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Examiner, The



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The Examiner

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... ILLUSTRATED WORiKS, APPROPRIATE LITERARY PRESENTS FOR THE SEASON. I. HE GALLERY of NATURE. A Pictorial STand Descriptive Tour through Creation, illustrative of the wonders of Astronomy, Physical Geography, and Geology. By the Rev T. MILS.ER M.A. With Sixteen Eograviugs on Stool, and unny Hundred Vignettes and Diagrama. Royal 8vo, cloth, 18s. and morocco, 31s. 6d II. (&REECE: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATIONAL PUBLIC SCHOOL N9 ASSOCIATION METBOPOLITAN COMMaITTEE, 48s Stliebury square, Fleet street. The popes's of the Association, and nll Inforsnatisfl, can be obtairned at the above offlce; wfhere also subscriptions may be paid. A petitioa to T'arLiament lies there Sor signature. J. STOBES SMsITf, Secretory. R THACERAY'S LECTURES on the M ENGLISH HUMOURISTS of the EIGHTEENTH CENTid Y.-WIL SI' ...

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... THEB WINTER EXHIBITION.-~MoRNING AND EVENING. pHE WVINTER EXHIBITION of WATER- COLOUR DRAWINGS and ?? n OPENIforn- isial works by the most eminent living artists, ,s ben till Three, arid from Six till Eight. .dmsssf, ineluidoig Catalogue, to, . Sonson Ticket, Is. 130 Regent street. J,. GRUNDY. Honorer. 4r OURIST'S GALLER'.-Hr MIajesty's J Gence't Rosin, Haymarket, will Open early in Febru- a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY LANE. V, JULLIEN'S ANNUAL SERIES OF CONCERTS. LAST WEEK BUT ONE. JUILLIEN has the honour to announce l. that the Theatre being let at Christmas for Dramatic PI'eormauces, the present is most positively the Last Week bat Tbc Programmefor Monday. November 21 th, will include the First Fefarmance of the New Indian Quadrille, composed on East Indian Melodies, and exhibiting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INTERESTING NEWV H-ISTORICAL WORK. Just ready, in 2 vols. Svo, With Portraits, 28s, bound, MEMOIRS OF HORACE WALPOLE9 AND HIS CONTE:MPORARIES. Including numerous Original Letters, chiefly from Strawvberry Hill. Edited by ELIOT WAIsloRaToa, Esq. Also, now ready, BURKE'S LANDED CENTRY FOR 18517 CORRECTED TO THE PRESENT TIME, AND INCLUDING MANY ADDITIONAL FAMILIES. Complete in 2 very large vols. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW WORKS. The EDINBURGH REVIEW, No. CLXXXIX. 8ro, 6s. [On Thursday last. CONTIIETS. 1. English Socialism: Alton Locke. 2. The Struggle in Italy. 3. Handbook of Devon and Cornwall. 4. Sewell's Translation of the Odes of Horace. 5. Lord Campbell's Chief Justices of England.- 6. Lord Holland's Foreign Reminiscences. 7. Kings and Popes: Sardini3 and England. 8. The Menace of War in Germany. 9. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * NEW BrRLINGTON STmhET. MIR BENTLEY WILL PUBLISH THIS MONTH THE FOLLOWING NEW WORKS. I. THE HISTORY OF THE WAR IN AFEGHANISTAN. By JOHN WILLIAM KATE. Written from the Unpublished Letters and Journals of the ?? Military and Political Officers employed in Affghanistan, throughout the momentous years of British Con- nexion with that Country. 2 vols. 8vr, 36e, [Now ready. II. THE CONVENT AND THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... = - yrrIT AUTIOBOF rHE MAIDEN ^atlO},~Hr;gORYF A lAMITY,' &cs. '.0lJ( * oe vl.elegnntly bound. price Six Shillings, o,,iPoldiU S 1S Of SU NSH1II NE; n~ g A Christtm5n Narrative. ?? libertate DronCEBrt ado ita ojiores voluerunt utere RAnnA. hofde George Hoby, 123 Mllount street, Berkeley square. EEGANT AND USEFUL PRESENTS. c'eth; extra, gilt edges, Gs.; morocco elegant, Si. Pri65T3pS of our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E ~]arly i April. inl ees vSte. p~ric le.outowOT ivEMOIRS1 oWILAWOD ORH. .LV. By the Rev. Dr WoeassveoTU, Cocoon at Weotminster. Recently publiehed, new Editions of 1. WORDSWORTH S POETICAL WORKS. -7 ^ols. feap. Svo, price 35s. cloth. 2. WORDSWORTH'S POETICAL WORKS. In4 vols. 4ose, p0ice 210. cloth, gilt edges. 3. WORDSWORTH'S POETICAL WORKS. laI voL modium Svo, price 20s. cloth. Edward Ioxon, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW WORKS, I. NICARAGUA: its People, Scenery, Monu- ments, and the proposed Interoceanic Canal. By E. J. SarnRo, late United States Charge ?? to the Republics of Central America. 2 vols. Svo, Maps and Illustrations. [In January. II. Mr M'O U L T O C H'S TREATISE on, the CIRCUMSTANCES which DETERMINEj the RATE of WAGES and the CONDITION of the LABOURING CLASSES. Fczp. Svo, 3s. 6d. Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TNITED KINGDOM LIFE ASSURANCE OQ, o sp tNT,8 WSaterlooplace, PlinmalLLndon; 97.G;orge street Edinbargh4 12 St Vincent ulace, Glasgow; 4 College -tThis CoDmpany, established by Aetof l'aeliament in 183', affords be most perfect security in a-large paid-up capital, and in the grea taseees which has attenddl it since its commencement. The Bonus thus added to Policies from Maroh, 1234, to the 31st ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRONZES DART. . JACKSONand GRAHAM respectfully invite U the attention of Gentlemen of taste to their extensive COL- LECTION of BRONZES, which comprise the reductions of lit Collao, from the most celebrated Antique Statues, in exact pro- 0Irtioof. They are Sole Consiguees of the above, and also the ,remes of the artist Barye, famous for his natural delineation Animals, De la Fontaine. Eatifat ...