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Freeman's Journal


... I WX;DSORt, TUESDAY.-Lord and LadyJoht Rus- ,I and the Speaker and Mrs. Shaw Lefevre, are expected to errive at the Castle to-day, on a visit to the Queen and the lriflce. nli~e royal dinner party at the Castle thi evening will include ter ioyal Highness the Duchess of Kient, his Royal Highness Duchess of Sutherland and Lady C Lcve~n Cowver, Lord and Lady Johnl fRusell, Lady Fanny ,rd Baroness ...


... THEATRE ROYAL-MB. CALCRAFTS BENEFIT. The benefit of our theatre manager on last evening was graced by the attendance of a crowded assemblage of the admirers and patrons of the operatic drama. R5b RPoy and the Waterman were the pieces presented, with a musical irnterfnezzo, in which Herr Mengi' and S'gacr Paltoni performed. The first piece went off fairly enough, and the audience would have ...


... I ARRIVAL OF THE AMERICAN MINISTER. (rRox1 OuR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.) Freeman's Jornal (gfflee, Six o'Clock, amn. lBallinasloe, Friday Evening, October 3, 1851. His Excellency the American Minister, the HIon. Abbott Lawrence, arrived here from Dublin by the Midland Great Western Railway this evening. His Excellency was accom- panied by Airs. and Miss Lawrence. The distin- guisbed visitors to ...


... LITE.RATURE. THtE IRt811 QUAPTERcY RiVIEWY-No. I..-Tlhe pro- jectors of this new publication have selected for themselves a field sufficiently distinct and well-defined. In their open- ing address they observe that the professions of divinity and medicine are fully represented and ably supported by publications devoted to their respective interests ; and that the Irish bar alone appears to ...


... - - I ANNALS OF TIm PRtOPAGATION OF THE FAITn, No. LXXX.-Perhaps no previous number of this excellent pib- lication was bette r calculated to promote the work for which it is undertaken than that which has just been distributed to the subscribers. Besides the usual letters from missionaries in remote countries, describing the progress of their sacred labours, and the peculiarities of the ...


... I FASHIONABLE IIJlLGEC0 HER HAJESTY'S STATE B&2 The Queen's state ball at Buckingham Palaco, night was magnificent. The costume was that of Ct' tridt Second's court and time, only with a pat o t Chle 1 a patritc ey les t many wore modern versions of the materiah Lord °t wore Hooniton point lace, ?? of Norfolk, S CVerki,, watered tissue. The costume was well supportedeld iylte officials entered ...


... I * ExCuRSIoNs AND ADVENTURES ID NE%` SouTre WALV -ByJ. Hlen'ersoa, Esq., 2 vots., London-IV. ShAberl f this book, instead of being printed in two octavr volumes 504 sold for a guinea, bad been compressed, by dilit of enr type, into a shilling octadecimo, and styled The ilorrors o the Bush; or Miseries of Life in News South Waths CT by some equivalent title, it might serve the purpose of a ...


... EXIllBITI0iN OF SHE ROYAL. ACADEMY. Mu. MIACLISE -The Timns uixei tue foll'iwilg chscription oth ?? piuture exhiihited by our CuLiiiryunw, Ma.- fe at this yar's exhibitiln ot the Ho3 al Academy :-1 T. jlS atance ?? the I t 8L s;iitiung works of the year, wenmusL ?iicein the first els 8Mr. M .cirses gri at picture (No. 67),,f 'Cextoii's iriiig-ilhe,' a., equilly retwihaiile fir vigour ...


... LITER .4 TURE. Tile U-;IvERSITY MAGAZESE-Dublin: J. M'Glashan.- The editor of the Unziversity has provided ftr his readers, this month, a charming lhterary miscellany. Politics and pole- mic3 he has wholly eschewed, and into the entire series of which the number is composed, nut one paper has been al- lowed to enter iu which every ciass of readers, the utter taEte- lets excepted, may not feel ...


... ANTiENT C6RCERTS, 't-A -u As _A , , - - 10no Society of Autient Concerts gave their final enter- tainment for the season on last night, and, as is the practice with the society on such occasions, the selection of music t was of a light and varied description. We can say without hesitation that last night's concert was a most pleasing en- tertainment. The selection of the music was admirable, ...


... I BErsAsT MAY Fiax.-The usual monthly maket yesterday, and in point of number, as well as quality held stock exhibited, it was a decided improvement rith f the fair. The show of horned cattle was rent ontod Apri very large proportion of beasts exposed for sale was OF description. We have particularly to notice a bull PriOe property of Mr. Gilmore Wilson, of Rashee, and for the was offered 16. ...


... BLACEWOOD'S MAGAZINz.-lVe cannot deny ourselves the pleasure of extracting from this month's Blackwood a few passages from an admirably written article on Mrs. Jameson's Legends of the Monastic Orders. The writer in Black- wood is no Puseylte: he even takes pains to show that he is free from any predilection whatever for Catholicity; but he writes as any intellectual Protestant, who ...