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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? NDCHan CINA vi& EGYPT.- AM filLY MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for I .ea 1,ht Z(cI IteCEYLON, MADRAS, CALCU'rrA, L~n l fORE, and HONG KONG. - The Peninsular s~ai N~satisiCeonpany book passengers and re- Ib st 17 rcrl the alov ports by their stearierg, Btisrt- i 0 .tas? ,~ th 2. ith.o every month, and froiA Suez * -~oltli,' .,eser fr Bombay can proceed by this Comn ' fthe .29th of thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, J)RURY-LANE.-LesseeI wid Manager, Mr J. ANDERSON. -11S EVENING will be I piesoented the iew cnteiedy culled THlE OLD LOVE AND THE 1Majo Stock, Mr. Emlstol * NEW. Sir A. CoUrtoeY it, Ar. Cooper; Mo Stock, Mr. 3mr; Capi. S. tUrtoutn, Mr. J. Anidersini Mr. laythorn, Mr. Jarrett CInc l a.MrtC.Selho v M. ?? CherrY Boutnce, Mre. W. LS0y. At wibn) aS newZV operetta1, 31iB e THE 1 CADI' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | tbop0fatt s ttct T OHN SIMNITT, BOOT-MAXER, solicits the attention of the nobility and gentry to his choice aloes of Pari TIs elnenad English manufactured BOOTS and SHOES, which he is con o Hdentcannot enbe oualled for elegance of design and quality, combined WO1 with superior wor ansehip. JOHN SINNITT takes this opportunity of returning thanks to his sets numerous patrons for their kind ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ggt-J, F. CrtrD~ ?? ano O NATAL Directto sail positively the 1st cha Oarch. the fsseilg A I ship, JANE GREENE, 492 tons -re I MorebjtOH SrILL Cowmander; to load in the St.HKatharine - S 8tbEstIlull poop, great height between decks, and first-rate - t oaidatiefl5 for cabin and ether p isgr.-PI o R a A) 1o3, Fencurchtree T -R PORT LYTTELTONs CAN rERBURY thy.o 0 T AUCKLAND. and other Ports in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. rI'HE TRUSTEES under T The Glasgow Markets and T Slaughter-Houses Act, 1850, being about to erect a new Slaughter-House ir, the Eastcrn District of the City, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that a Minn, Elevation, and Specification thereof, and an estimate of the probable expense of erecting and completing the same, will be exhibited for public inspection in the Town Clerks' Oflice for f'ourtcen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hIIEAT1' I 10 YAL, 1) U BLIN. T Fourth Appearance of Mrs. MOWATT. seventh Appearance of Mr. G. V. BROO^E On TIlIS EVENING (Thursday), January Both, 1851,I ces will commence with the tbe perfr LADY OF LYONS. . :j Claude Melnotte, Mr. G. V. Brooke; Colonel Dgas Grarsby; Pauline Descehappelles, Mrs Mowatt f After ..hich the Malles. Elisler will perform on tITight- rope, and make a Terrific ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FORD'S PECTORAL BALSAM OF HOREII4 t For the rf lie/ and care of Confi~w, Irqfluens a, Astlimos, . I ; all 4ieasa of te CheOt and LBngs. 4 TTOREHOUDQb is an herb which has mveru ,0 e EU ?? *1w thn. most able nhylji*1l a ,IJI SNOOK'S: APARI-ENTq±-FAMJILYP. ThLMS , T I HEIR Corn ositirin is-entthey do not co contan ?? r Mtrurial Preparstion ml whatever, and do not require the leaut confinment or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a ,OcF ?? ASS1iGN1iSO OF Xil. J. 0. UXIAWOOD, A HANK111PT. acPDS ONRBUILDERS, iRONMONGEBS, 4 AND OTHERS. By MR., WALKER, ThL, DaY (Frid~aY), the 3slt instant, at Elev-an o'clock precisely, 01, the Precmises, No. 1, Mount-pleasant, ItucnMining Portion of the STOCK of adBUILDERS' IRONMONGERY, Shop .4 fild Fcay, Otihe 31tiStoctk Onel o'clocka penmr, at trhet ofien and tIres, bothoks, folthe, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JUBILEE YEAR of COCKLE'S PILLS. J I S6 1. Truth lives not for a fleeting holur, But scorns e'ecc Time's destroying power. The la.t fifty years haye seeni many wonderful changes; social, political, and, indeed, all uit universal. The medical world itself, too, has had its revolutions. New drugs and new comcpounds have been introduced, sonic of whicil have experienced but an ephecimeral ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TANDARD- or NATURAL SHERRY, Ai nubrnd edres asp sed thre gape, nutty hvoar, The INCREARNZ I t for this most dielous wine, the prlouce of Spain' flne t vintyard, which, by the reoommendotgn of its many lrousand cosmers, most traly merits the notice of oll admirers of purt winer is AstEnishing. DiandO Sherry, kg ,; Cognraci Brandy, lla.; tare old pste, iSah; tparbling Champa'ne, with Im- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V geCtaw AustralhanI Xavestmeait Conspany. ,E galf yearly Dividend, at the rate of Six per cent. per -jL aumn, clear of Income Tax, will be paid to the Share- lder3 of this CompanY, at their Office, on ' and after; the 1st STRONACH.& GRAINGER, Cashiers and Agents. 20, King Street, Aberdeen, 25th January, 1851. _'jeacOr for Dr.V OU's School, at Cld Aberdeen ON THE MADRAS SYSTEM OF EDUCATION. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I- AT PRESENT TO LET, FURNISHED, $ ELF-CONTAINED LODGING, 3G Elmlbank Crescent Is Rent Moderate. Apply to Messrs. Mackintosh & Cowan, Accountants, 65 Si. 'Vincent Street. HOUSE IN QUEEN'S CRESCENT TO LET. HE Self-contained HOUSE, No. 17 Queen's Crescent, i containing Dining Room, Drawing 11oom, Anti-Drawing Room, Parlour, Five Bed Rooms, and Dressing Room, Bath Room, besides Servants' ...