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Advertisements & Notices

... GIRL MISSING r-1NC W V OM ANof ratcerweakintellcct, lefttthebhole l , it rltijons in Clyde Place,oTiadestou, Gorbals, about jr 'eeI, ago aldlias not sice been heard of. She is f8 to tll \e s;, t-et ,A ineles h-. IHeight, Fair Complexion, l, 'Wmen Tartail Dross, Black Polka, Grey - slle .1 Mith Blue Border, Straw Bonnet, with Pcach- jltelt1 h-itbiis . Dark Grey TVorsted Stockings, amd Stout ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'JleS DAY, AT 34 Co(JiliANE SREI'E. IIOLE STOCK 01F 13;l1T11 SI1 WINES, BRAINDY, LARGE i' LOT U IN ITS' IN CAI(CS', W\ESTP[A LIA II AN , 'lEA,PII' ,CAIS IM, .ARRO~W ROOT1, 1] N01E1i, ItED) IIERRIINUtS, PICKLIES, E1MI'TY IttITT I.ES IN MA'TS, COUNTING lHOUSE FUIRNITU'l'lIE, &(x Bleoflginlyl to the .S'exeuesitrxlxe' 1'xstale of le. Alesxaner, f.ontmsr-1s sion 11Merr/he. Widgei xxi, Rlobrt's Bri' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lji'6ET PuRIE Riouct2:1-is. TOc IlE~ sOLE, BY PUB71LIC ROUP, likini ti' Ii POatl ExelIaige,1 Sale IiOHInS, U las~gow, upon th .ll'ii' 2 1th2 iii day ot' December, I SSI, at Two o'clock Afe ilti )ifot prieeiutskl dispose'd o/by Privat'e Boi'cjai, p il NI AN8ION ]lIiJSE of II A UT 01111 Al1), j itmlted oil thle south side of' the road to 6 oVan, a niL t ti wvest if Plantation, w'ith the GEI ND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S3COTTISHt U~NION INSURANCE COMPANY. NOTICB. HEDIRECTORS~ Of thle SCOTTISHI UNION IN- T lIE11IANCL U (10I'1ANY,] have to intiniate that thl ft RECEII PTS tir palymenit Of FI'1 RE lOLICIE8 duo( ait the I Teril oft jV Il 'S NANti rc nowv ready for deli very at th ?? 11IA ?? Vpice and NVa ious A Oci: NC1:, atnd lihoud be tialken op S onl or before thle 31101 CIFI curt. me/i/i o/ice 0/i/era, Call ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'NTOT CE-OJI W LLAM LENNOX'S 1 NOVEL, P1E1PICY 1AMILTON on, TUE ADYEN- TU1IES OF A W1VSTMI.AINSTER Boy, 3 vols., l IS NOW READY AT ALL TMll LilitiAnES.I ~ I fcl not a little pleasure in laying beofrc the public the :esults of my friend's and my own exporilence, doubting not C that the fidelity of the sketches introduced of life at the far- G famed school in Dean's Yard will hoe recognized by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TIlE ELECTORS (IF TIIH l F ,AIRD IE, HAMILTON, LANARK, AND LI NLrITHGOW. (WcsTLiEAT N, C- IXEN L dcsxii having* lebeien eNxresemI that Mr. Baird A . xnd Mr. Loch Should pr1joceedtl to the 'oll, on their rc- xipective inerits, vithout a tid Canididate interposinhg, anid cinm- ing, xis I did, last into tile field, I axe naulced, il consequence, to withdraw as a Candidate for the honollr of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ltSALE, IN IIELENSBUJRGHI, A n 'iIM(1)1OI S SELF-CONTAINED COTTAGE, A~ ~~Drawing, Room, P'arlour, Five TBed Rooms, lo idien, oith Wi iter Closet, Blatli Roonm, aind Offices. 1'11,, ('satte sttinis onl an elevated situation, was erected ii ~ er, commiianid5 ani extensive view which canl- tilt I1 ttl~l IttYell, .fi1 is withini fit-a Inmntes' walk of the li-. 'lilil i'ct'lleiit Wel oil tile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT CA UTION. LAURENCE 1ALL' S PATENT STA ?? continues to be Manufactured UpOn llh sile pri inciple that has gained it stich reputation; it is preferred above any other Starch, not- witlhstaiding all the rival makers (and imitations), put forth under different names. The Public are requested to ask for LAURENCE HALL'S PATENT STAItRFC, to prevent a spurious article being substituted for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r[1l1 l (ILASGIOW EX.\NINIE11 OFr1 .414W II P0!'1:TI!A IT oft tle~ llZA. JORW1, ?? lo~o~haro l'oull j41wd of thle MYe. ?? Ii L r1 IEiioo, 1i~t1401o4,AII~lcol'l1Millerw:[ o Rullueilmue. They eron takcei fi,0411 14.0, fur~o~ 41 thle 124,4 by Colblcnen Avi'tio A NE IF''14 (T'I IEIIIC I-'ICRUMN 11 ((F SCuTLVN Ii. Williami BittewooJ, &1 Eui~i 4b14r1.-Il 14(4, Londonl. S'4,11 by J . S;M 1 'I'l LS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oil Friolda Night Last, Ivi StVeet, Buchunaifn Street, or Sachieliall Street, l j, ?? l.XCI 1ANGE.-Any Person finding and hand- Al i,,g tie same to Captain Smart, Police Office, will be t1;' Yl TEl'l'Il.R, Witlh long shaggy hail of a grayish ?? ~ \ will lringt lile saine to )Mcssrs. Il'-ay & Son, ff11'' l, t ,150 West Regent Strcet, will be rewarded,. WANTED TO BORROW, , ji i E, l HUNDlRED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORT OF LIVERPOOL. N O T I C E T O of A R I N E RIS. (ALL BEAMU1NG0 BY Cowes9.)- .S- T HE TRUSTEES of the LIVERPOOL DOCKS and T HARBOUR do ?ierebygive N ON lCE, that, weather per- mitting, the following CHANGES in the LIGHTING and BUOYING of the PORT will take place on and after thei Night of the 16th OCTOBER next. FORMBY OLD LIGHT HOUSE. pi A Light will he exhibited at the Tower of the Old ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'OTI(IE. * 3ANK; NOT1g, tf ensiailerable value, lie been givenrin ?? at thle Mloney ()rder Oflice, in error, by some party iil- Ie\|vns. It wvill be restored to him ou apl4ying at the M1oney Pi ?? (itlice. P'oct (iftice., Glasgov,) v] v 3t1il Feb., 1S51.- f . * - GOL.D WVA'YCt IOST, ) E'I'lVEEN tile middle of Portugal St cet and the Barrhcad .1) llailwiy; or in the 7 o'clocck .m. Train, on ...