... FAHiiU2sb 'r un riMlIuavII. S1 (rFeorn Lt F6lcI.) Y. Aniong the mnany pretty toilettes that have appcalred i Iy*(Ilirin-i this weck at the fashionable sobraecs, our attention p1 h as been particularly attracted by a coiffiue equally novel tc IS and dtiojnqee. It was composed of three brow - velvet ai of bands crossing over the head. These were sprinkled with Iv T- small diamond stars, and ...


... I I Her Majesty and his Royal Highness Prince Albert, accompanied by the Prince of Wales and several other members of the Royal family, paid an early visit to the Exhibition on Tuesday morning. They inspected the different parts of the building, and watched with interest the process of examining the different packages by the Custom house officers. Her Majesty has probably never before been so ...

Published: Sunday 23 February 1851
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1768 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... 'J GREAT EXtfi4N. ]3erwealris now a bulsy one 'withk tlb officials in th Glass Palace. They ha* but litl ib mW thina two i~torits left for *h rmcepfi~on,,.a ite t ofE al th wo41 .to q.4ipl ?? y scent byi their activityto be quite alive .toi .thoe necessty; foxi full eXertioff. More than a6 thetisid' j~ic'kans hiave been re~ediwd'zdurint the last sir dAyS, 'bf-Whic more 1 Thui' I W a fr~ohip, ...


... THEATRE ROYAL-MB. CALCRAFTS BENEFIT. The benefit of our theatre manager on last evening was graced by the attendance of a crowded assemblage of the admirers and patrons of the operatic drama. R5b RPoy and the Waterman were the pieces presented, with a musical irnterfnezzo, in which Herr Mengi' and S'gacr Paltoni performed. The first piece went off fairly enough, and the audience would have ...


... Euphrianor, a Dialogue on Youth. Pickering. The author of this little book is a new acquaintance; and a very agreeable and valuable one. His subject is full of modern and practical interest (which is more than would be inferred from the title), and the composition is an excellent specimen of a kind in which English writers have rarely succeeded. How the youth should be treated in order that ...


... EXHIBITION HlANDKERCHIIIEF. Ie Wc have just received fioin Messrs. Williamn Stirling & Son a of of this city, a Turkey Red lIandkorchief, on which is printed a 2C zn series of vieirs of the Crystal Palacc, and other designs appro- C s priatc to the (ireat Industrial Exhibition We ,vill, however, +I attempt n description ofthis verybcmtifiiy ornamentedpiece ot calico. In the centre sits a ...


... History of Enoglandfor Junioair Classes: toith Questionsfor E'xa- mTIinatioss at the end of eaCh Chapter. Edited by HENRY - WHITE, B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge, Author of History Af Great Britain and Ireland, &c., Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. THis ian attractively written and admirablygot up Sehool-book, on a subject of deep interest and great importance, with which it is most desirable ...


... THE EXHIBITION OF ISSL VISITING THE BmULDIN.-The Commissioners have de- aided, in order to prepare for the reception of foreign goods in the ensuing week, that the public must be altogether ex- eluded from visiting the building after the 3rd of February. AlDrMnsSOze PRICE To THE Exnmsnon.o-Mr. Paxton, the architect, has written a letter'to Lord John Russell, sug- gesting the propriety of ...


... Ug)lemo. Is Magazmine. February. Simpkin, Mar- shall and Co. ho Commission to inquire into the Working the English Universities has been made Io ppropriate occasion for an admirable ar- ,,en tihe constitution and existing condition these institutions in Scotland, The writer pialtially sets forth both their advantages .i their defects, and making all due allow- iec for the latter, it is easy to ...


... bieWb. No. X3. Two GENERATIONS; OR, BIRTIr, PAREINTAGE, AtN EDUOCvTION. A Novel. By the Earl of Belfast. 2 vols. London: Rkicharlu Bentley. Wa arc prepossessed ii ravour of this very agreeable and instructive o)vel by its almost epigrainmatic pre- face:- - What were the agony of the showman, says the noble author, were Promethean tire to fall on his puppets, and were lie chained to his ...


... voctrg. SUNNY DAYS IN WINTER. SU.MMERn is a glorious season, Warm, and bright, and pleasant; But the past is not a reason To despise the present. So while health can climb the mountain, And the log lights up the hall, There are sunny days in winter, After all! Spring, no doubt, hath faded from us, Mlaiden-like in charms; Summer too, with all her promise, Perished it our arms. But the memory ...


... ;2909tri). W- fIlE TOILERWS DREAM. reokbelin~es are from a volumo of .0D n~lain srr~, and are the production of a 'he by 1.81 They are indeed beautiful, ad under i'll; 1, thoroughly anrd thoughtfull; nppro. es hau5gbing bowers, in by ,,reon twining elms, a plcasant shade, WIWIr'e - noon is made, At SI wift-footed hours At'1,rih()ch breath of the enamoured flowers, r: I i,11 whero the ...