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... Tihe Quecn went in state on Saturday night to her MlIa- ir- jesty's theatre, and the event, a rare one unfortunately kt- for managers, and to the regret of the public, appeared to iL as excite unusual interest. The whole of the route taken by a the royal procession was lined by spectators, a large nuni- es ber of whom were ladies, and it required the exertions of ii n a numerous body of police ...


... SAILORS' HIOME. The Sallors' HoIo ! The 8ailor.' Home I a What heart would not respond, b To aid the calne of thoso who roam - Uniting in the bond Of Christian fellowship and love, U Our zeal in their behalf to prove? t A rofuge for the destitute, C A shelter for the brave; The Sailors' Homo and Institute From sin and want to save; Who could, with generous mind, deny To send for thib a ...


... TA . LAPSE -- TIME. THE L.APSE OF TIME. ti-sr. a. 5'' flY TIIE AMERICAN POET, BRYANT. th (Fromt Blackwtood's Magazine.) ta Lament wo0 will, in fruitless tears, Vf The spl311 with Which our moments fly ti I sigh isot ovcr vanisleod years, tt Dlit watch the sears that hasten by. ti Look howe theiy come-a mingled crowd tc Of bright and dark, but rapid days at Boneath them, like a summler cloud, ...


... FAHiiU2sb 'r un riMlIuavII. S1 (rFeorn Lt F6lcI.) Y. Aniong the mnany pretty toilettes that have appcalred i Iy*(Ilirin-i this weck at the fashionable sobraecs, our attention p1 h as been particularly attracted by a coiffiue equally novel tc IS and dtiojnqee. It was composed of three brow - velvet ai of bands crossing over the head. These were sprinkled with Iv T- small diamond stars, and ...


... 1TYI-RPOOL - PAIR. LIVERPOOL ECORBSE AR DAITS D WRXOU ?UR5 U05* FAiR WILL t5 UmIOD 1 1851. ¶t. i Fb 'dab Apl.%May Ju. July AuglSep. Oct. NovlDec. ?? ?? ?? :: I .. .. .. .. 5:17 - ?? .. :: ?? ?? :: ~ .,_Si ...


... THE BONNY ENGLISH ROBB, The thundering guns are echoing O'er Mlersey's tranqglul sea; The standard of Britannia floata Above the brave and free I The rival Roses* mingling Arise in bright array, With ruby Ups, and ?? eyes, To charm our griefs away:- Not as of old, in battle fields, To meet their daring foes, But with devoted hearts to greet The bonny English Rose I The forest-masts of ...


... Teiri'Jl, AND ER*ROR. - . . , ?? - 0 Ar ?? litx tlrit a ?? w (From thr follth r eitit O of Dr. Cd afoae.':y' U l'oicesfromi tli' Crowd.) BIlessings on the Truth, it prospers still, And Error, though it lives luxuriantly, Lives fast, and grows decrepid, and expiros, To be succeerleel by its progeny. Bunt Truth n'csr dies. (O1cc let thc seed be sown, No blight c m kill it leitier winds nor rain ...


... - E-VIE . R E'IEVS. . . r .7 1s - * Th~e P,'Oiical S't'es of the S'sosof 18-50. By to ii E. IV. Cox and W. PatersOon, Esqr3. London: pi John Crockford, Loar Tb.'os-offiec- he. A work which mulst be highly prized by the list, professional. -was ,'Meh'c Eaqgehis sri By E. Hughes, hfead was 1 MVister Of the Rtoyal Naval oe N chool, tI Greenwvich Hospital. spe( Oile of the best ?? extant for the ...


... tol Pocket London Gucide Book. London : W. J. aq Adams, Fleet-street. ti,, At a time when hundreds of thousands of persons by are preparing to visit the great metropolis, this work opportunely appears. It is neatly got up, t and will prove an excellent handbook for the sei stralnger in London. Wtr oct The Manderer anal his Home. By A. de Lamar- a' tie. -Philih) A qtust&s. By G. P. R. James. ...


... CUPTD'S ARROW. BY ELIZA COOKi. Young Capid wont storming to lulfl-n onr day, And besought lilni to look; art his arrow; -tIis useless, lie ericl yOU mnust lnd it, I sFa; 'Tisn't fit to let Ily at a sparrow ; There's selnetlhilll thl:at's wrong in ttlO ?? or the dart, For it fluitters qtuite fdlro to My a3im; 'Tim all ugne since it fairly wiilt ho1me to the heart, And thoe world readl: ...


... REV IEWS. . .- .- > The Miust fatedl Exhcibitor, for August. p 'This scrial ought to he inl the hands of every t, visitor of the great exhibition. The perusal of its ingenious and interesting criticisms on the objects whic compose that extraordinar pcalb giving, the required imlpetus to thought in the P severa trainls of ideas connected with each, can-ft not but facilitate the appreciation of ...


... LITERARY.& PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. II 005s 'ill The annual meeting of this society was held last even h Nex hie ing, Mr. J. B. Yates, presideoot, in the chair. The poe- spa, resideoot communicated that hie had applied to thle mayor eg9 for accommodation tit the Queen's visit, but was, refuse'd. Loil 0's The correspondence onl the occasion was read. A vote of' Ditt of thanks seas passed to Mr. ...