINING OF THE ADELPHI THEATRE. On Saturday night, this Theatre, as remodelled and deco- v, Irated by the new lessee. Mr Wyadbam, was opened for the sea- he son ; and, of course, the attraction of the nee house-the new re company, and the feeliwg bf sympathy which is so generally Pt entertained, for Mr>lWyndbam, crested an excitement which may have been equalled; bht certainly was never ...


... Her Majesty and the royal visitors came to the Crystal Palace on Monday morning at nine o'clock, and, as some 400 or 500 exhibitors had been formally requested to be present, more than usual interest attached to the occasion. The por- tion of the Exhibition marked out for inspection was the south gallery on the west side of the transept. Hitherto the royal visits have been made in a very ...


... LITER AT UR --. MARarm, and other Poems. By Henry Inglis, Eso Blackwood &Sons, Edinburgh.1 1851, - 'Beantiful-so says, almost sings, Thomas Carlyle,- Beautiful is the union of -wealth with the love and further- ance of literature, like the costliest flOwer-jar inclosing the loveliesit amaranth. Quite as beautiful, say we, and infinitely more marvellous, is the union of the practice of ...


... The approaching close of the Exhibition now begins to be felt unmistalkeably. On Monday L 329.5, l5s. was taken at the doors, arid there were 6S,542 viritt)rs. The T7inas says that cert tin annooncements ofjury awards recently made by the Daily NVe-ws are entirely inaccurate. The prooranme of theclosing isso farsettled, rind circulars are about to be issued to exhibitors informing th'm that, ...


... The annual meeting of the subscribers to this valuable in- l stitution was held on Tuesday, in their ball, Adam Square,- the Lord Provost in the chair. The Directors, in their annual report, state, that the insti- tution not only continues to fourish, but that the last year, the thirtieth of its existence, is by far the most successful that it has yet witnessed. The number of students enrolled ...


... EXHIBITION HlANDKERCHIIIEF. Ie Wc have just received fioin Messrs. Williamn Stirling & Son a of of this city, a Turkey Red lIandkorchief, on which is printed a 2C zn series of vieirs of the Crystal Palacc, and other designs appro- C s priatc to the (ireat Industrial Exhibition We ,vill, however, +I attempt n description ofthis verybcmtifiiy ornamentedpiece ot calico. In the centre sits a ...


... THE G17EAT EXHI B I T1.T () (Foml the Ti`ceS of Maonidav.) 11'er Mlajesty, Prince Albert, and the Rtoyal party at the Palace, visited thc Exhibitions oil Saturday mornilg beforre the - public were admitted, and were chiefly occupied in inspecting the departments of Spanish, Italian, and French contributors. After their departure tir area of the building was tlirongod throughout tic dlay, andl ...


... TIHE FINE AlRTS IN GLASGOW IN THE OLDEN I TIME. LI R1OB3ERT ANDI ANDREW FOULIS. anTI (Ceolrntimiated by G. N.) abou In thec t ?? Institute for thin Fine Arts it may be in- ?? i ttrilefive I toiyor readers to know somsethling of the Academy ld flulideil in (l asgoiv by, Robert and Andrew Fouhie. I regret Sacri c thvat 1 d1i ilit ?? LinformatLion to stilto ?? precise date of its LI foildaltpiol ...


... History of Enoglandfor Junioair Classes: toith Questionsfor E'xa- mTIinatioss at the end of eaCh Chapter. Edited by HENRY - WHITE, B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge, Author of History Af Great Britain and Ireland, &c., Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. THis ian attractively written and admirablygot up Sehool-book, on a subject of deep interest and great importance, with which it is most desirable ...


... THE GIEAV EXHIBITION. we hear that on Tuesday a meeting o f the Royal Commissiwj, will be held to settle finally certain matters onl which it is ne- cessary to coins to a decision before the Queen end the Prince leave for Bialmoral. As the public wvill readily' conjecture, thle1 principal questions thus about to be discussed. are, no doubt, the I exact date onl which the building should close, ...


... I THE GENTLENESS OF DEATH. Who that can foel the gentleness of Death, Sees not the loveliness of Life? and who, Breathing content his natural joyous breath, Could ftil to feel that Death is Nature, too? Anu, not the alien foe bis fears dictated, A viewless terror, heard but to he hatecl. One died that was beloved of all around And, dyin g, grasped a flower of early spring, To hold beside her ...


... I I fOn Mod1ay the numlbero visitors to the Crystal Palace was Csmaller, by several thouansthanl on tie two previous Mon- days. At eleven o'clock iillstlhe hrmnometer stood ait 78 dsgrses, 1,and at twelva SO degrees, at which it stood until five O'clock., To learn the immense activity which the Great Exhibition is now setting in motion, was apparent at the termini of the great railway lines. ...