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... BOWK TRAINS-MORNING. J Mail, list sjut.sdiut ..wmmwim & t, 2nd 3rd 2|ld >Ut &(-, & 2>,& 3ld>l&2 ;Class.SClass.^lass. Class.;2d CI.'Class.-Class.; Paddington j 7 5 7.50 9.50;10.15' 8. Õr Swindon. ;12. 2jl0.32Ul.25; 1.15' 1. Bath > ..I 9.15> 2.32511.20 12. 5; 2.10= 2.58^ T> I (arrival I ...


... To-day's market was seasonably well supplied with most kinds of foreign stock but the receipts of beasts, fresh up from our grazing districts, were on the decrease, though of fair average quality, at an advance in the prices of Monday last of 9d per 8lbs. With sheep we were very moderately supplied, and the cur- rencies had an upward tendency. The veal trade ruled dull. There was rather more ...


... WOOL. Last week's imports of wool into London were 300 bales from Hamburgh, and 1 200 from Sydney. The private contract market is well supplied with English wool, in which a full average business is doing at late rates. As the stocks ot colonial in ihe manufacturing districts are now much reduced, a brisk competition is looked for at the approaching public sales. ...


... -— Feijrim iiv 19. Share. Railways. | Paid. |ciosin^rrice. £ 100 Bristol and Exeter j 100 | 8«A—~87l' in 2ir1n\lng: and 0xford Junction 20 28A— 29f 50 Caledonian n(i ) 7^? tock. Eastern Counties. -jn 7 -Ji '!? '» 9J-00L.1 17 s Ditto New > 17 ;.7 -Juiex. ...


... Vreenwich time is kept at all the Stations on this Railway. DOWN TK:ilUU. WEEK DAYS. SUNDAYS. l*t«d 1st &|Exp. lst& 1st & Mail. lst*a .st & Mail. Starting;from &3rd 2nd lst2d 2nd 2nd lst2nd&3rd 2nd lst2nd class, class, class, class, class, class, class class^ class. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Paddington. •• 9 50 10 15 12 30 8 55 2 0 8 55 Slougk — 10 53! 1 2 9 30 2 40 9 30 Heading — II 35 1 ...


... L ^HE March meeting of the directors, held on Wednesday last, the Rev. Edward Hawkins, vicar, in the chair, the list of subscriptious reported by the honorary secretary, as received during February, Amounted to 52 15 0 The total before received being 139 13 0 Making, together £ 192 8 0 Monthly Report, ending Jan. 31 Monthly Report, ending Feb.28. Under care Dec. 31, 90 Under care JAN. 31, 124 ...


... TRADE OF OCTOBER IO- COASTING TRADE-MONTH ds> u,Hh Carp Inwards, with Cargoes. uu Vessels. 1 p r 1 j Vessefs. Tons. Ireland, '32512 From Ireland, 21 low J. coasters •• 011 Other coasters 4212 0tberCOa 4l9u0 98 5829 NoV. 5. COASTING TRADE-MONTH endi^ j^gow. Inwards, with Cargoes ja 3777 p T Vessel Tons Ireland, •••' i'.21599 From Ireland, 21 1617 A o coasters • • Other coasters, 77 •• 4212 Oth ...


... BRISTOL STOCK EXCHANGE MARCH 26. *hare- Railways! £ 100 Bristol and Exeter j 100 82i— 831 /;n Oxford Junction j 20 281— 291 ou Caledonian 50 15 jc? Eastern Counties .J 20 ) 7& 71 17 100 89-894 j Ditto New 17 { Os Ol j:_ St jGreat Northern 25 I 181 18A Stock. London and North Western.. 100 130 -1301 Stock London & South West.aver. 100 884- 906 fj* London and BlackwaJl ..aver.j 11.6.3 81— 81 20 ...

LOCAL 1 i* T E li L Hi £ K C!!. ---.---+----

... THE SHIPPING AND TRADE RE- TURNS. THE official returns for the month, and eleven months ending December 5th, were not issued until the afternoon of Saturday last. The total foreign-going vessels entered inwards during the month, were 2,377, with a tonnage of 521,780 tons, against 3,118, with 597,071 tons, for the corresponding month of 181f>, shewing a de- crease of 541 vessels, and 65,285 ...

[No title]

... ,«r AY9 (SOUTH WALES) BILL. THE HIGHWAY v moRNING CHBONICLE. TO THE EDITOR ^/report of June 16 announces that, SIR,—Your highways (South Wales) Bill in the House of Lord*. „ xhis measure excites little interest passed through comm ,houeh '9 doubtful whether e J* in the country at large. 'h^ed as the six counties of South Cw'Tltryth n0tia8fi9dfaPthe violation Of sound prin p tJ £ etter W ales ...


... LONDON MARKETS, &.C. LONDON CORN EX CM AN G E, MONDAY AFTERNOON, DEC. 22 Most of the country markets held on Saturday were season- ably well supplied with English wheat, but the majority of the samples were out of condition. For all kinds the demand ruled inactive, at a decline in the quotations of Is per quarter. Foreign wheats were held at extreme currencies. Fine maliion barley was scarce ...