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Morning Chronicle


... TEE GREAT EX.t1iBIT iN. The sale of season tiokete i adulissign, which commenced yesterday, at thle Soietyqif Arts, John- street, Adelphi, is now proceeding very rapidly, upwvards of 2,000 tickets having bceu alr-ady dis- posed of. It may be remembered that we stated a few days sincethat no free adinissions wS hatever wrould be granted ; and the fact that among the first pur- chasers of ...


... THEl GREAT EXHIBITION. We have stated, upon previous occasions, that the arrangellielet of the agrioultural implements in the Great Exhibition would be under the management of a committee of gentlemene appointed by the Royal Agricultural Society. It is most important, there- fore, that intending exhibitors of agricultural im- plements should bear in mind that, according to the regulations of ...


... T'lE GIZEAT Ex1HIBATION. it mjjay ble rem)embered ,!.1It Soein ih ~c h Ex.ecultive CulI'mit tee ?? opniga reistry for such persons as Inm-igt bic wilingto rovde suitable lodging anld acc(HIninoda- tinfor thle alutiiei0us artisan's who Might be ON- pect- d to arrive inl London during1, the period Of the AtIe Exhiibition. Those persons who might desire to lyl avail thems11elves of thle ...


... HA YMARAKET THEXTRE. The somewhat curious experiment of reviving DOUGLAS J£ERROLD'S early nautical drama of Blca-cyed Susan before a Haymarket audience was tried last night, and-so har as the most liberal allowance of applause was concerned-with the most complete success. The British sailor vwpor the stage has always been the British sailor of the stage-drawn not from the forecastle or the ...


... Great progress has been made within the last few 6i days in the arrangement of the space in the build- hr ing for the various classes of goods, and in the allo- cation of the space to be occupied by individual Sc exhibitors in the respective classes. The arrange- Inents for cotton machines to be shown in motion were finally completed yesterday. The space to be occupied by this very important ...


... DR UR Y-LA NE THEA TRE. The adaptation as an operatic spectacle of L'Esfanst Proelitsc attracted last night an overflowing audience to Drury Lane. No small degree of public interest and curio- sity had been previously excited, and the result of the expe- rinment was decidedly successful. The first act was perhaps most applauded. Tie second is the most dramatic and most gorgeously mouuted. III ...


... AI V SIC. - Alkthes, In that day. Composed by Dr. Elvey. [Lon- dun : Surman, O, Exeter ifall.J-We have already had occ% sion to notice tbe performance of this legitimately effective work by tbe London Sacred Harmonic Society. The nmusic is oliaracterised by breadth, simplicity, and a pure vein of natural melody. Dr. Elvey is a contrapuntist also of no small ; pret6nsions, manachiog his ...


... IlIEP, MA JES7T S TIEI TRE.-TWIE EN- ! . U1Nu s ?? TIC ,94l'SOwY. Celebrated as will be the summuer of 18:11 for the occurrnccc of the greatest industrial and social epochI in our history, it will probably be not less a uecuorable as an era of corresponding activity and sploidour in tile progress of musical and lyric art. Drawing together, as London will shortly (10, all n assemblage,both ...


... . OL Y1MPIC THEA TREE The historical romance of Sextns the Fifth, anno~unced is by Mr. BoUt;RICAULT, but in reality the joint production of that gentleman and Ilr. BIRIDGNIAN', attracted to the Olympic last evening an overflowing audience of the usual first night character. The play was enthsusiastically re- ceived, the continued applause sustaining little aboatemenrt from the somewhat ...


... . The following is a list of the gentlemen engaved i in the revision and annotation of the Illustrated cC Official Catalogue co Professors Lindley, F. Royle, Owen, E. Forbes, ?? Ansted, Bell, Hosking, A. de Morgan; Baron Justus ait Liebeg; P. Pusey, Esq., M .P.; W. Tite, Esq., J. se Glaisher, Esq., Captain J. L. Boscawen Ibbetson, a, Rev. J. Barlow, II. T. Hope, Esq., M.P.; Robert ro Hunt, Esq ...


... . A considerable number of members of both i Houses of Parliament yesterday availed theinselve.1 n rutiy CommttC6 to of the invitation of the Executive Conmittce to l inspect the building of the Exhibition. Am*tg b other visitors was his Grace tile Duke of Welling-, t ton, who was loudly cheered by the cro-wds out- a side the building, both upon his arrival and de- v parture. a The value of ...


... So far as the actual structure of the bailding for the Exhibition is concerned, comparatively little now remains to be done. The whole of the glazing required for the building was brought to a conclu- siou o11 Saturday. The flooring upon the ground floor on the south side is completed, as well as nearly the whole of that of the galleries. It is not intendedI at present to complete the flooring ...