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Advertisements & Notices

... Just Pablished, Third Edition, Illustrated with Col Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases Price Is., 'or in a sealed Envelope, free by Post, for 13 Postage Stamps. ' H EALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS 13BY 1 WITjCH THEY MAY BUP OBTAINED, a Medical WOnhO0 the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Disease of t1e Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rjIUATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Last Appearance but One of Mrs. MOWATT. Last Appearance but One of Mr. G. V. BROOKE. On THIS EVENING (Friday), February 7th, 1851, t performances will commence with the Tragedy of KING RICHARD IIH. Xing Richard, Mr. Brooke; The Queen, Mrs, Mowatt; Lady Anne, Mrs. lhortinner.I Aftr wjhicb(fourth time) a New Comic Drama called th i ePOST OF HONOUR. CobOs Yerks, Mr. HI. J. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON SALE, Prime West Coast Scotch HERRINGS: Seed BEANS, IHuligoland, and1 Common; 2 Seed PEASE, Grey, and Partridge; Seed RYE; Seed WHEAT, White, and Red; _ OATIMEAL, and MEAL SEEDS; BRAN, Irish, and Scdtch; APPLY TO SAMUEL QUIGLEY, 18, Cromac-street. Belfast, 28th February, 1851. 458 TI-E SUBSCRIBER OFFERSFOR -1. ~SALE:_ 400 Tons Prime Odessa WHEAT, exc storf; - WITIS American, Irish, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAST DAY BUT TWO OF THE GREAT SALE OF MR. PETER'S SPL1iNDID STOCK. THE STOCK OF MR PETER., OF GRAFTON-STREET, IS NOW SELLING OFF, by Messrs. WATER. HOUSE and COMPANY, at a Reduction of 50 per Cent., AND COPRIStS .- 4 Silver Breakfast Services, at 6s., 7s., 8s. and 9s. per Oz. A number of large and small Presentation Cups and Sal- vera, from 6s. per Oz. 6 Dozen of Double Threaded Silver Table ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | TENERIFFE k8LLA. 1 t n TONS TENERIFFE A L A, of | 50 | l f superior quality, daily&x d P~ r Dove, and will be sold on roasonable Its fromt theShip's side, by 402 GEORGE ASH, 40, Waring-Street. TALLOW, First Sort P. Y. C. and Australian; WHEAT, IIonopoli and Odlessa, etip FLOUR, French, of good qualityy I INDIAN CORN, in store and to aIr OLIVE OIL; ON SALE, AT MARKET It /I WYM. M'CL RE & SON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | -I e.A [R E R O YAL, VDU BL IN.. Last' Appearance of Mr. G. V. BROOKE. I gRS MOWATT begs to announce that her BENEFIT a Last Appearance Will most positively take place on snd TIHIS EVENING (Saturday), Feb. 8, on O hich occasion the Entertainment will commence with The Play of ARMAND; / On T11F rEER AND TIHE PEASANT. Araland, Mr. G. V. Brooke, Blanche, Mrs. Movv To conclude with FkINT HEART ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Third Edition, Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, on Nervous Debility and Generative Diseases Price Is., or in a sealed Envelope, free by P~ost, for 18 Postage Stamps. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, THE MEANS BY H WHICH THEY MAY BE OBTAINEtD, a Medical Workon the Infirmities of Youth, and Maturity, and Diseases of the Generative System, with observations on the treatment of Nervous. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PEjTR E R O YAL, D U B L IN. l M~~MR. CALCEAFT grespetfely to announce that hsis BENEFIT will take Beras ~~~place on THIS EVENING, February 25th, 1851, The perforannces vwill commence with the Operatic Play of ROB ROY M'GREGOR. Francis OsbaldistOn, Mr. Sims Reeves (in which he will intudace several new and popular Ballads); Rob ly g.Gregor, M3r. Cal(raf. After Wlichl a Duet by Herr Mrenghis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A NDREW JACKSON, 49), Sout tK~-street, A aclnowledges to have received the sum pF Pounds,' ]lestitution Mouney, from Rev. Mr. - ?? CJlergyrnan.-Sd February, 1851. DUBLIN MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, LOWER ABBEY-STREET. A T an adjourned General Meeting of the mem* hbers of this Institute, held in the ]Lecture Hall, on Monday Evening, the 3d February, to receive- the Report of the Scrutineers, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R OUT'S RIDING TROUSERS. 2 6 REGISTERED December 19, 1849. 6 and 7 Vic., cap. 65. The novelty of the design consists in cutting or shaping the material of which they are composed in such a manner tbat the seems pass down the back of the legs, instead of the inmide, as heretofore, thereby enabling the cutter to add as much cloth as he desires at the junction of the scams, and preventing them ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I E LE CT RO-PLATE. I .uEIHAVE JUST RECEIVE]) T H R Pi Pi .CA SENS of ELECTIRO-PLATE GOODS, TEA AND Motr BE auviOS, SILVERS, BASKETS, I$-CttET FRAMINES, Spoons, Forks, aid Dessert Knives conl Forks, inl sets, all Of the ne0west p~atterns. Quaarrr and Paniws such ats to insure satisfaction. NEILL, BROTHERS, 23, Hligh-street, Belflist. _70- An Apprentice Wlanted. 321 SECOND-HAND STERLING SILVER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B OARD OF IRISH MANUtACTURE, | I) MASON'S ROOMS, ESSEX-BRIIDGE. The Members of this Society are requested to assemble THIS (TUESDAY EVENING), February 4th. Tbe Annual Subscription is 10s., to be paid quarterly, or otherwj s. A The Central Industrial School is open at 61, and 62, GREAT STRAND-STREEAI,# ?? Where recommended Females receive Instru tjw6 V he higher branches of Needlework, free of ...