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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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... FAHiiU2sb 'r un riMlIuavII. S1 (rFeorn Lt F6lcI.) Y. Aniong the mnany pretty toilettes that have appcalred i Iy*(Ilirin-i this weck at the fashionable sobraecs, our attention p1 h as been particularly attracted by a coiffiue equally novel tc IS and dtiojnqee. It was composed of three brow - velvet ai of bands crossing over the head. These were sprinkled with Iv T- small diamond stars, and ...


... - E-VIE . R E'IEVS. . . r .7 1s - * Th~e P,'Oiical S't'es of the S'sosof 18-50. By to ii E. IV. Cox and W. PatersOon, Esqr3. London: pi John Crockford, Loar Tb.'os-offiec- he. A work which mulst be highly prized by the list, professional. -was ,'Meh'c Eaqgehis sri By E. Hughes, hfead was 1 MVister Of the Rtoyal Naval oe N chool, tI Greenwvich Hospital. spe( Oile of the best ?? extant for the ...


... AN ORPHAN'S PRAYBR. w.wnI AN ORHAN Dr List, ohl, li4t ! to My humble prayer! 'Tis pity alone I crave Oh ' sever the bonds of a sinful suare, And a helpless orphan save. No father or mother, alas h Iave I No earthly friends I own; In a prison's ?? Cell I lie, And all illy ?? are flown. LiIt, oh, list ! to a penitent, Who fainl wvould honest be To earn hiq living he'd be content, If ?? fromu ...


... REEVIEWS. T¾; L ?? ftl F'e'iral'y. fi A plcasing~ 1101r11,l l~d l6[crary icl!n . ys zr ...


... Tie Peop)le's ainl Houitt's ,Jou'nwal, for February. r Always pleasing and instructive, a welcome guest i to thc family circle. Tie .oobtaty Diqes!, 1I50, by E. B. Lowell, Esq. t London Wildy and Sous. Liverpool: WV. Aitken. We have here a work invaluable to all legal a gentlemen. It contains a condensed report of I every question litigated, and of every case de- s cided in every court in this ...


... BY J. jE. cARPENTER. I will love thee in the spring timne, For 'twas spring when arst we met, All on earth se itd bright arounl us, And that ?? lngers yet It is true that we were youlfgsr, But so jovous ws the scene, We have scaroely felt that Winter Vith his chilly breath has been. O'er our dnipS of spring-tide weather Joy's sllsi, has scarecly set, Then I'll love thee in the spring time, For ...


... EDUCATION, TEE FERTILIZER OF REASON. . - . - tI il iUt- 0 tU;, alL , nasolll t C A POEML In Spring the farmer Htirg the soil, a And feeds it with nmanure; He gundges not his daily toil, h Tho' painful to endure; yr lie ?? qails'atlilabor's ct'rse, L olope onward bids hilm hie lie trusts that (iO'l wvill rceibturse Hlis patienit inldstry ti At fir-t the tendler blawl aplpear-, t in N atur:'q ...


... TIHEATRICALS AND MIUSIC. Madanic rirki has hben suddenly scizcd with ilhltes, ithj and is utnablc to fulfil any prowfesioinal ?? ents. She de was announced to appealr ycsterdaIV, at Dubslin. On the 1st of Marsh a public fimier is to be given to on Mr. Macreldy, at the Londmi T'lvern, otl his riticlinent atid from the English stage. Sir E. ?? LAyttoni ill pre- 0f 8ide, and Charles Dickens, Esq. ...


... The first dreary month of thle year is gone by, And the socond near half way o'er; But Old Winter, as yet, bles been mournfully wet, whato'er be remaining in store. A nid may we not hear thoe Sweet birds in the groves Begin, in a (lay or two more, To chirp to ?? other their innocent loves, In ornitllolOgiClI loro? Oh, yes ! and 'tis time thlat OlN i1tecr Ias come- If he's cominig at all for ...


... | .1- -..tAA 1-- A I* .b - Al- Yesterday was at busy day at the Crystal-palace. The Executive Committee received, in the course of the fore_ noon, no less than four bushels of letters. For some 0time past their correspondence has been accumulating With tearful rapidity, hut the Post-office delivery of yes- ,r. terday is the largest they havte yet had. It was caused d b intending exhiibitors ...


... REVIEW S. ?? fi, , 7i) ~;r 7>nr),; Am7171le, 1/:clilen dad, an Epic Poem, /ouaet on lile Eceols connected 1'th M/t vi'cce.eeive Invasioncs of iec(f p (Ireece (, 1 fl'ee ' eosn. lart First. T/e ?? of ?? Iy George M'Ienry. London : Siminpkin, Marshall, and Co. Liver- pool: D. -Marples. The author of this poen possesses poetic powers of no ordinary stanmp; h ut it is to be regretted that he has ...


... .. I - . . . We have ?? had pleasure in recording the e entertainments which have from time to time taken place at Haydoek Lodge, an establishment very favourably known throughout the country as a retreat for lunatics. ! On the first Monday of the year, we had another oppor- trinity of deriving gratification by a visit we were able to pay to the same institution, and by attending a concert and ...