Advertisements & Notices

... EVERY SATURDA.Y AFTERNOON WILL BE PI'UVILISED, TIIE EXHIBITION EXPIRESS,1 PRlItE FOUltIl;NCE, containingevery p'esibloinforusatto: rtaitive t3 the GREAT' EXHIBITION O' 1851, Its Ob~cets, Exhibatore' Prospects, intcndr d Conteents, Arrangements, Appearacc, Progress, past and future. The enormrus number of poisons ntercsted in the fortieomtin Great Exhibiftion of the World's Indvstry hlaving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -, - PUBLICATIONS, y This day, f COLONIAL 1MAGAZINE and EAST INDIA dl xJ REVIEW. Price 2s. Wd. CONTENTS:- 1. 1. The East Indiat Company, withi a copy of their Charter. 2 ?? The Auckland Isles, fromt the Correspondence of C. EMiderby, o Esq., ?? Licutcnant-Covernior of the Auckland Islands. S. Thc Flax Question, New Zealand and Ireland. d 4. The African Slave Trade. a 5. A Normial School for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STHIA DEENI1 cPAND) pITSPLAY OF IRE~iiKS GREA-'T BONFIRE1. &e.I MIhIJ'F~))ENADEf DURING THE LAX~Y Alllt~?~ilfre]IsTe rill I'isir. Sixcpti'cc. *Licldtdlg R-1j in te E jtiimt, Ono Shilling. DI, 1H. G. D)ARsLING n'i der 1 onrEI-`NEVEINGNTEXT. - LECT'~E C T R}0 - ECTI 0OLBIOLOGY, ill tis'*e A o ~Epl-xi UT OF THE ETMN\BU-RGII X ofl'I-s- MIN'.S ASSOCIATIO-N. :24, '3~Is-- ot1all, is:. Gallery. C;d. - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HERE is no portion of the Attire of Gentle- men so necessary, at the same time both for perdonal appearance and comfort, as a well-made and elegant TROUSERS. BR1OWNE 4, PAYNE, OF 72, DAME-STREET, Beg to inform NOBLEMEN and GENTLEAMSI that they have a new system of Cutting this Garmint. The improvement effected is preventing them moving from the boot when mounted or in a sitting position. In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1-XETER. T I rr1:l LLE \jlitlh IMMtEDrATE POSSESSION if * that well-known House :? pfIU-ME OF FEATHERS Tb s ,,,1o in -YORTH STREET, * . . ;-l\ecele'nt trade, and for many years in the RI .: .;i. ?? 'lwards, who can assign the most Fl ' ;a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lTlEAM to the CAPE of GOOD HOPE, MA- S ?? SIERRA LEONE, wvith her Majesty's iciails.- C1 ?? Gbovze, wilt leave Lond( on l iti te loth, lilt ct ca.11,~1 , ithe I;th of January, at nocon, with mnails and ice ?? iy one of thle Company's vessels froni -~ c tic dci, atI fom lyinoth n te 15th of everyr otte- iicee~tam hip hae e clet accomcmodations applyat th Genral Screw Steanm cvi iees Roc~l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EWCASTLE UPON TYNE PHIILlHAR- MONIC SOCIEI'Y'S BALL. STEWARDS. The Meyor of Newoaitle ltobort Plummer, Esq. Illr Commissioner Ellisun I J. C. Ander6on, Esq. Sir Johu Fife W. ,. M. Lange. Esq. Captain West, R.N. Edward Glytin, Esq. 1;eorge tawhitEa8q. Henry Bel), E-q. A FANCY enu FULL DRESS BALL will tahe plaoe at the Absembly itRoms, on Thursday next, the 9th illst. Admittance by Ticktas only. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... toNT to PARIS in ONE DAY.-Sea passage, n NOr!cll.-On SATURDAY, MONDAY, and ,th Cth, and 7th instant, pusoengers leaving the a E:,])AYi neto thbe I f the S0UTZ EASTERN RAILWAY by ?? i.3 c 1- ttain A ill errive at Folkestone in time to cross the *te'i I 1 bc th Souah Eastern and Coutinental Steam Packets, ?? tla t for iboulogile twice a day, and will reach Boulogne irn kvt F°alkse thc 330 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G; UTRELIEVED IN ONE HOUR) G frequently IR Half an Hour, by ATrR9S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. B jOhrretor, who takes them himself, finds all pain Thetn i te n minutes after the first dose. They are equallY gooa for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Tic ?? and all Rheumatic pains in the head and face, alewa'' ffecting a core in a few days. They contain no or Otler dangerous medicine. They require ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LECTURE BY THE REV. J. MACNAUGHTANN, ON BiII. .F 0F ?? WORKING CLAS SES/SSOCIATION. mIlE REV. J. MACNAUGI-I AN WILL DELIVER T A Lecture on behalf of the above institution, in ROSEMARY-STREET CHURCH,on THUIJRSDAY, 9th Jan., on the following subject:- WILL MEN RECOGNISE EACH OTMER IN A FUTURE WORLD? Tickets: Body of the house, Is., Gallery Gd. to be had of Mr. Roddy, Donegall-Strect, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMEN, SPPlN TRY Son0, IC TRsas be of the H YA I'S long a, years), entrue C L 0 T 11 I N G, Cutl and ni distora LORD-STREET. adiapt( ?? , o- T. NOTICE To TIHg PUILC. OPER'S ROYAL BATH PLASTER has JLI) been ?? by mln) 3ytars experience, anl stacds oi,- rivallcd for C..u:118, Alh1isas. Hsar-enies%, Indigc tion, P1ilpitn- tion of the Heart, Crerup, Iloopilg Coueh. Ildfluecs,. Chncle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TWO POUNDS lREWART)D. Lost, Yesterday Afternoon, lbetwixt Jobit Street and Thistle Street, Hutcbesbutowcn, .SUlM of MONIY in Blank Notes, of the Union Bank, tilohe A numbers of which ar, kl1nowI. Whoever Nvill bring thle same to Captlin tWilSon, A ssistanit.S:;peritit!nolnt of Polic . Gorbals Police Office, will receive tite above riovard. LOST, N t7.1 Forinoon of Monday last, Iictwrixt St. ...