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Freeman's Journal




Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... A NDREW JACKSON, 49), Sout tK~-street, A aclnowledges to have received the sum pF Pounds,' ]lestitution Mouney, from Rev. Mr. - ?? CJlergyrnan.-Sd February, 1851. DUBLIN MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, LOWER ABBEY-STREET. A T an adjourned General Meeting of the mem* hbers of this Institute, held in the ]Lecture Hall, on Monday Evening, the 3d February, to receive- the Report of the Scrutineers, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R OUT'S RIDING TROUSERS. 2 6 REGISTERED December 19, 1849. 6 and 7 Vic., cap. 65. The novelty of the design consists in cutting or shaping the material of which they are composed in such a manner tbat the seems pass down the back of the legs, instead of the inmide, as heretofore, thereby enabling the cutter to add as much cloth as he desires at the junction of the scams, and preventing them ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B OARD OF IRISH MANUtACTURE, | I) MASON'S ROOMS, ESSEX-BRIIDGE. The Members of this Society are requested to assemble THIS (TUESDAY EVENING), February 4th. Tbe Annual Subscription is 10s., to be paid quarterly, or otherwj s. A The Central Industrial School is open at 61, and 62, GREAT STRAND-STREEAI,# ?? Where recommended Females receive Instru tjw6 V he higher branches of Needlework, free of ...


... N. ITALIAN OPERAS. This Evening (Friday) there will be no performance. FourthAppearance of MR. and MRS. SIMS REEVES. On THIS EVENING (Saturday), Feb. 22, will be per- formed Bellini's Grand Opera of I PURITANI. Lord Arthur Talbot, Ir. Simis Reeves; Elvira, 'Mrs. SiBs JReeves Sir George Walton, Big. Paltoni; Sit Ricd Forth, Herr Venghis. Tivkets and places to be had of Mr. Barry, at offlce, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TROUSERS. 'hrre is no portion of the attire of Gentlemen so necessary, at the same time both for personal appearance and comfort, as a WELL-MADE AND ELEGANT TROUSERS. R~tOWNE & PAYNE, of 72, DAME STREET, Bbeg to inform Nobltmen and Gentlemen that they have a new system of cutting Ili's Gae'ment. The improvemint effected is, preventing them moving from the Boot whtn anounted or in a sitting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _iA TR E RYAL, DUBLIN. fr ITALIAN OPERAS. 1 Evening (Wednesday) there will be no performance. hirjd ppgearance Of MIR. and MRS. SIMS REEVES. '.l1o j~OW (Thursday), Feb. 20, will be performed ir5 coarlpljnce with repeated applications), Donizetti's Grs1 (pa LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR, ldordo Mr. Sims Reeves; Lucia, Mrs. Sims Rev PIAehtsn, Herr Meoghis; Rairnoneo, Sig Pal C and places to be had of Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 07iIEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ITALIAN OPERAS. Fifth Appearance of MR. and MRS. SIMS REEVES. On THIS EVENING (Monday), Feb. 24, will be per- formed Verdi's Grand Tragic Opera of ERNANI. EFrani, Mr. Sims Reeves; Elvira, Mrs. Sims eeves Don Carlos, Herr Mengis; Don Buy Goinez, Sig. ni. Tickets and places to be had of Mr. Barry, Ae Box- office, from Eleven to Four o'Clock. The Doors will open at a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN, Mr. Calcraft again regreta to lie under the necessity of etating that another comlmunication has been received to he effect that MRS. SIMS REEVES will not be sufficijutly recovered to leave Harrogate until this day (Faiday)-J The Operaof LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR, announced for To-morrow (Saturday) is therefore unavoid- ably pusiponed until MONDAY NEXT, the 17th inst. QUEEN'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RICHARD ALLEN INTIMATES that the Extensive Additions, com- I. prising a MAGNIFICENT HALL and GALLERIES, Whicb have attractn'; bo ?? public attention at his SACKVILLE-STREET ?? Establishment jJ/ Contains an extensive assortment of Firit.9Ises f/ DRESS, FROCK, and OVER CO A' / 'Got up in the richest and best styl / The vast variety of useful Coats (Inside and Outside), of Ught and hieavy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMAN USHER'S OFFICE, Dublin Castle, February 6, 1851. IS Excellency the Lord Lieutenant will hold a LEVEE, at Dublin Castle, on WEDNESDAY, the 26th day of February, 1851, at Une o'Clock. It is requested that each Gentleman attending the Levee will bring Two Cards, with his Namne and Place of Resi- dence legibhll written or printed thereon, one to be delivered to the Person appointed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 18 Postage Stamps. f b ' f 18 HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS BY WIICICH TRZY ArAY BE OBTAINED, a Medical Work on the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPRING FASHIONS. MY BLACK CLOTH WALKING COATSin . every shape, Paletots, &c., at 30s., Will bear a favourable comparison with anything I have yet seen in the Trade. Of course 1 'have Goods at a much lower figure; but I am asking the attention of my Patrons to articles that can be safely recommep(led as possessing all the requisites for which long prices were formerly paid. The Levee Court ...