Advertisements & Notices

... E ORft BREMEN, the fine fast- F sailing Schooner E M M A FRIEDERMICE, Captain LOISLEIN. To :Sla at the end of this MIonth. For Freight and Particulars, apply to W. II. BREMER *& CO., 6, Wellington street, 12ROI 1lU1L for NEW YORK, w ir ith GOODS and PASSENGERS, the well-known and favourite Brig ¢lARLCQUIN, 450 'Tons burthen, MATrIEw BROe,0 Coumnllnder, will be despatched the lattereud of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE RIGHT RON. THE LORD MAYOR OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN. T7JE, the undersigned, request that your Lordship Twill be pleased t convene a Meeting of the Ci- tisens of Dublin, and of such of ?? Gentty of Ireland as may think proper to attend, for the purpose of petitioning against the contemplated abolition of ?? Viceroyalty, and ofplacing upon record their protest against the system of centrali- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. to td NN EL BY TliE AUTHOR OF EMILIA WYNDHAM. a Now ready at all the Libraries, in 3 vols., on T I M E the A V E N G E R. ex i By the AAuthor of vas Emilia Vyndhams, The Wilmningtons, &c. iad 'The Word dwelt with se, and its inward light, hit, By anguish aided and adversity, eft Wrought in my heart an inward Change entire. d. Henry ColIhrn, publisher, 13, Great Marlboroglgh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NICO-LL'S NEWLY INVENTED AND liEGIStTEItED T OGA WRAPPEER & WSINTER C()ATS, &c. 7I LlIAM *1EiEATHR TTiTCHENER, 67, '7>East Strect, Cbichcster, resprectfulily announ~ces that hc hasaccepto ite appottcrtieat of Messes Ricoh's as their AGENT ftr Chlleicster, for the sale of their Pd lr eteeci dcii Rvei ered IVA PEPIR OJEF COATS, PA i.33TOTS, &c.; also their nevl i;nven~ed TOLA, Weich i. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M U S I C A L B -ES. HE SUBSCRIBERS BE 0O DIRECT AT- T ENTION to their stoce f GENEVA MUSI- CAL BOXES, which, for power and brilliancy of tone, vill be found superior to any foamer importation. The music has been most carefully arranged, the boxes manufactured expressly for themselves, and the prices less than those generally charged for ordinary instru- ments. 132 LEE & SON, 57, High-Street. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r[1l1 l (ILASGIOW EX.\NINIE11 OFr1 .414W II P0!'1:TI!A IT oft tle~ llZA. JORW1, ?? lo~o~haro l'oull j41wd of thle MYe. ?? Ii L r1 IEiioo, 1i~t1401o4,AII~lcol'l1Millerw:[ o Rullueilmue. They eron takcei fi,0411 14.0, fur~o~ 41 thle 124,4 by Colblcnen Avi'tio A NE IF''14 (T'I IEIIIC I-'ICRUMN 11 ((F SCuTLVN Ii. Williami BittewooJ, &1 Eui~i 4b14r1.-Il 14(4, Londonl. S'4,11 by J . S;M 1 'I'l LS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Anmazinxg Success of the New Mode of 7reatmnctt. i 1R. BAlhKER'S Compound Indiau Ex- t J tract, for Secret Debility, And Imxpedimenxts to Mar- F riage, is exclusively directed to the cure of nervous and bi e sexual debility, irregularity, weakness, co1nsulmptive habits, I e uil debilities arisig from mental irritiibility, local or A constitutional Weahtievs generative diseases, .c, It is a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EVERY SATUBDAY AFTERNOON WILL BE PUBLISHED, T HE EXHIBITION EXPRESS, T. WSite of a Daily Mornig Dlonble Paper, PRIe FOURPENCE, Contaisingoverl ?? informatton relative t9 the GREAT EXHilBITION OF It1, lts Objects, Exhibrtors' Prospeots, intended Contents, Arrangements, Appoarasee, Progress, past and future. The enormous number'of persons interested in the forthcoming Great Exhibition of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. WINE AND SPIRIT VAULTS. FREEHOLD HOUSE AND PREMISES, MARKET.- PLACE, LOUGHBOROUGH, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. MOODY and NEWBOLD, On TUESDAY, the 14th day of January, 1851, at the PLOUGH INN, in Loughborough, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, and subject to such conditions as will be then produced; A LL that spacious FREEHOLD HOUSE and PRE- A MISES, with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... salt 52 ucho#, CFEi S ARMS AND CORONATION VAULTS, OLDHAM STREET MANCHESTER. 'To PUBLICA NS, BREWERS, Wholesalo and RollU WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANTS, and those who intend to commence In the BusineSS. M R. MORRIS is instructed by Mr. Turner, M who is retlringfrom the Business, to SELL by AUCTION, .,O Tuesday next, the 14th instant, at, Seven o'clock in the Even- ln, on the Premises, in One Lot, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~rEANI to I-NDIA and CHINA vil EGYPT.- IIomNILLY MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for ~0ewr. ?? HONMG KONG. - The Peninsular ?? Xai~ai~nCompany book pasoonuerg and re- ~sa~dparcls fo theabiove portaby their oteaniors, start- Inte 20th every mionth, mnd from Suez onO ~y Iccleafor Bonibay can proceed Ifby thiu Comn- Ofte2t of the itonth to Malta, thenieo to Alex- 1eel c~pc~r o oesiere, asril from Suez, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTH WVALES, In the isiognioficent Fale of the Cliwyd. MIRI. H1URLE Y iS ilstrlucted to SELL by PRIVATE TREATY, T SA MOST DESIRABLE FREElHOLD FARAI ESTATE, Situated in the centre of this very beautiful Yale, the scenery of which needs no culogium. The RESIDEN-CE is adaipted to a respectable family' and the Buildings good. The LAN D comprises I lS A CRES of superior Meadow and Arablc, in a ...