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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THEmEAs BY JU WHXICH THEY MAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth. ni tI fqtarity, and Diseasesof the Generative System, witl, ?? ions on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .HRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ,AST THREE NIGHTS of MADAME WARTON'S Original andi Classic WALHALLA ENTrRTAINMENT. TRIS EVENING (Saturday), March 22, will be pro- duced W. Etty's Celebrated Picture of 1' TliE BIRTH OF VENUS, With several New and Classic Subjects. Off MON DAY and TUESDAY NEXT, March 2 h and 5th, * TWO GRAND EXTRA NIGHTS, TLESDAY being for the BENEFIl of MADAME WAR I'ON, and Last ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jw T Y E R O Y A L, D UBL IN. nder the Patronage of the Royl Academy of London. CDMADAME WARTON pectf lI informs the Nobility, Gentry, and Public of Dublin and W'4 vic'nity that she has engaged the Theatre oy l fi r TNVELVE NIGHTS ONLY, commencing THIs EVENING. (Tuesday), March 11th 1851, F r the purpese of giving her celehrates Original and Class ° tets,,mentys as represented by her at the / ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EASTER, 1851. T H E TEA ESTABLISHMENT, 21 and 22, DAME-STREET. A NEW TEA. -rHE Proprietors have succeeded in importing a new Tea, which has given greater satisfaction to those who have tried it than any Tea offtred to the Public for several years past. THE lNONPAREIL TEA is strong, brisk, and pungent, full-flavoured, not scented or perfumed, not tarry; ripe, rich, full in body, wiry stnall ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tg QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. TillS EVENING (Monday), April 28, the perfor- unnccs will commence with the new grand Drama of BELLPHEGOR, THE MOUNTEBANK; OR, TIIE rRIDE OF BIRTEI. 3olpltegor, Mr. ReynoldS; 9ladeleine, Ars. Harris. To be followed by the Musical Interlude of PICTURESQUE. a Soul by Mdlle. Ernestine St. Louin and Ladies e To conclude with the laughable Farce of THE SCHO L FOR TIGERS; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. T Min. JOHN C. JOSEPIT, PATENTEE AND MIANA2E. On THIS EVENING (DMonday), August 4, the per- foirmances will commence with the Drama of SUSAN HOPLEY. New Grand Pas Seul by Madile. Prevot and Corps de Ballet. After which the New Farce, entitled GRIMSIIAW, BAGSIHAW, AND BRtADSIIAW. To be followed bv the Ballet ?? of Tl E MERRY MILLERS. Grist, Mr. H Payne; Chaff, Mr. W. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ALL GENTLEMEN WHO CONSULT THEIR OWN INTEREST. G ENTLEMIEN are surprised to find the very bseat Prench Leather Wellington Boots, so low as 20s; they have been in the habit oF paying 25s. to 30s. The very best Patent Dress Boots at 258; they have been in the habit of paying 30s to 859. The Very Best Spring Side and Buttoned Boots, 14s to 16d. they have been in the habit of paying 18s to 20s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEE',N'S ROYAL THEATRE. Tlu. JOIIN C. JOSE;PII, PATEnT.. AND MIANAGERa. On TIllS EVENING (Monday), August 25, the per- formances Aill commence with the celebrated Melo-Drama, in three acts, entiled THIE RAG-PICKER OF PARTS. Father Jean, Mr. F. Robson; Maria Didier, Mrs. Eburne. La Castigliani by IMladlle. Annie Payne. To be followed bY the popular Interlude of A SCENE IN TIHE LIFF. OF AN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HlE QUEEN'S RlOYAL THEATRE. n. .lrJOiN c. JOSEPH, PATISNTEE AND IMANAGER. p~rth Appearaince of ~adennohie ADELE and Mons. ST. ODY. On THIS EVENING (Thursday), October 16, the per- formaslces will commence with the National Operetta of KATE KiEARNEY. Grand Pas de Deux by Mdlle. Adele and Mons. St. Ody. To be followed iy the popular Interlude of A LOVER BY PR(Y. Gorlitza, or Bloomer Polka, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r7ThATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. pOSITIVELY THE LAST EVENING BUT ONE OF THE AMERICAN AND FRENCH COMPANy. t'oder the Immediate and Distinguished Patronage of their Eccellencies the LORD LIEUTENANT and COUNTESS OF CLARENDON. THIS EVENING (Monday), Nvember 24tb, 1851, A Brilliant Galaxy of Novel 's!-Equestrian Exploits Extraordinary, and Might of Wonders! The following Artistes wil ?? Henrico, Le petite ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eust Publishedt, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases. Price Is. or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS 81 9 d WHICH TIEI IE OIITAINED, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of 6 pad ,flurhy, and Diseasesol the Generative System, vah ervations on the treatment of Nervous Debility .s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R E J O 1 E R. As a Native of the Celesti E I am gratified at the notice taken of me in this m ins newspapera. But as I cannot yet sufficiently dist ish he niceties of the English language, it is possible I am abo ing my gratitude for what was never intended to be a compiment. There are a hundred systems of doing business; and I Qlajm the privilege of a British subject of doing mine after ...