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Advertisements & Notices

... LAST DAY BUT TWO OF THE GREAT SALE OF MR. PETER'S SPL1iNDID STOCK. THE STOCK OF MR PETER., OF GRAFTON-STREET, IS NOW SELLING OFF, by Messrs. WATER. HOUSE and COMPANY, at a Reduction of 50 per Cent., AND COPRIStS .- 4 Silver Breakfast Services, at 6s., 7s., 8s. and 9s. per Oz. A number of large and small Presentation Cups and Sal- vera, from 6s. per Oz. 6 Dozen of Double Threaded Silver Table ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r¶jTRE ]RYAL, DUBLI N. fr , ITALIAN OPERAS. Third Appearance of MR. and MRS. SIMS REEVES. On THS EVENING (Thursday), Febs 20, will be per- iormed (in compliance with repeated applications), Doni- et' Grand Opera of LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR, Edgardo, Mr. Sims Reeves; Lucia, Mdrs. Sims Reeves ColOfgl1 Ashtonl Herr Meughis'; Raimondo, Sig Paltoni. 'fickets and places to be hsd of M~r. Barry, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases Price is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. TffEALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE mEANS Ey LL WHiCH THEY MSAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMAN USHER'S OFFICE Dublin Castle, February 6, 1851.; TIS Excellency the Lord Lieutenant will hold a LEVEE, at Dublin Castle, on WEDNESDAY, the 26th day of February, 1851, at one o'Clock. It is requested that each Gentleman attending the Levee will bring Two Cards, with his Name and Place of RPai- duoeiegb9ii ritens or printed thereon, one to be delivered to the Person appointed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRENCH FLO WITE offer for S A L E the r e inder of the FCargo, ex Unicorn, in good r and prime quality. GEORGE C. PIr a& CO., 406 43, Donegall Quay. SUGAR BY AUCTION. SINCLAIR & BOYD) w'ill offer for SALE by N AUCTION, on TUESDAY next, P5th inst., at TWELVE o'clock-X 50 Hhrds. 31) Tierces Barbadoes and DemleraUGARS. 50 Barrels 1 Donegnill-Quaty, 20bth Fobrualry, 1851. 101 ON SALE, CARGO of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r11FEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN . | ITALIAN OPERAS. Tbis Evening (Friday) there will be no performance. foarth Appearance of MR. and MRS. SIMS REEVES. o, 1-o.5IOROWV EVENING (Saturday), Feb. 22, will be Performed Bellinli's Grand Opera of I PURITANI. Lord Arthur Talbot, Mr. Sims Reeves; Elvira, Mrs' Rims Beeves; Sir George Walton, Sig. PaItoni; Sir chard Forth, Herr Mengbis. Tickets and places to be ...


... N. ITALIAN OPERAS. This Evening (Friday) there will be no performance. FourthAppearance of MR. and MRS. SIMS REEVES. On THIS EVENING (Saturday), Feb. 22, will be per- formed Bellini's Grand Opera of I PURITANI. Lord Arthur Talbot, Ir. Simis Reeves; Elvira, 'Mrs. SiBs JReeves Sir George Walton, Big. Paltoni; Sit Ricd Forth, Herr Venghis. Tivkets and places to be had of Mr. Barry, at offlce, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FERGUS FARRELL begs leave to announce tthe F arrival from England and the Continent of his very ex- ?? SuppIy of GARDEN and FARM SEEDS for the present year, ?? have been selected with the greatest possible care-and all being the growth of 1850, and of the 'finest quality, cannot fail to give satisfaction. In the Flower Seed department many new and beautiful varieties have been added to his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRENCH FL Mr floffer for S A L E the remjnder of the Cargo, eX Unicorn, in good er and prime quality. GEORGE C. PIM & CO., 428 43, Donegall Quay. FOR FEEDING. FOR SALE, A BOUT 80 Tons Damaged itY YB, 1t4 10s. A1 per Ton. Fr GUSTAVUS HEY¶D. Fire, Life, and Marine, Insur Office, No. 1, Ilenry-street. i ON HANnD, Danzig WHEAT, about 100 Tons; Koenigsberg RYE, 100 Do.; Archangel OATS, 70 Do.; Riga ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMAN USHER'S OFFICE, Dublin Castle, February 6, 1851. IS Excellency the Lord Lieutenant will hold a vL-L LEVEE, at Dublin Castle, on WEDNESDAY, the 26th day of February, 1801, at une o'Clock. It is requested that each Gentleman attending the Levee will bring Two Cards, with his NameK and Place of Rei- dence legibtv, eiiven asr priuied dwa-m, one to be delivered to the Person appointed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 07iIEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ITALIAN OPERAS. Fifth Appearance of MR. and MRS. SIMS REEVES. On THIS EVENING (Monday), Feb. 24, will be per- formed Verdi's Grand Tragic Opera of ERNANI. EFrani, Mr. Sims Reeves; Elvira, Mrs. Sims eeves Don Carlos, Herr Mengis; Don Buy Goinez, Sig. ni. Tickets and places to be had of Mr. Barry, Ae Box- office, from Eleven to Four o'Clock. The Doors will open at a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JustPublisbed, Third Edition, Illustrated with Colnued Enrsnvings, an Nervous Debility and Generative Diseassa Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Pcot, for IS Postage Stamps. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, Tug mxtiuxs BY Li WHICH T-EY MAY Br OBTAINXtl, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System,.with abeervations on the treatment or Nervous ...