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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... ?iIE GENELAL STEAM NAVIGATION cliMI.t'?X? eivgoiflecnt STLAM.SIIIt'S leave the St. Ea* 'SI un whet Whirf, for- the 1 IllEvell 'filO'.d10 and Friday ercoing. ? and Saturday, at 'len morning. ?? 'fhursday, at Nine morning. ?ZmN ?? lo 0.ilid Saturday 1 Jan. ?5, at Six ate. ? ? ttardav, ,i?iii. itS, and 50th, at Eight liloritilig. II Iruni Lvodve.bri.lgC Wharf, for- ? O?N ??we.lee1day and Suuda? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... } tSTEIiN RAIL WAY.-ELECTRIC 131 be ?cn3 by ELICCTRBJ TELEGRAPH, 51 -s '33318 'no *3 ?? tr3 si 11? E aiitl ItAslINGS, and all 33 t333i133.3Y S U. 8. HERBERT, Secretary. il' 5 '1.33.333 Jan. SI, 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL PRINCESS'S T1HEATRE.-Tqhe pwublic ..Icis rcepectfully informed that Mr. BARTLEY v.ill perform only Sl'X NIGHTS MORtE, anld that, conisequenltly, thle FinlL ?? of's play et HlENRY IV. vill take place on 31onday, Jan, 37; Monday, Feb. 3; IFriday, Feb. 7; Moun- clay, Feb. 10; Friday, Feb. 1-t; anid (for the Jloot time) cii Monday, Feb. 17. THE3ATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.-Lessee and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and CHINA vi? EGYL?T.- INDIA L fool1 '1IIL.X' MAlL S't'EAM CONVEYANCE for ?? ox'% ? ? *? ? so Uie 29th of every month, and froot suez ? Ic : ?ic 10th sI the tnoltt?h. joasctit'CrO for Becoibay can proceed hr tltit Corn- ?fb2ccro of the 2othi of the month to Malta. thentie to Alex- .tcii .?coty'o stetnoero, aed from Suez, by '.he Honour. ?pe ? i:t?NEA?? to : Ott tft? 20th aid 29th of every 11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CANTERBURY ports hi New jil s'rEADFAST, 010 fob' register, lying ?,li, 0 - chartered and provisioned by the Can- in ? till, to ?ll on the 2Mb Feliruary nevt llates of 0f cibili (a 0011010' Cillilli lictweeii - ,, .i IIIOC, ?to,-For freigilt, pillOilge', or further in- 1-ility ?? Co., 157, Fciiehurch-sleeet j. l'c, ?? or to Frederick Young, manager Li'F'1 fi lb Calierbllly Association, 74, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R OYAL PRINCESS'S THElATRi:. -The Phi is reopeetfulty informled thant Mlr. EAl lx niX l p I only SIX NIGHT'S aloRE, rnd that, cessoin ?? Repre~sentattionis of Shaleepeare's platy of ?? F it-1 F~a place on Monday, Jan, P7; Mondsay, Feb. 3 * rid n : ) i day, Febh. 10; iFriday, F-eb. 14i; anid (fur the lasht 0 Pl$ h. o ; il,11.'l; THEATRE ROYrAL, DRURY-L.A NE.If-ese and Manlager, Mtr. J. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... anecitdManagehr, M~r. J. nAlN~DERS~ON -ITEHIS E.VE.NING will be NEW. Sir A. Courtoun, Btl, Mr. Cooper; Major Stock, Mr. Emery, Capt. S. Coulrtoun ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C YANADA DEBENTUR{ES.-The DIVIDEND WARRANTS, falling duno to tite Ist February NcMxt, oen the CANAl)A DEBENTURES, uegotiated throught BAItINl: BRO- TllEltS antd Co., will be PAID on that or any succeedinm, day (Tuesdady nad Ftiday excepted), betwec a the hours of 'Tl' tltid Two, at their Couiting-house, No. 6, Dishopisgate-strcet Withill, where Lists toltay, no9 osual, he obtained. TOUISIANA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. -4- Fairfield Work?, ?? Coactibuil-lere, Contract -r-, -By Messrs. FULLER and IIOIt.'iEY, at the Frirti. li II -r. flow, on Monday, January27, at Eler en, 55 ithont vc'crv a I. bydirectiosi of the Assignees ofMe?srs.Artandaiet ?? trek::- S IX OMNIBUSES, a new cab pitactuti, to - ii heel cah, secoud-lianrl chariot, ta-s .?ecsiid-la?r:d -br. two chaise cirts, several pairs new ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEiATRE ROYAL DP.URY-IANE.-.Lcssee | n ~linger, Mr. JAMES ANDERSON.-Brilliant, tri- uviophant, anld legitim~ate seci>ess of thec trule EnigliSsh Conliedy-I he origina~l comedy of THE OLI) LOVEg AND T~lEi NEW havileiiigre* ccivod the ulialnjinono approval of at, overib. wing anid (illighteic aludieciec, and liceli pronlouniced teo tloast chlarminog comuedy of mlode~rnl tilDeS, will hc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (i ANADA DEB13NTURES.-The DIVIDEND tJWAI1OANTh, filling deonthe ,1 b st Februilry ics, ot e 1the CANAD)A DEt3ETi CItES, ttegotothied throuxgh BAIllNG 13RO- TIIETCS intl CO. till be PAlI) onl that or ally 5itceediiig II;ly ?? ?? xetd, esel ?? of' Teti atid I whoe Lid ts ~y, aIS uIsual, bc o~btaineti. IL OUISIANA STAT1E BO0NDS. The DIVI- II)ESD WVAIRlANTS, fullitig Iiso itt the 1st Feblrua ry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?AL?A?s7SM.?ParaIysis, Asthma,???. to Mr. 'it ?? l3ro isseick.ss1sre, Lelolon, to,. its PAM Ph l.R'r,5 ?: 1t7, VA N ISM, whisk will he f. rs snird fret eti reell,, I MEl;;: ?? $ 'lThev ociilleastellishesl lititse.,iltetts h, I will hel, 1(115 ol 'lieS ii cOOLS St i?elll5llt, t'lie'ttl1la?,11 ? so if reux, paralysis, epiteil cotopla lots, ?? l?, energy, I ivcrrslltpIaitil?, Iretieral ilchjlitv ...