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Daily News (London)



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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... PDORTUGUESE DIVIDENDS. - The DIVI I DEN DS for tje FIlBST liALF.YEAt 1850w of tho Five per Cent. Stock, 841, and FWariper cent. Sock 184, W thahlf of eaid dividend ot the Old Uneonerted Bonds, and likewise Ike 12 months' interest then duc 0n the LebeLtures ef rho June bnd July CoUpons, WILL BE PAID at the PortaguesaTinastell Aglgncy, on MONDAY, the 2ndFeb'uiary, 1852, andevery suceeding Monday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C TEVENS and SON, Wine and Spirit Merchants, l.J would call the attention cf the numerous parties visiting the Metropolis at this time to the liberal system of business uniformly pursued at their Establithment, where the advantages of hig' quality l dwithreneonable charges are secured to the purehaser. FINE. PORTS froa the wood, 24s. to 're. per dozen; ditto, highesttqualitins, is Lt 30s. to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B AREGE SHAWVLS and SILKS at WHOLE- SALE PRP^E3.-'oe are now offering large Itst o the above goods atone-third lecs than lItbtyar'sprieca.They are well wolth the ?? o the pidia and the trade.-C. MEElIN Gaud Co., 62, Eolharu.hill. March 4. fl ENUINE SCOTCH WOOLLEN GOODS, 3 consisting of Ladies' Tartaun and Tfweed Shawls and Plaids. Gentlemen' MeZau s and every kin,. of Travelling Wrappner. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITORS. The following system of advertising has been a, adopted for the purpose of affording to Exhibitors a greater sarozinnceof dscrptin tan japsible in the very con- offiejal Catalogue, a CLASS IL.-CHEMIOAL and PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS. 140. WRTINSOR and NEWTON, 38, Rath-~ bjntia .towtsitl and North London Colour Workq,T K ts-tw, anufscturers-ARTISTS' PIGMENTS, P in the raw and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON WILL BE PUBLISHED, THE EXHIBITION EXPRESS, T Size of a Daily MorniD Double Paper, PalurE fOBENCE, Containing every poislbleinformattnts relative to the 25tREAt EXHIBITION OF 1851, Itz Objects, Exhibitors' Prospects, intended Conteuts, Arrangemeents, Appearagoe, Progress. past and luture. The enormous ,umbar at' persons Interested in the forthcoming Great Exhibition of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... allI OUGH JUJUBE LOZENGES.-An agreeable Th and, efficlacious remedy for Asthma, Sore Throatts, Difficulty of Us: Breathing. Bronchitis &a.-Unhlke the usual Lozenges, made with vel suga, whch oten erane th stoachtheCOUGH JUJUBE LI- Dte SENGS cobinethe ostvaluble edieueswith uegm o also ~ ~ ~ ~ A r o the AFFLICTED.-A certain and speedy cure St JL foraelipersons afflicted with rheumaitism, pains ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 01iICE to SHIPPERS.-For BOMBAY, the fine first-cla'5flilgte-bulilt shi SCHAHTJISHAN will receive Wareinent goods in tee West Indi Docks tile oday the reuethd Ste June, ,jid will pr-ced eolravesendntextday. Shpcaerq std O their goods down and cleared in ?? freight or passage to hiv, LINDSAYV, 8, Rest India-chamibers. ThSuTiALIAN -LINE OF PACKET SHips, I Afor sYDSEY Direct, andil R~gular Traders ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ol'Dl.-O WEDNESDAY next, and ,.vcr) \. 1 ,li th e new etearn scrw steamer STAD rl ri cels ntojd ptasoengers. Goods ?? for Botter. ?? 0 . I-or particulars apply to HALL and SON, N: eli~turic 8 DVUBLIN (via Holyhead) in THIR- iouns:d d IAL --Thrce coonlttnutiicat'ots daily on I .Ls t e. (n Cundlays4. 6ea passage, foux hours and a half. 5 etdiY';,* scrd, £2. itelurn tlck~t5 (available fora ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEAUTIFUL HEAD) OF HAIR FOR ONE; VENTE.-Ifyou ould posesra Iahee of hair~ie full. ?? and beauty tryo bo~ttle of, HAYDN'S CIIsrALLISED HONEY, Al~~ Act AstO enfrsperior'to meany of the prepratins sld it xtimoes the porse.~ It Is comlposed of -numerous basmelgdlnte is'delightiulfly perfumaed, limparts to the hair, pliacy nd lstr, an gies I a setig cre.It also insinuaese its balsas~o popetie Ino ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I v *ttPAlsIS-The PACIFIC STEAN NAVIGATION a a~oS, o ail nt; ew iron Steam-ship QUITO, W. B. 73t 2onmnntiri'e, of. 1,100 tone, and 400-horsec power, willt IC0J> pol f r tthe above mentioned places on or about the 20tht ?? QUO 10 has exeeilcnt accommodation for piesengers, marD02 ?? expericaced sturgeon; she will take On freight tr~ a sjrcie unty. All letters not for consigneen must pass '11trs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... el IF yo desire really well-polished Boots, 1s~ e It | BROWN'S ROYAL MELTONIAN BLACKING it renders '6 Ithem beautifully soft durable, and wa~terproof, while its lustre equals s the most brilliant patent leather. Price, the same as common blaek- e ing. Made only by E. BROWN, the inventor and sole manufacturer n of the De Guihe Parisian Polish for dress boots and shoes, and It waterproof varnish ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E X'HI BI T 0R The following system of advertising -ham been adopted for the purpose of affortding to Exhibitors a greiatex promine nce of description than ise. Possible in the very con- 'fined Space allowed- byi the WfIcial cktalogae of the Great Exilibitiors; and to' ?? thhman~ Aopotunisty of referring to thir gneralsnorhondi~, o which the articles exhi- bited are samples. In some) oases FL. ...