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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO TAILORS AND OTHERS. ER EXHIIBIT1ON, 1851. By Approbationu ojf Iel Mlajesty Queen Victoria, and H.R II. prin ic Alberf. THE LONDON and PARIS SPRING 1 aid SUMhMER FASIIONS for 1851, by Messrs. BENJAMIN READ & CO., 12, 1lart-street. Blosmebury square, Lonoon n nd by GEORGE BERGER, Holywell. street. strand , will be ready early in March. The V View of the Grand Building in Hyde-park for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENLARGEMENT OF THE NATIONAL INSTRUCTOR. No. Vill. of the New seriesq OF THE NATIONAL 1NSTRUCTO01 Is now ready. 0 sixTEEN LARGE ROYA1J OCTAVO PAGES, C Price One Penny. I *IT t5 THlE ADVYOCATE OF POLITICAL, SOCIAL. AND INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS IT CONTAINS A WVEIVULY LAIMMAUI EIEC0COII. s The Autobiography of Feeargus 0O'Connor, Esq., T&P. Original Articles on Social and Political Questions. io ti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r: XHIIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUES. r - Al)VERTISEME1NTS are now being received for the B- First Edition of a Quarter of a Million of the Smnall Catalogue, . also for the Illustrated, and German, and French Catalogues. S'lICEltl BROTHERItS, Wholesale Stationers. le CLOWES and SONS, Printers. le OFZrICE, dii, Ntw BillDoll-STRlF.T, BL.AKiItARO. H THE TEA ESTABLISMMENT, 167, Bnia- T GATE, LeeYs- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D13 lAiRY'S HEALTH RESTORING FOOD TOP, REVALENTA ARAIIICA. CNUTION.-The most disgusting and in- juroa compounds being sold by unscrupulstts SPOCU. lat,trs upona the credulity of the Public, under close imita- tist-i of the name of DU BARltlY'S ItBYALENTA ARA- mD BIl'A FOOD, or wtih a pretence of being Similar to theltdc- C, lietoua anal invaluable remedy for indligstion, Constips- qt tiot, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEUTIFUL HidEAl, -WHISKERS, frt V z L 1 BRQWj, &c., nuaybe, with certainty ,obtained U et ~ ~ tO fRSLIE ¶JUPELLE'S P~j- P)MA02. every morning, instead of any oil or or~otber.preparation. Afortniglst'sU0e wilimot St staces ^haow il5 surprising properties in producing and Lot curling'Whiskers, Hair, &c., at any age, from whatever tati causedeficientt, as also checking greyness, &c. ly~ Sent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L.ADVERTISEENTS.] I AYOirllJER IIIACULOUS CURE OP A ]LIVER, AND STOMtC1 COPrLAINT O L ILo.otV.t''5 PiLLs.-Extract of a letter from ir. L lilrvey of t hapel-lilIl, Airdrie, dated Jan. 15, 1851.- To Pro- .d fessor HolloNway-Sir, your valuable pills have beet the messs, j with God's blessinig, of restoring me to perfect health. 1 had sulfered fol two years with it liver antid Stofiach complaint, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .-NLAkE[A.MfT OF THE NATIONAL INSTIWOTOR. ' No. VII of the New Serieso OF THE NATIONAL INSTRUCTOR, is now ready. T SIXTEEN LARGE ROYAL OCTAV'O -PAGES, ?? WIli Price One Fenny. ts IT 13 THE~ ADVOCATE 0OF B whi POLITICAl, SOCIAL, AND. INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS ' IT CONTAIN'$ quo WE1 EK~ILY LAII01LII 19VC011D. T led1 The Autobiography of Feargus O'Connor, Esil., M.P;, the. Wit Original Articles on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BE AUTIFUIL HAIR, WHISKERS, Ist EYEBROWS1 &a., maly be, with certainty, obialnedi r by using a very small portions of ROSALIE COJIELLE'S . PARISIAN POMADE. every morning, instead of any oil or other preparation. A fortnight's use will, in most in. d stonces, show ?? surprising properties in producing and cailing Witiskers, 1eir, &c., ait any age, fros whatever cause deficient as also ebcolking ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENLARGEMENT Of THE NATIONAL INSTRUCTOR. No. ViI. of the New Series OF THE NATIONAL INSTRUCTOR I Is now ready. SIXTEEN LARGE ROYAL OCTAVO PAGES, Price One Penny. IT 1S TIHE ADVOCATE OF POLITICAL, SOCIAL, AND INDUST RIAL PROGRESS IT COSTAINS V A WEEKILY LAit0ER CiILEV D. q The Autobiography of Feargus O'Connor, Esq., SIp., e Original Articles on Social antd political Questions. Tales: Reviews: ...

By Mr. JOHN I13I;EI'

... 'E at t1le hoe. of Mr. Thomas Corgill the eu-nl of the I o~ndont Tihvtryl (teorgeos.Streot. LXOedS. on s W1'csinf 5d.5 flic ?? csvst ?? ?? 1scivow at. ttsilt o'clock in tm eenig ?? ieraviosly disposed of by private cointraict, of whiich duo notice Wil egvn A TA, those TWO AIESSUAG LS or D~welling- ~ louess on thenerthtside of andf frniginoG gs- street ?? rcs Thonmas stid ftlolnhltSSlILW. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEEDS & THIRSK RAILWAY COMTPANY. L HALF-YEARLY ORDINARY GENERAL 3MEETING C AND SPECIAL GENERAL AIEETING. NOTICH is hereby given, that the ordinarg IRAt~.YEARLY GENERAL AlEETfNG of the 511 AREIIOLI ERS nit this Corn- Pany will be held at the Court-house. Leeds, en Thrhtsday.C, the I'wenty-acvenlti day q/fFebrualry, 1851, at twelvvO o'clock at noon, for the transaction of the ordinarylhalf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CELESTIAL SCIENCE OF T1IE STARS. felt M .L. F. MOORE having, after yars of set IL sedulious devotiont to the study of lthis sublime Iscience, mode himlself'perfectimaster of it in all its bran dies, respectfully offers his services to a discriminatiig, ho cod cobobhtened public, trusting that by personal dession- WIl stratiotn aurnt may be ?? of its truth end import- s In I1Toacy Astrology ...