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... THE EXHIBITIOk OF 1851. THE ADrissiON OF VISITORPS.-Her Majesty's Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851 have had under their consideration the regulations respecting the admission of visitors which it appears to them necessarv to adopt for the effectual accom- plishment of the purposes of the Exhibition. Their attention has been principally directed to the follow- ing points:- 1. The ...


... . (RO31 THE HOLLY WiAWTH.) Look round ! look round ! W'ithlin the precincts of thy native land See, theie are many drooping ones who stand Ix need of a kind word-a helping hand. Look round! look round! Look back! look back! Fear surely it is wise for us to cast At tiujes, a thoughtful glance upon the past- Each bygone action has a moral vast: Look back ! look back! Luok in! look in ! The ...


... (From Hughe' Select English Poetry.) Asca. in proportion to their moral advancement, learn to ,lac the circle of their regards, an exclusive affection for osr relatives, our class, or 0' co~nhtr, is a sure mark of all oem1 roved mind, so is that narrow and unchristian feeling to bc conldeiiid, which regards with jealousy the progress of forcieal natlinS, and cares for no portion of the ...


... (From the 'Tisae.) Her Majesty and his Royal Highness Prince Albert, accom- panied by the Prince of Wales and several other members of the Royal Family, paid an early visit to the Exhibition on Tuesday morning. They inspected the different parts of the building. and watched with interest the process of examinina the different packages by the Custom House officers. Her Majesty has probably ...


... Youn. Cupid vent storming to v tcan one lay' And besought him tw look at his arrow: 'Tis uqeless, he cried; you must mend it, I say; 'Tis nut fit to let fly at a sparrow. There's something that's wrong in the shaft or the dart, For it flutters quite false to my aim; 'Tis an ace since it fairly went home to the heart, Auid the world really jests at my name. I've straightened, I'vh bent, ...


... The rosy cheek' durehin that swings on the gate Is a right merry monarch in all but estate; But treasure brirgs trouble. What title is free? Thus better without one, thus happy is he, bot the ring of his laugh is a mirth moving strain, Which a'choir of young creatures respond to again. The birds are all siding, each heart is elate, With the rosy cheek d urchin that swings on the gate. The rosy ...

The Building for the Great Exhibition of 1851

... BUILDING IN HYDE PAR- K;FOR c X OIS :. - - VTIEW oF THE INTERIOR OF THE BULING I HYDE P.ARK FOR THE GREAT -EXHIBITION OF 1:8M. The Building for the Great Exhibitioni of 181. I As a fitting sequel to the view of the exterior of this extraordinary building, given in our Journals Qf the 19th and 26th of October last, we now present to our readers a large and elaborate Engraving of the interior; ...