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Advertisements & Notices

... t ---TO a PERSONS WANTED.I t- 1I /W ~t7ANTED~, in a W.)UN1SIlON MERCHANT~ W! AQLN'r' QFF'1CE, an APPR ENTICE of respectable a theor ? ?? ).1ox t, 38, irit-office, Liverpool. tlhcir di ;Er7q-ANTED, anl ...

Advertisements & Notices


Advertisements & Notices

... JLIER MAJESTY'S VISIT TO LIJVER~POOL, ~~y OiGteTIdUIISD.AY, the 9th Ottober,i1881. is OFFICIAL PROGRAMME.AD es The Mayor, in- hes State Carriage, will meet the Queen at the boundary of the borough, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To SHIPPERS AND CONSUMERS OF COAL. M~ESSRS. A. F. and D. MACKAY and CO. f I ibeg to infornm Shippers and tito Public generally. that thov have constantly on hand, at their DEPOT, SLATE-STREET, GlREAT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - OCERT-HALL, LORDb NELSON-STREET. ATUDAYEVENIRIN4 0ON CJgivp ~kt~ E~iIYANb!d1 Thl'iO J~O1IATjxo8 ~V WliNI ?? ?? In.tnOatl tnsATruktv- o - ,IUDSON will give a series of EXPERIMtENTS in Rj~ iiERISM and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to 1t e r t id R-FDEMERARA. To ~Ail To-morrow (Wednesday) morning's tide, (=ater permitting), The fir~tcas llrquo LORD ELGIN, Ti 35l tons, Ti Its ALXte CL1tL1LANiD, Hfudstr. 0l For frolghst (has irlg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tADVERTISEIMENT.] CONSUMEIIS of GAS are Invited to inspect the varied Assortment of1 CHANDELIERS, PENDANTS, AND OTHER GAS FITTINGS, el Displayed in the Show-room of Ci WILLIAM PENN SAITIFS BRASS FOUND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO-MORROW. S r. ORG.E'CDS cURCH. - Sanday, the 5th January, TWO SERMIONS will ?? ?? ;U ST. GEOstGE'S CHUajea PreSton, by ,b]e le:. CAmPBELL HUL4TON, MXLA., Rector of Emn le~rzoa, and Collectionls will be made in support of the s iuir, which will ne augmented on this occasion. Theme Service to cornmonen ?? Moorning at hlalf-past ! and in the Evening at half-past Six. W, .'PR.ESTONT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, PRESTON. O ¶ Sunday. the 16th of March, TWO SERMONS 5Vill (if the Lord permit) be preached in St. Paul's Church, by the Rev. DAVID JAMES, M.A., Incumbent Of St. M~ary's, Kirkdale, after which collections will be e de to defray the Church expenses for the year 1850. Divine Service in the Morning 8 half-past Ten, and in the Ereniflg at half-past six. PRESTON PROTESTANT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INSURANCE AGAI1NST RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, by the RAIL- AWAY PASSENqGERS'ASSURANCE COMPANY. 'Empowered by special Act of Parliament, 12 & 13 Vic., CsHAissANi-J. D. PAUL, Esq., 217, Strand. DsrUTY-CssAIRMAN' - G. B. HARRISON, 24, Great 191 Tower-street. IvT The following claims have been adjusted during the Of , post year Lv Two fatal cases insured for £500 each.una Forty-nine cases of personal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEALTH WHERE 'TIS SOUGHTI , HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. o CURE OE A DISORDERED LIVER AND STOMACH, WHEN IN A MOST HOPELESS STATE.-Extract of a letter frost 31r. Mfattketh 11arvey, of Chapel Hall, Airdrie, Scotland, dated the 1 .,th, of Januar'y, 185(i.-To Prof. Holloway. ir ?? lour valuable Pills have been the neans, c i th God's blessing, of restoring me to a state of perfect health, and at a time ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON SALE, A very superior New Clarence OMNIBUS, constructed A1 to carry seven persons inside, and seven outside. Having been twice used, will be Sold at a reduced price, A twelve months' warranty will be given by the Builder; or, it may be had on Contract for a term. Apply to J. PENNY, Coachbuilder, Bull and Royal Hotel Yard, Preston. J. P. presents his thanks to his numerous friends for the ...