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... Tr .- _ _ . TimE DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE.-Though some of g the papers in the number with which the University corn- r, I mences the new year, are heavy and uninviting, there re- e mains a sufficient mixture of the attractive and interesting ic element in the others to make the number, on thewhole, a welcome and a pleasing one. A great many people will be le glad to see the subject of the ...


... I The Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry and Lady Adelaide Vane have left Holdernesse House for Wynyard Park, where they will shortly entertain a select party. Viscount and Viscountess Castlereagh, who re- cently returned from the Continent, have again left London {or Paris, until the meeting of parliament. The Earl and Countess of Clanwillianm and fa- mily, the Right Hon. Sidney and Mrs. ...


... t BALL AT THr CASTLE, KXILKENNY.-The ball given by the Marquis and Marchioness or Ormonde, on Tuesday evening, att the Castle, was on a scale of magnificence worthy of . that excellent nobleman and his amiable lady. The entire suite of apartments was thrown open, and the festivities of the oc- casion were prolonged to a late hour on Wednheday morning.- We have not been able to procure a ...


... I LITERA TURE. THE MAGAZINES FOR JANUARY-SECOND NcOTrCR. TAtT.-There is an article in the current number of Tait on the anti-Popery outcry, which, in the almost universal tergiversation of the British Liberal press on this subject, it is most refreshing and re-assuring to read, and which, from the high. rational, and independent tone that it assumes would alone entitle this periodical to ...


... I WX;DSORt, TUESDAY.-Lord and LadyJoht Rus- ,I and the Speaker and Mrs. Shaw Lefevre, are expected to errive at the Castle to-day, on a visit to the Queen and the lriflce. nli~e royal dinner party at the Castle thi evening will include ter ioyal Highness the Duchess of Kient, his Royal Highness Duchess of Sutherland and Lady C Lcve~n Cowver, Lord and Lady Johnl fRusell, Lady Fanny ,rd Baroness ...


... I FASHIONABLE NTELLIGENCE,. The Earl of Cottenham, we regret to state, wal according to the latest accounts, still in very indifferent heallh at La Valetta, Malta. Lord Crowburst. the noble lod's eldes Eon, has arrived at Dresden. e MARRIAGES IN HIIGH LtFE.-On WednesdaN. the 8th of January, were married by special license, at the parjI church of BallymAscanlon, county Louth, the lHon. Augtug ...


... THlE MAGAZINES FOR JANUARY-SECOND NorICE. THE RAMBLER.-BUrn's, London; G. Bellew, D&6ia- The Catholic character of this periodical pervades in5,5 riably the whole of its contents ; yet the calm tone and literary merits of its articles are such as to invite the perusal of every class of readers, without exposing any to the risk of encountering in its pages what could be very repol. sive to ...


... -F -- - VINE ARTS. NAPOLEON CROSSING THE ALPs.-As we are to be fa- voured in a few days with an opportunity of seeing another chef d'ceuvre of the great French master, Delaroche, at Mr. Lesage's gallery, it is well the public should be aware in advance that such a treat is in preparation. The great pic- ture, now on its way to Dublin, represents the true vers on of Napoleon's passage of Mount ...


... I F I Carrying out a design upon which we have already, to some extent, acted-namely, that of availing ourselves of the kind permission of such of our native artists as have cast their lot among ourselves, to visit their studii and corm- municate to the public our inipressiong of their works-we this day propose to introduce to our readers two young sculp- tors whose names or works may not yet ...


... I_ A. THEAIl ROYAL. -On last evening the performances were expressly set for the delight of the young folks, and the theatre, in boxes pit, and galleries, presented au array of happy ehiler,' whose enjoyment of the scene, and of the tricks ?? rogueries of Clorwn and Pantaloons were most enthusixric The performances opened witti the comic drama of Mfr. ,, Mrs. Pringle, and after the pantomime, ...


... -- ZLITERA-TURE. ?? THE DUBLIN REv.Es:Ev.-Thomea Richardson and Son, Capel-street:-Last week we availed ourselves of an early copy of the new number of this able quarterly, to place at' once before our readers some extracts from an article which it contains on the great controversy of the day, and upon which the name of the eminent man to whom it is attributed, as well as other circumstances, ...


... ,ol'UNDO-MONSIEUR JULLIEN'S CONCERTS. The £rst of those brilliant and delightful musical soirecs vas held last evening in the spacious Round-room of the Ro- turnda. If ever there existed a musician who, besides de- voting himself to the study of his art, seems to have culti- vated, with success, the deeper science of savoirvivre, that ,usician is Jallien. He has succeeded in popularizing ...