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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... TIlIS EVENING. MUSIC HALL, GEORGE STREET. M. JULLIEN'S U D G R A D C O N C E R T 1 TiILRSDAt,'FETRLs AR '6. i MAL}LE. JETTY TREFF7, M. V I V I E , AND THlE FRENCH DRUMMERS. PriteS 1Z4crresel Seats, hso. 6d.; Body of Hall, °2.; Gal- Tickets to be had of WOOD & CO., 12 Waterloo Place. Deoer open at 'tlIf-past Seven; Concert commences at Eight. So Ifoner enn be taken at the Doors till Ten Minutes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE vTANDlEhD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. SPECILr rEEALN SETDTG of this Company ,ill he held within their Osnox, 3 G Eo3GE Sras, Edin- bE4h o 'pgjasDAs the 10th day of April next, at Two o'clock Afteruoon. to reoeive a Report on the Investgation of the corapanfys Afirs and Division of Profits, as at 15th No- yenber 1$50- The following Alterations to be made in the Company's Sc i wil at the same ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE.ROYAL, EDINBURGH. Last Appearance but Two of 3riss GLYN. This present Evening THEURSDAY, March 27, 1851, Will be revived I S .4 BE 33 1LI A ! ' do Os THE FrATA MARRIAGE IsLbe~la . Miss GLYN-. After which NO SONG NO SUPPER o-bmorSOr the Tragedy of Macn-mT. THIEA TRE-R0YiEDINURllGH ISS GLY1X has the honour to announce that 'l E E R B EN E F I T PC will take place pr 0n SATRDAY EVENING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ip ILOSOPH IC AL I NSTIT C TICOK. .o TIlE GEVIUS AND WORKS OF SPOHR. TO-M3OERROW-MU24USIC HALLI rItCOY m }will deliver his Lecture on the above subject ToM0LtlO0W EVENING, and FOURTh (concludinq) Lee- v..r(h the Genius of Mlfendeissobn on FRIDAetY, 19l.L L.,c;_.1 rS h-ARPER. Mrs Lurwy Mr LAWLER, Mr PsART OF A \ViosL CONCERTO, by Sporr, vvill be per- rael by- MrI F. 11HdSOX. Doors open at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RoT.&L BANx OsF SCOTLASND, Edinburgh, 5th June 1851. rlE, COURT OF DIRECTORS of the ROYAL BANK T OF SCOTLAND give Notice, That the GENERAL COU-RT OF PROPRIETORS, held on the 3d current, bav- mtao declared a DIVIDEND on their CAPITAL STOCK for ite Half-Year endinr at MiEdsummer next, the same will begin tobe paid to the Propietors on Thursday the 3d day of July net at the usual hours of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A N 0 F 0 B T E S. etensive andcarefully-selected assoent, of every de- Br vthe most emin~ent Makers, for SALE or EIRE,1 ;ates, will always be found at st~~ UlRDI~E'S TANOFOlRTE AND MUSIC WAREROOM S 83 IPaNCES STREET. ._New Rosewood Cottage PIANOFORTES, with the rprovew~emts! from 25 Guineas upwards. PIANOFORTES FOR HIRE. T E R S O N A N D S ON S, P (LATE PATERsox AND ROY,) a t present a Very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0HRAMBEpR OF COMMSERCE &ItMAN U-FACTURES. UJ EnDL Ruarno, o1th April 185I . HE ANNUAL41 ELECTION OF OFFICE-BEARERS f e ensuing Year, takes place within the CHAMsBER, NO. 10 I B( ar{S~TER SQUARE. On1 oNIOA9.Y NEXT, the 14th current, at Eleven o'Clock, in termzs of the Charter. C{ By order of the Directors. J. F. MfACFARLAY, Secy. Al yr At EDoNnVRCEGf, the Ninth day of April Eighteen Hundred ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ooUND, on the Morning of Wednesday the 21st curt., in F N~iewb-liaven, a GENTLZEMIAN'S GOLD RING, which wlll be 'returnled to the Owner on proving the property and pJI paying this Adverilsemrent. ma Apply to J. B., Caledonlan Mercury Office. Bat WESTERN Bsss OF SCOTLAND, All Glasgow, 21st May 1351. LIT THE AN'N1UAL GENERAL MEETING OF GE I PROPRIETORS of the WESTERN BANK of SCOT- LAND9 wil be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L' E DO N I A N HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Tle FFU-IT and DAHILIA COMPETITION will take i the EXiPEIRIMTENTAL GARDEN, 3INVERLEITB. P Tnc-&Q)V' 4tb September. in terns of the published Prize the AtTUM:dN QUARTERLY MEETING of the I 50cIETY wlrl be held in the HALlL at Two P.3t, when I CAN j~DIDA.1 S wvill be Balloted for. ie. From Two till Five o'Clock there will be a PROAMENADEi rh M~ilita'y Music, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 31SCES STREET EAST GARDENS. I The LayiIgout and Embelfishment of the GARDENS hei lov,, completed, the LORD PROVOST, MIAGIS- MM and COU.NCIL have resolved to open them to the PUBLIC en and after FIBDAY, the 1lth curL., being the An- 2tjer Of the Birth of Sir WeTER ScOTr. It i ;intended telebrf t this event by a Prauc PROMENADE in the Gar- dens ritite above day at Three o'Clock, when the Lord ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEGISTRATION OF VOTERS. LFITIT, NFRW kVEN, PORTOBELLO, MUSSEL- l BURGH, .AND FISHERROW. -_ 4t ARTIES desirous of being Enrolled in support of LI- a2 P BERAL and FREE-TRADE PRINCIPLES will re- in ceivc the requisite information and assistance in preparing su CLAIMS of ENROLMENT. on application to the Subsveriber. m- The Claims of Enrolment require to be lodged with the in, Tg>n-Clerks on or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRESERVATION OF GANE. I 0BERT SCOTT WE1 .WOOD, ri ° ire o Garvn kl- requests no Person wil SHoOr or 1v lq hc ,NDS in the Puribhes of D)UNFERMLINE SP 'YBe' . this Season. without his leave in writing. a,, fiere nu s are wIT5VDRATWN. pitier .. on.s, 18th Aug. 1S51. CONSULATE OF THE UNITED STATES, D)utinF, 2d September 1851. -1F ndP ;i ned would bew leave to intimate that he has I 5pwatnved .iod ...